Selasa, 27 Desember 2022

20 000 Hours In Years

20 000 Hours In Years

Gwen put her IDR 1 500 000 money in a bank with 12% simple rate per-year. Assume she never withdraw the money. So, in how many years it will be IDR 2 580 000 in total?A. 3 yearsB. 4 yearsC. 5 yearsD. 6 yearstolong diseratakan caranya, terima kasih.​

Daftar Isi

1. Gwen put her IDR 1 500 000 money in a bank with 12% simple rate per-year. Assume she never withdraw the money. So, in how many years it will be IDR 2 580 000 in total?A. 3 yearsB. 4 yearsC. 5 yearsD. 6 yearstolong diseratakan caranya, terima kasih.​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

penjelasan terlampir

2. 3 centuries 28 years126 years + 92 years + 110 years =23EST YOURSELFlculate.8 dayshours3 days 15 hours + 4 days 10 hours =9 weeks 6 days + 9 days = weeksdays7 years 8 months + 5 years 10 months = 13 yearsmonths# days 10 hours + 20 hours + 2 days 12 hours days houweeks 5 days + 15 days + 3 weeks 4 days = weeks day9 months + 9 years 10 months + 6 years 4 months = years mordecades 7 years + 23 years =decades yearscenturies + 32 years + 1 century 5 years =centuriesye• Enhance pupils' mastery by asking questions that involve unit conversion andregrouping related to scientific knowledge such as life span and growth.2CACHER'SNOTESAachcan you guys help meh?​


126 YEARS = 318 YEARS


100 YEARS -


3. chicago for 20 years (be)​


they.(have been) chicago for 20 years

mereka telah berada di chicago selama 20 tahun


Life chicago for 20 years yang memiliki arti mereka...di chicago untuk 20 tahun karena chicago adalah nama tempat 20 adalah tahun jadi yang ditanyakannya di chicago selama 20 tahun itu ngapain ?

Pastinya karena lama jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah life/tinggal

4. the amount of money earned on a job is directly proportional to the number of hours worked. if $80.00 is earned in 5 hours, how much money is earned in 20 hours of work?


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

5. What should be the bank interest to raise the deposit of $10000 to $30 000 in 5 years? ​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

6. Do not take more than 4 doses in any34-hour periodAge Dose 2 dults and children over 12 years4 tsp every 4 hourschildren 6 to under 12 years2 tepevery 4 hourschildren under 6 yearsask adoctordi artikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia​


jangan minum lebih dari 4 dosis dalam periode 34 jam apa pun dosis 2 hari dan anak di atas 12 tahun 4 sdt setiap 4 jam anak 6 hingga di bawah 12 tahun 2 tep setiap 4 jam anak di bawah 6 tahun tanyakan kepada dokter


semoga membantu,,,p

7. Practice TimeWrite the time in words.1. 0500 hours2. 1820 hours3. 2359 hours​


1. it's five o'clock

2. it's six - twenty p.m

3. it's one minute to midnight

8. there are...... in three hours​


180 minutes or 10800 seconds

9. 20 000 ÷20 = 20 000 ÷ 400 = 20 00 ÷ 5000 = 100 000 ÷ 20 = 100 000 ÷ 400 = 100 000 ÷ 5000 = 200 000 ÷ 20 = 200 000 ÷ 400 = 200 000 ÷ 5000 =










Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

10. 1.(+)the childrens swimming in the swimming pool two hours ago(-)??(?)??2.andi is a junior high school student three years ago(-)(?)

1. (-) the children are not swimming in the swimming pool two hours ago
(?) Were the children swimming in the swimming pool two hours ago?
2. (-) andi wasnt a junior high school student three years ago
(?) Was andi a high school student three years ago?
Semoga membantu :)

11. ___ in the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.

Theaveragethirdgraderin the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.


Rataratasiswakelastigadi Amerika Serikat menghabiskan 900 jam per tahun di kelas dan 1,170 jam di depan televisi.


