Rabu, 30 November 2022

On Being A Cripple By Nancy Mairs

On Being A Cripple By Nancy Mairs

what do nancy and her teacher think of being a homemaker ?​

Daftar Isi

1. what do nancy and her teacher think of being a homemaker ?​


thinking about what kind of stuff should they make or sale

maaf kalau salah ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

2. Nancy : Where is your car ? Rita    : It is broken, it ... repaired by mechanic now.  a was  b is  c has been  d is being ​


a. was.


arti dari soal tersebut :

Nancy: Di mana mobilmu?

Rita    : Itu rusak, itu ... diperbaiki oleh montir sekarang.

a. was

b. adalah

c. telah

d. sedang

saat dilihat spt ini, jawabannya mungkin adalah d. tapi kalo dilihat dari kalimatnya, lebih benar ke jawaban a. was. dgn ( it is broken, it was repaired by mechanic now. )

semoga bermanfaat

mohon terima kasih nya

3. nancy hasn't begun working on her Ph.D.....working on her master​


Nancy hasn't begun working on her Ph. D

Sheis working on her master degree.

Penjelasannya :

Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tsb adalah she.

But she working on her master

4. Apa Artinya congratulations on being the finallist of a song festival


selamat karna telah menjadi finalist dalam festival menyanyi


Selamat telah memenangkan final dari lomba menyanyi


kalo gak salah artinya seperti itu, klo salah bisa di translate di google

5. apa arti On Being dlm bhs indonesia

untuk menjadi~
itu arti dari 'on being' menurut saya
ya sama, sama yang diatas on being itu untuk menjadi

6. some people prefer being on top, others prefer being on the bottom, and it always involves a bedjawab ya tolong​


beberapa orang lebih suka berada di atas, yang lain lebih suka berada di bagian bawah, dan selalu melibatkan tempat tidur


Itu?yg aku mah di terjemah kan

7. 1. I am hearing your voice now.a. Your voice has been heard by me nowb. Your voice was being heard by me nowc. Your voice is being heard by me nowd. Your voice are being heard by me now2. He is taking this umbrellaa. This umbrella was being taken by himb. This umbrella has being taken by himc. This umbrella had being taken by himd. This umbrella is being taken by him3. She is wearing jacket a. Jacket was being worn by her b. Jacket is being worn by her c. Jacket have been worn by her d. Jacket had been worn by her4. They are using smartphonea. Smartphone was being used by themb. Smartphone have been used by themc. Smartphone is being used by themd. Smartphone had been used by them5. I am reading a newspapera. A newspaper was being read by meb. A newspaper is being read by mec. A newspaper are being read by med. A newspaper had been read by me6. You are visiting my house todaya. My house has been visited by you todayb. My house is being visited by you todayc. My house was being visited by you todayd. My house are being visited by you usually7. Fadan is typing a lettera. A letter has been typed by Fadan b. A letter was being typed by Fadan c. A letter is being typed by Fadan d. A letter are being typed by Fadan 8. Salisa is ironing these clothesa. These clothes have been ironed by Salisa b. These clothes were being ironed by Salisa c. These clothes is being ironed by Salisa d. These clothes are being ironed by Salisa9. My teacher is saying a truea. A true have been said by My Teacherb. A true was being said by My teacherc. A true are being said by My teacherd. A true is being said by My teacher10. He is cancelling a meetinga. A meeting are not being cancelled by himb. A meeting is not being cancelled by himc. A meeting have not been cancelled by himd. A meeting was not being cancelled by him​


1. c. Your voice is being heard by me now

2. d. This umbrella is being taken by him

3. b. Jacket is being worn by her

4. c. Smartphone is being used by them

5. b. A newspaper is being read by me

6. b. My house is being visited by you today

7. c. A letter is being typed by Fadan

8. d. These clothes are being ironed by Salisa

9. d. A true is being said by My teacher

10. b. A meeting is not being cancelled by him


Materi Present Continuous Tense, passive voice.

Dalam membuat kalimat passive, pertama-tama harus diingat bahwa tense kalimat harus tetap/tidak berubah antara kalimat aktif dengan passive.

Dalam hal ini, dalam kalimat dengan tense Present Continuous, kalimat passive nya juga harus dalam Present Continuous.


subjek kalimat + to be (is/am/are) + being + verb 3 + by +objek pelaku

Jadi penambahan being menandakan kalimat itu present continuous tense.

subjek kalimat passive adalah yang tadinya objek kalimat aktif.

subjek kalimat aktif, dalam kalimat passive berubah posisi menjadi objek pelaku.

verb dalam kalimat aktif berubah menjadi verb 3 di kalimat pasif.

Contoh Breakdown soal:

Soal 1: I am hearing your voice now.

subjek: I

verb: hear (karena present continuous jadi to be + verb-ing => "am hearing")

objek: your voice

Dirubah ke kalimat pasif:

objek kalimat aktif (your voice) menjadi subjek kalimat pasif:

Jadi kalimat pasif diawali dengan : "Your voice......."

Selanjutnya tambahkan to be + being + verb 3.

Di sini karena subjeknya "Your voice" adalah singular noun (bisa digantikan dengan pronoun it ), maka to be nya adalah is

verbnya, hear, dirubah ke verb 3: heard

Jadi kalimatnya: "Your voice is  being heard

Baru kita tambahkan objek pelaku (yg tadinya subjek kalimat aktif): I. Karena dia berfungsi sebagai objek, maka kita rubah menjadi me.

Semoga bermanfaat.

