Rabu, 02 November 2022

Which Model Shows The Correct Factorization Of X2 x 2

Which Model Shows The Correct Factorization Of X2 x 2

which of the following the shows gratitude

1. which of the following the shows gratitude

Yang berikut ini menunjukan rasa terima kasih

#semogamembantu Gratitude adalah ucapan terima kasih.

Thank you
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much
I am grateful for

Nah arti dr prtnyaan d atas adalah "dibawah ini manakah yg menunjukan ungkapan terima kasih". Jika tu soal plihan ganda, mka bsa plih yg da ucpan thanks atau grateful nya.

2. Which sentence shows the description of appearance

where are the sentences?

3. which utterance shows the expression of checking of understanding​


- Do you understand?

- Do you get it?

- Have you understand?

4. Which of the following sentences is correct?


manakah dari kalimat berikut yang benar


semoga membantu beri jawaban terbaik

5. Which of the following is the correct indirect speech of WH question?

There should be a list/options, can you make the question clearer so we can answer it? that'd be helpful thanks :)))

6. which utterance shows the expression of checking four understanding


do you get it?

do you understand?

anything that you still don't know?

have you understand it?

do you still got some problem about this?

semoga membantu !


yes, i understand

ok,thank you


yes ,i see

thank you very much


semoga membantu^_^

7. which arrangement is the correct order of the day?

aturan yg mana yang merupakan hari yang benar?

8. 1. Given that the factorization of 42 875 is 26 x 73, the value ofV21952 is​


Please folowwwwwwwwwww

9. which of the following sentences is correct?​


manakah dari kalimat berikut yang benar?

where is the sentence?


The correct sentence is one of the supposedly given sentence that is correct.


Soalnya "Dari kalimat berikut, mana yang benar?" tapi ga ada kalimatnya.

10. Which expression shows that the family is proud of Arnold? *


Happy Smile or something like that

11. The prime factorization of 72 is ..​

Faktor prima dari 72 = 2 dan 3.

factor tree 72


the prime factorization of 72 is

=2³ × 3²

12. which arrangement is the correct order of the day?

The correct order of the day in a week :

Monday (Senin)Tuesday (Selasa)Wednesday (Rabu)Thursday (Kamis)Friday (Jum'at)Saturday (Sabtu)Sunday (Minggu)


In a week, there are seven days.  Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday.

In a month, there are four weeks.

In a year, there are twelve months. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

What day is today ? (hari apa hari ini?)

Today is Saturday (hari ini adalah hari sabtu)

What day is tomorrow ? (hari apa besok?)

Tomorrow is Sunday (besok adalah hari minggu)

If today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday (jika hari ini selasa, maka besok adalah hari Rabu)

Pelajari lebih lanjutThe days of the week https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3634236What is tomorrow ? https://brainly.co.id/tugas/25538110Second day of the week https://brainly.co.id/tugas/31138767-------------------------------Detil jawaban

Kelas: 6

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Holiday, Days of the week

Kode: 6.5.2


13. terjamahkanlah ke dalam bahasa indonesia : "Which utterence shows the ekspressions of hope


Ucapan manakah yang menunjukkan ekspresi harapan


Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

14. Which one of the correct answer of willingness?​


Manakah dari jawaban yang benar?


semoga bisa membantu

maaf kalo salah

jangan lupa follow aku ya nanti ku follow back!!!


Example of the correct answer off willingness:

- Maybe i want to be a math teacher when i was grow up

have a great day! :D


15. The digital clock shows A Quarter Past Eight . Which one the correct picture? ​


Itu angkanya

semoga membantu

16. Which of the following pictures shows thepicture of a turkey?a.C.b.d.​


jawaban c.


maaf kalau salah


Mana picture(foto)nya yaampun

17. Which of the followings shows the time mentioned in the dialogue?ini artinya apa ya? ️️​

Anda harus mencari hal yang berhubungan dengan waktu dari dialog diatas


Manakah dari berikut ini yang menunjukkan waktu yang disebutkan dalam dialog


semoga membantu

18. which of the folowingsentences is grammatically correct ?​


which of the folowingsentences is grammatically correct ?


yang manakah dari kalimat kalimat di bawah ini yang benar tata bahasanya (gramatikal)?

19. the prime factorization of 90 is​

The prime factorization is a number which is included in prime number. Prime number is the number which is can divided by 1 and the number only.


90 = 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 9 , 10 , 15 , 18 , 30 , 45 , 90.

The prime factorization : 2,3,5.

Hopefully can helpful :) -wtnbhruto.


1,2,35,6,9,10,15,18,30,45,dan 90

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if I'M wrong .

20. the factorization of 6x²-2x-20 is

6x^2 -2x -20
x^2 -2x -120 (6nya di kali ke paling belakang)

di faktor kan menjadi
( x-12) (x+10)

X= 12/6 = 2 (karena awalnya di kali jadi untuk mencari xnya di bagi 6 lagi)
X= -10/6 = -5/3

Hp = {-5/3, 2}

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