Jumat, 02 Desember 2022

What Can Help Diane Improve Her Presentation Skills

What Can Help Diane Improve Her Presentation Skills

How can I improve my art skills? Any tips?

Daftar Isi

1. How can I improve my art skills? Any tips?


Just practice


I think you should practice your art skills every day because art skills can improve when you often practice it.

2. what area of your skills do you want to improve?

Artinya : Bidang keahlian apa yg ingin ditingkatkan?

Kalau saya sendiri, saya akan mengasah bakat dan kemampuan saya di bidang yang saya senangi. Contohnya musik

3. How can salespeople improve their selling, negotiating, and relationship marketing skills ?


1. Managing personal communications principles of selling.

2. Changed from being passive order takers to active order getters what is personal selling.  

3. Steps in effective selling prospecting and qualifying preapproach presentation and demonstration overcoming objections closing fllow-up and maintenance.

4. Learn as much as possible about the prospective customer preapproach.

5. Tell the product “story “ to customer presentation and demonstration.

6. Overcome the psychological and logical resistances of the customers overcoming objections.

7. Closing signs from the buyer include physical actions, statements, and questions closing.

8. Necessary to ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business follow-up and maintenance.

4. What can we say when we want to summarize our presentation?*


adi adun bahdun adu A A b b c c d d

5. Nanda ... take an english course to improve her Skillsa. Isb. doc. Shouldd. havee. are​


C. Should


~~semoga bermanfaat


c. should


semoga membantu

6. what can we do to improve our employees skill?

Teach a little and give a reprimand if he is wrong

7. 1.how was Rika at the beginning of her presentation?2.what did the audiences do to appreciate her presentation?jawab yatolong artikan​

1. bagaimana Rika pada saat pembukaan presentasi?

2. apa yang dilakukan penonton untuk menghargai/mengapresiasi presentasi nya?


1. Bagaimana Rika di awal presentasinya?

2. Apa yang penonton lakukan untuk menghargai presentasinya?


maaf kalau salah

8. When-that-help-she-thinks-problem-he-diane-has-a-can-him

When she thinks that he has a problem, Diane can help him

Don't forget the best answer ;)The Answer :

When She Thinks that He has a problem , Diane can help Him 
( Ketika dia berfikir bahwa Dia (Lk) memiliki Masalah , Diane dapat membantu nya )

9. Based on the dialog above, what subject willAnswer:...What should Yudha do in order to develop and improve his computer's skills?Answer:​




maaf kalo salah

semoga bermanfaatjadikan yang terbaik ya

10. tolong di jawab ya that drugs can help improve stamina,confidence,and creativity

obat itu dapat membantu meningkatkan stamina, percaya diri dan kreativitasobat itu bisa membantu memulihkan stamina ,percaya diri dan kreativitas

11. What is the writer going to do to improve her talents


arti=Apa yang akan penulis lakukan untuk meningkatkan bakatnya?


jawaban: melukis dan memperbagus lukisan yang ia buat

maaf kalo salah makasii

12. how to improve english speaking skills for students

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori; giving tips, instruction

Here are some tips
- Always speak English anytime anywhere
- Make sure you have a regular partner who can be good partner before moving to Italy
- Watch TV series that is played regularly to get used to with the accent, expression etc
- Don't forget to always  be confident while speaking. Making mistakes is normal as the non-native speaker
- You should try to make vlog telling the history or going to English club for public, in which you can train and practice your English more often together with others 

13. review buku improve writing skills​


Keterampilan menulis tidak dapat muncul dengan sendirinya, melainkan harus digali. WRITE WELL membantu kita mengembangkan keterampilan tersebut. Kita dilatih untuk dapat mengatasi problem-problem dalam pembuatan kalimat, mengenal macam-macam kalimat, tata bahasa, pilihan kata yang benar, dsb. Latihan-latihan yang disajikan memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk menghasilkan tulisan karya kita sendiri. Dengan cara ini, kita akan menjadi penulis yang baik, bukan hanya pembaca.

14. rifa's competency in speaking english is low. she wants to improve her speaking skills. where should she go

She should go to an English tutoring place. She could also pratice speaking English by herself or with her friends.

15. join an english course -improve english skills

Translate : Gabung ke kursus bahasa Inggris - meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris

maaf kalau salah

16. Nanda ... cake an english course to improve her skillsa. isb. doC. Shouldd. havee. are​




maaf kalau salah

jadikan yang terbaik

semoga membantu

17. 1.join an English course - improve English skills

mengikuti mata pelajaran bahasa inggris - meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris.

1. Bergabunglah dengan kursus bahasa Inggris - tingkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris....

artinya saja ya ???

that's alll is answer.... semoga membantumu....

18. diane (wash) .... Her hair

Diane is washing her hair

19. 3.What dose Rona ask Andika to do A.To help her make a presentation B.To teach her how to operate a computer program C.To help her install a new computer program D.To tell kinar that she needs her assistant Apa jawban yang benar


B.To teach her how to operate a computer program

~ Maaf kalo salah TwT ~

20. 1. What can Zahra do to improve her english?a. How aboutb. How aboutc. How about​


She can speak english with her friends or other people and also watch english progamme (hopefully this help)


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