Sabtu, 03 Desember 2022

7/9 Has How Many 1/3 In It

7/9 Has How Many 1/3 In It

1.the head teacher has given you a reward 2.Do You eat lunch at twelve? 3 .I want that dog food. Can you give it to.... Please ?4. You need it to Siton .. 5. How many months are.... in a year? 6. on what day were....born? 7. In what year You... born?8. How many days are ... in a week ?9. Does She lat lunch at home? 10 .Tika likes Cats ... has an angora. mohon di bantu jawaban nya kk2 yg tau soal dari no 1-10 terimakasih atas bantuan nya ​

Daftar Isi

1. 1.the head teacher has given you a reward 2.Do You eat lunch at twelve? 3 .I want that dog food. Can you give it to.... Please ?4. You need it to Siton .. 5. How many months are.... in a year? 6. on what day were....born? 7. In what year You... born?8. How many days are ... in a week ?9. Does She lat lunch at home? 10 .Tika likes Cats ... has an angora. mohon di bantu jawaban nya kk2 yg tau soal dari no 1-10 terimakasih atas bantuan nya ​


1. kepala sekolah memberimu hadiah

2. Apakah kamu makan siang jam dua belas?

3. Saya ingin makanan itu. Bisakah Anda memberikannya kepada .... Tolong ?

4. Anda membutuhkannya untuk Siton..

5. Berapa bulan .... dalam setahun?

6. pada hari apa .... lahir?

7. Pada tahun berapa Anda... lahir?

8. Berapa hari ... dalam seminggu ?

9. Apakah Dia makan siang di rumah?

10.Tika suka Kucing...punya angora


yg jawab kamuu

2. 1.what does the text talk about? the telephone the only wonderful invention in history?3.when was it invented? what century was the telephone invented?5.who invented the telephone? many telephones are there in the world today? many phone conversations occur every day?8.why has the telephone become a really important part of our daily life?9. '...nearly one billion conversations (take place) everyday.'{paragraph 3},SINONIM DARI YANG DI DALAM KURUNG.10. 'the telephone is a familiar,(handy)instrument...'{paragraph 3}what does the parentheses word mean?

1. the telephone
2. yes, it is.
3. in 1876
4. in the 19th century
5. Alexander Graham Bell
6. over 250 million
7. nearly one billion
8. because it makes communication faster and easier
9. occur
10. easy to handle

3. 1. 5 - 2/7 = 2. 14 - 6 3/8 = 3. jane has 4 1/2 quarts of water in he bowl, if he drank 3/6 quarts of water how much water would be left? 4. 9 similar pizzas were shared equally among 5 children. how many pizzas did each child get? 5. 2 5/6 x 3 4/9 = 6. 2/5 x 1 1/3 = 7. 21 : 2 1/4 = 8. 3 1/7 : 2 = 9. 1 3/4 : 4 2/3 = 10. a rope is 14/15 m long. it is cut into 4 equal pieces, what is the length of each pieces of the rope?













1. 4 5/7

2. 7 5/8

5. 9 41/54

6. 8/15

7. 9 1/3

8. 1 4/7

9. 3/8

maaf kalo salah

4. kakak tolong pliss hari ini di kumpulin plissssssAnswer these questions:1.What kind of news is it?2.Who are the sources of the news?3.What can be inferred from the news?4.How bad was the disaster?5.How bad was the people’s suffering there?6.Which natural disaster has taken the most victims there?7.How many times has Chengdu been stricken by an earthquake?8.according to the news this city is in the vicinity of…………..9.Please find 10 passive voices in the text:10.Please find 6 indirect speeches in the news:​

1). Informational News. ( Berita Informasi)

2). The Guardian. ( Sumber Berita, ada dibawah )

3). Earthquake in China kills at least 65 people confirmed. ( Gempa bumi di Cina membunuh paling sedikit 65 orang terkonfirmasi )

4). Really bad, it kills at least 65 people confirmed and was felt by million of people confine to their homes under a strict. ( Sangat buruk, itu membunuh setidaknya 65 orang dikonfirmasi dan dirasakan oleh jutaan orang yang terkurung di rumah mereka di bawah aturan yang ketat )

5). 17 people died in Ya'an city, while 29 deaths were reported in neighboring Ganzi prefecture. "Another 16 people were missing and 50 were injured," CCTV said late on Monday. ( 17 orang meninggal di kota Ya'an, sementara 29 kematian dilaporkan di prefektur Ganzi. "16 orang lainnya hilang dan 50 lainnya luka-luka," kata CCTV, Senin malam. )

