Selasa, 27 Desember 2022

Which Nims Management Characteristics May Include Gathering Analyzing

Which Nims Management Characteristics May Include Gathering Analyzing

mention 3 verb which include irreguler verb!

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1. mention 3 verb which include irreguler verb!


irregular verb:

go : the students go to school by bus

swim: I can swim well

take: he takes all the money

eat : Yuri eats the cookies

drink: father drinks coffee every morning

sleep : they sleep tightly

come: Joni comes from Surabaya

sit: Sit down please

stand : dony stands in front of the class

read: the students read the books

1. go-went-gone
3. write-wrote-written

2. bellow which one include the expression gratitude?​


di bawah ini manakah yang termasuk ungkapan terima kasih?

3. which nutrition is not include in the cookies

nutrisi mana yang tidak termasuk dalam cookie ?

nutrisi mana yang tidak termasuk dalam cookienutrisi mana yng tidak dimasukkan di dalam biskuit?

4. Which is correct about characteristics koala???Science grade 3Please answer​​


B. It has hair and fur.

C. It has legs.

D. It breathes through lungs.

F. It reproduces by giving birth.

H. It is a mammals.


Koala merupakan hewan mamalia (mammals) yang berkembang biak dengan cara melahirkan (giving birth). Koala memiliki bulu disekujur badannya (hair and fur), baik dari kepala sampai ujung kakinya (legs). Hewan ini bernapas menggunakan paru - paru (lungs).

Note:Semoga membantu :)

5. Which one include insect below... *A. BirdB. CatC. FrogD. Cow​






6. Which is correct about characteristics bee???Science grade 3Please answer​​


G. it has wings


Karakteristik dari lebah yang benar adalah, ia memiliki sayap.

7. Make the conversation which include congratulation/wish/hope based on the situation above!

Make the conversation which include congratulation/wish/hope based on the situation above!Jawaban :

Yuri :"Happy 17th birthday Raizel!, wish you the best, here's your present"

Raizel : "Thank you"

Yuri :"congaratultion you could drive car already"

Raizel :"thanks, i'll give you a ride later"

Yuri : "hohoh"

Raizel : "oh, what's inside of this present?"

Yuri : "Oh, you know?khun aguero agnes dolls "

Raizel : "oh yeah!"

Yuri : "Dasar Wibu"


8. the following statements which are included in the characteristics of descriptive text are? ​

Pernyataan berikut yang termasuk ciri-ciri teks deskriptif adalah? saya


ini jawabanya

9. which one does include part of humon raspiratory system? artinya​


yang mana yang ada bagian dari sistem pernapasan manusia?


Yang mana yang termasuk bagian dari sistem pernapasan manusia


maaf kalau salah

10. Which three management options can be used to manage fortiap






11. Which is correct about characteristics koala???Science grade 3Pleasee answer​


The characteristics of the koala are :it has hair and fur. it has breathes through lungs. it reproduces by giving birth.its a mammal.

SORRY IF WRONG + your answer in the picture is correct.


12. may i know some of the characteristics for the western and japanese music,please?

mungkin saya tau beberapa karakteristik Dari musik barat Dan jepang

13. please make 10 sentence which include statement ability to willingness...tolong bantuinnn​


1. I will attend his wedding party

2. Can you play basketball?

3. I am able to sing Alan Walker's song no

4. I could play a guitar

5. I was able to speak Spanish when I was in kindergarten

6. I will make a strawberry cake

7. I will play chess

8. I would teach my younger sister

9. I would play badminton

10. I will not go to supermarket


H hopefully it helps you a lot

14. please make 10 sentence which include statement ability to willingness​


1. I will go to the store

2. I would like to have a cup of tea

3. I will buy it

4. She will talk with her crush

5. He will play chess

6. I will take a nap

7. They will visit us

8. We will sell this house

9. They will speak clearly right now

10. I will write new novel again

15. in which process and in which knowledge area the initial cost management plan is developed


Plan Cost Management


Materi : Main Processes of Cost Management - Cost Management

Terdapat empat proses dalam manajemen biaya, diantaranya adalah :

Planning Cost Management (perencanaan)Estimating Costs (estimasi biaya)Determine Budget (menetapkan anggaran)Control Costs (pengendalian biaya)

Planning Cost Management mencakup perencanaan dari sisi biaya yang mencakup menetapkan anggaran, estimasi biaya dan mengelola biaya yang mungkin akan terjadi selama proyek berlangsung, singkatnya tahap perencanaan manajemen biaya dimulai dari planning cost management.

Terdapat dua syarat dalam perencanaan :

Biaya siklus hidup produk, dimana hal ini merupakan hal penting dalam pengelolaan proyek, dimana setiap produk memiliki masa/siklus hidup misalnya laptop yang memiliki siklus hidup selama 5 tahun.Rekayasa nilai, dimana perusahaan mengerjakan proyek dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. Misalkan, untuk membangun losmen selama 6 bulan dibutuhkan tiga buah bulldozer, dimana ada pertimbangan untuk membeli atau menyewa, dikarenakan masa waktu pengerjaan 6 bulan, maka perusahaan mempertimbangkan untuk menyewa bulldozer daripada membeli (disertai alasan bahwa biaya sewa lebih murah daripada biaya beli)

Demikian jawaban dan pembahasan mengenai proses manajemen biaya, semoga membantu meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai manajemen biaya, semoga sukses.

Rujukan baca : Blocher, Edward J., Chen, Kung H,. Lin, Thomas W. (2011). Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis Fifth Edition. New York : McGraw – Hill Companies,Inc.

16. The process in which the young inherit these characteristics is known as …. * A. heredity B. inherited characteristics C. non-inherited characteristics D. genetic information​


B. inherited characteristics

maaf kalau salah:)

17. 2. Mention some elements which include in report presentation!​



Name or Type of Activity.


Observation Purpose.

Time and Place of Observation.


Observation result.



jawaban terbaik:v

18. Which characteristics of the fern is still maintained in the cycadophyta ?

| Botany, Taxonomy |

Fern characteristic from Cycadophyta is

Evergreen leavesThe species are dioeciousOvule not coated by the fruit leavesDoesn't produce flowers

19. Seek two short dialogues which include certainty utterances

Amy: Lisa, can you please help me clean the board?
Lisa: Certainly Amy.
Amy: Thank you.

John: Nate, can i borrow your pencil? I forgot to bring mine.
Nate: Certainly John. Here you go.
Nate: Thanks Nate.

20. Which one of the characteristics from the picture above ?


gimana mau jawab? tidak ada fotonya

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