8. Nancy is such a short-... girl. She can’t event read what’s on the whiteboard​


if you can dream it you can do it

smngat ngerjain tugasnya kak


Nancy is such a shortest girl. She can’t event read what’s on the whiteboard​.


Kita gunakan Superlative, krn tidak ada perbandingan disana. Kalo ada perbandingan baru kita gunakan Comparative.


9. 1.where does the conversation between nancy and her teacher most likely take place?2.where was nancy born?3.what does nancy's father do for a living4.how about her mother? what does she do?5.What do nancy and her teacher think of being a homemaker?​


1. at school

2. England

3. He is a College professor. He teaches chemistry.

4. She is a housewife

5. ini dialognya gak lengkap kayaknya yg di foto

1.of school


3.a word travel

4.she is a homemake

5.work full time at home

10. Mark : Hi, Nancy. What are you doing?Nancy : I am preparing my bicycleMark : Where are you going?Nancy : I am going to school.Mark : What? You are going to school on weekend?Nancy : No, I’m not going to school on weekend.Mark : So, why are you going to the school on Sunday?Nancy : What? Sunday?Mark : Yeah.Nancy : What day is today? Sunday?Mark : Yes, today is Sunday.Nancy : Oh, no. I woke up very late this morning. I think I’ve lost my mind.Mark : It’s okay. Most people have ever experienced it.4. What is Nancy doing?​

preparing her bycycle

11. Change the sentence into passive. Spongebob was buying a krabby patty. a. A krabby patty were being bought by him. b. A krabby patty was being bought by him. c. A krabby patty is being buying by him. d. A krabby patty are being bought by him.

b.a krabby patty was being bought by him


penggunaan *was* untuk subjek tunggal

12. Soal: He is not writing a letter The passive form is ...Harus dijawab. Pilihan tunggal. (10 Poin) A letter is not being write by he A letter is not being write by him A letter is not being written by he A letter is not being written by him ini apa ?

A letter is not being written by him

13. Little...little, the truth is being revealed A. On B. To C. By D. For

c.by.................Little by little

So, the answer is C.

14. A basket of rambutans .... by them a. Wasn't being bought b. Was being bought c. Weren't being bought d. Were being bought

were being bought (d)

15. 1. paula and raul bought a special gift for me a. a special gift is bought by Paula and Raul for me b. a special gift are bought by Paula and Raul for mec. a special gift was bought by Paula and Raul for mee. a special gift had bought by Paula and Raul for me2. James was repairing my laptopa. my laptop is being repaired by jamesb. my laptop are being repaired by jamesc. my laptop were being repaired by jamesd. my laptop was being repaired by jamese. my laptop had being repaired by james3. the students have submitted the math assignment on my deska. the math test has being submitted by students on my deskb. the math test has been submitted by the students on my deskc. the math test have being submitted by the students on my deskd. the math test have been submitted by the students on my deske. the math test has been submitted by the students on my desk4. the students had been speaking Englisha. English had been being spoken by the studentsb. English had been spoken by the students c. English has been being spoken by the students d. English have been being spoken by the studentse. English had being spoken by the students​

The question is out of context, so i can't answer it for you.

Anyway thanks for the points

16. tolong dong bantu cepet soalnya tugas online harus sekarang ( tugas potitive voice ) 1. My sister is drinking milk ?a. Milk were being drunk by my sisterb. Milk are being drunk by my sisterc. Milk was being drunk by my sisterd. Milk is being drunk by my sister2. Donny and I are watching TV ?a. TV are being watched by usb.TV is being watched by usc.TV was being watched by usd. TV were being watched by us3. Mother bakes a cake ?a. A cake were baked by motherb. A cake was baked by motherc. A cake is baked by motherA cake are baked by mother4. I made a handicraft ?a. A handicraft are made by meb. A handicraft were made by mec. A handicraft was made by med. A handicraft is made by me5. Daffa was listening pop music ?a. Pop music was being listened by Daffab. Pop music were being listened by Daffac. Pop music are being listened by Daffad. Pop music is being listened by Daffa​


1. c

2. d

3. b

4. c

5. a

semoga membantu ^-^

17. on tuesday, nancy ... at twenty past hours a.wake upb.wakes up​


A. wake up

maaf klo salah


On Tuesday ,nancy wake up at twenty past hours

a jawabannya a

18. Nancy : Ouch!Maman : What happened?Nancy : You stepped on my foot.Maman : . .., I didn’t mean it.a. Forgive meb. Thank youc. It’s greatd. Don’t mention it​


A. Forgive me

Maaf kalau salah

19. Who are the parents of Abraham Lincoln A Thomas b nancy c nancy and Lincoln D Thomas and Nancy Lincoln​


D. Thomas and Nancy Lincholn



Who are the parents of Abraham Lincoln?

D. Thomas and Nancy Lincoln​


Lincoln adalah nama keluarga dari Abraham.

Jadi, Thomas adalah ayahnya. Nancy adalah ibunya.

Parents berarti orang tua. Berarti yang disebutkan adalah ayah dan ibunya.

20. academic ... depends on being a responsible student​

Responsible students take ownership of their actions by exhibiting the following behaviors. They:

demonstrate academic integrity and honesty.

attend and participate in classes, labs, and seminars, prepared and on time.

complete the assigned work in a timely manner with attention to quality of work.

avoid making excuses for their behavior.

communicate in a careful and respectful manner with professors, peers, and other members of the college community.

are engaged learners who dedicate sufficient time outside of class to college work.

act in a civil manner that respects the college learning/social environment and complies with college policies outlined in the student constitution and college catalog.

utilize college resources and seek help when needed.

respect diverse ideas and opinions.

identify, develop, and implement a plan to achieve their educational goals.

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