6). CCTV reported that mountain landslides triggered by the quake caused "severe damage" in at least one town. A road to another town was blocked and telecommunications lines in areas home to more than 10,000 people were severed, the broadcaster said, adding that shocks also forced some power stations offline in Garze and Ya'an. ( CCTV melaporkan bahwa tanah longsor gunung yang dipicu oleh gempa menyebabkan "kerusakan parah" di setidaknya satu kota. Sebuah jalan ke kota lain diblokir dan jalur telekomunikasi di daerah yang berpenduduk lebih dari 10 )

7). In June, at least four people were killed and dozens more injured in two earthquakes in south-westen China. Authorities in Chengdu extended the city's lockdown on Sunday as coronavirus cases crept up. The region has also endured a summer of extreme weather, with a record-breaking heat wave causing rivers to dry up in areas including Chongqing. ( Pada bulan Juni, setidaknya empat orang tewas dan puluhan lainnya terluka dalam dua gempa bumi di barat daya Cina. Pihak berwenang di Chengdu memperpanjang penguncian kota pada hari Minggu ketika kasus virus corona merangkak naik )

8). An earthquake


The 6.6 magnitude quake hit about 26 miles (43km) south-east of the city of Kangding at a depth of about six miles, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said. ( Gempa berkekuatan 6,6 melanda sekitar 26 mil (43 km) tenggara kota Kangding pada kedalaman sekitar enam mil, kata Survei Geologi AS (USGS). )

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said that 17 people died in Ya'an city, while 29 deaths were reported inneighboring Ganzi prefecture. "Another 16 people were missing and 50 were injured," CCTV said lateon Monday. ( Penyiar CCTV negara China mengatakan bahwa 17 orang tewas di kota Ya'an, sementara 29 kematian dilaporkan di sekitar prefektur Ganzi. "16 orang lainnya hilang dan 50 lainnya luka-luka," kata CCTV. )

Tremors also shook buildings in the Sichuan provincial capital of Chengdu and the nearby city of Chongqing. ( Getaran juga mengguncang bangunan di ibu kota provinsi Sichuan, Chengdu dan kota terdekat Chongqing. )

One resident, Chen, said "I felt it quite strongly and some of my neighbors on the ground floor said they felt it very noticeably. ( Seorang warga, Chen, berkata, "Saya merasakannya dengan sangat kuat dan beberapa tetangga saya di lantai dasar mengatakan bahwa mereka merasakannya dengan sangat jelas. )

But because Chengdu is under epidemic management, people aren't allowed to leave their residential compounds, so many of them rushed out into their courtyards." ( But because Chengdu is under epidemic management, people aren't allowed to leave their residential compounds, so many of them rushed out into their courtyards." )

CCTV reported that mountain landslides triggered by the quake caused "severe damage" in at least one town. ( CCTV reported that mountain erosions triggered by the quake caused "severe damage" in at least one towns.

A road to another town was blocked and telecommunications lines in areas home to more than10,000 people were severed, the broadcaster said, adding that shocks also forced some power stationsoffline in Garze and Ya'an.

A video posted online by the China Earthquake Networks Centre showed boulders plunging down mountain sides in Luding County.


At least 65 people have been killed in a strong earthquake that struck south-western China ( Sedikitnya 65 orang tewas dalam gempa kuat yang melanda China barat daya. )

Was felt by millions of people confined to their homes under a strict Covid lockdown in Chengdu. ( Dirasakan oleh jutaan orang yang terkurung di rumah mereka di bawah penguncian ketat Covid di Chengdu. )

Dah bnyk

Ku tulis lagi nanti itu dulu

Ingetin aku


aku sibuk

5. number 1-6 , fill in the blank with correct pronouns ( subjective ,objective,possessive) (1) i am a is on jl.pahlawan (my) (2) andy has a sister ........ name is shinta (her) (3)They live in is big ang beautiful ( their ) (4)This is my pen.Give ...... to me (it) (5) is you father at home ? Yes,........... is sitting in the living room.(he) (6) we always take our bags with ........when we go shopping (us) Number 7-10 fill in the blank with correct word in the bracket (7) he did not have (many/much)..... sugar left (much) (8) there is ( a few/ a little )......... men in the bus (a few ) (9) how (many/much)........ years have you lived in bandung ? (Many) (10) how pays me (fewer/less).......... money than i thought (less) *tolong di jawab selarang ya ... dengn benar