12. Find the unit rate16. Reso.000 Fors hours of wor117.32 eggs every 16 days118 168 boys in 8 gruops19. 200 pages in 5 days20.625 meters in 25 seconds21.800 words per a minutes122, 18 om of rain in 3 hours23. 180 seats in rows -124.197 kilometers in 7 hours tolong jawab please​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

karena ada wor jadi 0 kenapa?

Find the unit rate

16. Reso.000 Fors hours of "wor "

117.32 eggs every 16 days

118 168 boys in 8 gruops

19. 200 pages in 5 days

20.625 meters in 25 seconds

21.800 words per a minutes

122, 18 om of rain in 3 hours

23. 180 seats in rows -

124.197 kilometers in 7 hours

tolong jawab please

nah disini itu ada wor nya yang udh ku kasih tanda petik

wor udh jelas jelas 0

wor = 0

jadi itu soalnya yang perkalian kan, nah itu sama aja 0

13. Express 3 hours 12 min in hours as a decimal​


3.2 hours (three point two hours)



Express 3 hours 12 min in hours as a decimal (nyatakan 3 jam 12 menit dalam jam dalam bentuk desimal)

change 12 min to hours (ubah 12 menit ke jam)

= 12 min ÷ 60

= 0.2 hours

add 3 hours to 0.2 hours (jumlahkan 3 jam dengan 0,2 jam)

= 3 hours + 0.2 hours

= 3.2 hours


Final answer :

Therefore, 3 hours 12 min in hours as a decimal is 3.2hours


I hope this help^^

14. My name is Ana. i'm 18 years old. i work in factory,my working hours are to 5.00

nama saya Ana. usia saya 18 th. saya bekerja di sebuah pabrik, jam kerja saya pukul 8.00pagi - 5.00

15. emi studies for three hours in the evening.yosi studies three hours in the evening

emi studies for three hours in the evening and yosi does too.
emi studies for three hours in the evening and so does yosi.

ini bukan yg dimaksud kak? lain kali nulis soal dengan perintah yg lengkap y kak..;)

16. _____ in the United States spends 900 hours per year in class and 1,170 hours in front of the television.


Millennials, the Younger generation, Children, Teenagers, Students.


The blank is placed in a position where it is supposed to be filled with a subject. In addition, the rest of the sentence implies that the subject is young, to the fact it mentions class, therefore, I answered with many subjects used to describe young people

17. Life in the u,s,a has shanged theremen dhuosly in the last 20 years


kehidupan di amerika serikat telah mengubah orang-orang mereka dengan demikian dalam 20 tahun terakhir


maaf klo salah

18. an employee can type 380 words in 20 minutes. how many words can the employee type in 2,5 hours?​

380 words = 20 minutes

? = 2,5 hours

2,5 hours = (120 min + 30 min) = 150 minutes

= 380 words × 150 minutes

= 57.000 words

so, the employee can type 57.000 words in 2,5 hours

hope this helpful!

19. My sister is 20 years old. She has asthma, and she has to drink the medicine.... Every two or three hours


¼ of teaspon


bacause its receipt from doctor

20. tolong kak PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSES 1. She/wait/ . . hours. 2. I/work/I was kid. (-) 3. Alex/ cook/ two hours. 4. We / do/this/ morning (?) 5. Rio / speak/Spain / he left home. 6. My sisters / sleep/ more than 9 hours. 7. Edward / read/ he was in grade three. (-) 8. My grandparents / live / in Rome / 20 years. 9. Matthew / watch / TV / two hours (?) 10. The students / run / 30 minutes.


1.She has been waiting for hours

2. I have been working since i was kid

3. Alex has been cooking for two hours

4.We have been doing this all morning

5. Rio has been speaking Spain since he left home

6.My sisters have been sleeping for more than 9 hours

7. Edward has been reading since he was in grade three

8. My grandparents have been living in Rome for 20 years

9.Matthew has been watching TV for two hours

10.The students have been running for 30 minutes

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