Itukan udah ada jawabannya yg di dlm tanda kurung

6. Lengkapilah kalimat kosong di bawah ini : 1 marni_____tired ? 2 ________ is she ? She is my friend from london 3. Today is wednesday . Yesterday it ________ tuesday 4. It's thursday today.tomorrow it______friday 5. ______ lost of animals in the zoo. 6. How many people _____ in your family 7. Has budi got a sister ? No,he _____ but he's got 2 brothers 8. Where _______ siti live ? 9. Did inah _______ to london on the train yesterday 10. Joko_______ english,spanish and a bit of french


1.are you




5.lost atau lots maaf bingung


7.dont have a sister


10.can speak

maaf kalau salah

7. Answer these following questions!1. What is corona virus called Covid 19?2. Is it danger or harm the human?3. How can it harm the people?4. Where did this virus come from?5. Till now,how many people in the world have killed by this virus?6. What about Indonesia?And how far this epidemic has spread over?7. How can covid 19 spread and harm thw human?8. How many countries have infected by covid 19?9. What should you do to protect your body so that you will not infected by the virus?10. What have the government done to save our nation from the desease?Tolongg dong:(​


1.Because it's been found in 2019

2.Yes it's dangerous and harm human

3.It can kill human


5.A lot :v

6. Arround 1.500 people positif has this virus

7. Wild Animal Bring the Virus > Human eat the wild animal who brought the virus > The Virus Kill Human :v

8. Almost all Countries

9. Stay At Home,Stay Healthy,Jangan minum es trus

10. Order the citizen to not go out if there's no important thing(kata jokowi)


maap kalo salah


1. Because there is in 2019 end

2. Not too danger to human, because of 2% from dead in every country.

3. Because blocking respiratory organs

4. This virus came from wild animal. Ex: Bat, mouse

5. Because has been infected

6. I dont know, only gods knows :)

7. Sticked to the surface of the palms, and we touch nose or mouth

8. Maybe, because the people has been infected do the physical contact with people not infected. Or people which came from country has been infected and brought the virus. So there a program Lockdown in many country and city

9. Wash your hands with hand soap, dont touch your face before wash youre hands, dont do the physical contact with another people other your family at home

10. Is to do self quarantine at home, dont physical contact, dont roam if not important, dont get The physical contact, dont panic and stay calm

Udah woee panjang amattt

8. 5.Answer the questions based on the text above!1. Where is Indonesia located?Answer:2. How many Island does it have?Answer:3. How many big islands do Indonesia have?Answer:4. Mention the big Island in Indonesia!Answer:Indonesia has two season, what are they?Answer:6. Why is Indonesia called tropical countryAnswer:7. Mention kinds of mountain does it have!Answer:8.... We protect them. We also protect our turtles ....The word "we" refers to ....Answer:9. What can cows give for us?Answer:0. Mention some kinds of spices from Indonesia!Answer:​


Indonesia is between the continents of Asia and AustraliaIndonesia recorded 17,504 islands of which 16,056 islands already have a standard name at the United NationsIndonesia has 7,870 islandsKalimantan island,Papua Island ,Sumatra island,Java Island , Sulawesi island , Riau islands ,Sunda Island ,Madura Island ,Bali Island  and many more.rainy season and dry season because Indonesia is located on the equator which is astronomically located between 6 LU - 11 south latitude and 95 east longitude - 141 east longitude.mount semeru, mount bromo, mount merapi, mount rinjani, mount slamet and many moregovernmentthe meat and milkclove, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg,  cardamom

maaf kalau salah..


9. singular / pluralI. Rewrite these sentences in Plural Sentences.E.G. It is my book. => They are my books.1. This is my brush. =>  2. That is an orange. =>  3. It is a butterfly. =>  4. I am a boy. =>    5. That is a flower. =>  6. You are a nurse. =>  7. He is a child. =>    8. It is a mouse. =>    9. That book is blue. =>  10. This goose is mine. => II. Fill in the blanks with Plural Forms.1. John has two __________________ . (child)2. The _____________________ (boy) are playing football.3. I bought three ________________________ (shirt) yesterday.4. There are four ____________________ (plate) on the table.5. The ____________________ (man) are cleaning the room.6. Are there many _____________________ (bus) in Jakarta?7. The store sells some ___________________ (piano)?8. The farmer has cut the _____________________ (leaf) of that mango tree.9. Those __________________ (wife) are chatting in the room.10. How many ______________________ (sheep) do you have?​


1. These are my brushes.

2. They are oranges.

3. Those are butterflies.

4. We are boys.

5. Those are flowers.

6. They are nurses.

7. They are children

8. They are mouses

9. Those are blue books.

10. These are my gooses.

10. Task I.Put the verb into correct form, present perfect or simple past.e.g. she _____ in here since 1980. (live)jawab: she has lived in here since 1980.1The market is totally different now. It _______a lot. (change)2The guest _______ two hours ago. (arrive)3How many plays has Shakespeare ______? (write)4My brother _______ up in Jakarta. (grow)5Drugs ________ a big problem in Indonesia. (become)6I am looking for a black tie. Have you ______one? (see)7I ____in Jakarta. (born)8They _____an accident last year. (get)9I run last night because of I ____of dog. (afraid)10The girl _______you for many times. (call)​


1. The market is totally different now. It changed a lot.

2. The guest have arrived two hours ago.

3. How many plays has Shakespeare written?

4. My brother grew up in Jakarta.

5. Drugs have become a big problem in Indonesia.

6. I am looking for a black tie. Have you seen one?

7. I born in Jakarta.

8. They got an accident last year.

9. I run last night because of I was afraid of dog.

10. The girl has called you for many times.


Present perfect tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk aktivitas yang terjadi di waktu lampau dan belum selesai pada saat dibicarakan.

Rumus present perfect tense adalah subject + have/has + verb 3 + object.

Simple past tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk aktivitas yang terjadi di waktu lampau dan telah selesai pada saat dibicarakan.

Rumus simple past tense adalah subject + verb 2.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai simple past tense pada


11. The seasonOur country has two seasons. They are the dry season and the wet season orrainy season. In the dry season, it is hot, the sun shines brightly, it seldom rain, it makedraught. In the wet season, it is cold, windy, foggy, and all day rains comes. It can makefloodSome other country like Europe and US has four seasons. The first is springthe weather is warm, the flower and grass bloom Next is summer. In the summer, theweather is hot, all day sun shines. Many people go picnic or swimming to the beach. Thethird one is autumn, the weather is cool, leaves fall down, birds make nets, and littlewindy. And the last one is winter. The weather is cold, we need jacket because snowy. Itis time to make a snowman.D.Answer the questions!1. How many season are there in Indonesia?2. How is the weather in the dry season?3. How is the weather in the wet season?4. How many season does US have?5. What season is the first?6. When the people go swimming?7. In which season does the leaves fall down?8. What season come after summer?9. Is the weather cold in winter?10. When the people make snowman?Please Help Me!Thanks For Answer :D​



Negara kita memiliki dua musim. Mereka adalah musim kemarau dan musim hujan atau

musim hujan. Musim kemarau panas, matahari bersinar cerah, jarang turun hujan

minuman. Pada musim hujan, cuacanya dingin, berangin, berkabut, dan hujan turun sepanjang hari. Itu bisa membuat


Beberapa negara lain seperti Eropa dan AS memiliki empat musim. Yang pertama adalah musim semi

cuaca hangat, bunga dan rumput bermekaran. Berikutnya adalah musim panas. Di musim panas,

cuaca panas, matahari bersinar sepanjang hari. Banyak orang pergi piknik atau berenang ke pantai. Itu

yang ketiga adalah musim gugur, cuaca sejuk, daun-daun berguguran, burung-burung membuat jala, dan burung-burung kecil

berangin. Dan yang terakhir adalah musim dingin. Cuacanya dingin, kami butuh jaket karena bersalju. Saya t

saatnya membuat manusia salju.


Jawablah pertanyaan!

1. Ada berapa musim di Indonesia?

2. Bagaimana cuaca di musim kemarau?

3. Bagaimana cuaca di musim hujan?

4. Berapa musim yang dimiliki AS?

5. Musim apa yang pertama?

6. Kapan orang pergi berenang?

7. Pada musim apa daun-daun berguguran?

8. Musim apa yang datang setelah musim panas?

9. Apakah cuaca dingin di musim dingin?

10. Kapan orang membuat manusia salju?



1. two seasons

2. it is hot, the sun shines brightly

3. it is cold, foggy, windy

4. four seasons

5. spring

6. when it's summer

7. when it's autumn

8. autumn

9. yes

10. when it's winter

12. 1. How many ...... Does your cat catch ? (Mouse) 2. They usually keep their winter clothes in ....... (Box) 3. We Saw some ........ On our way to the beach . (Deer) 4. Our uncle often tells us funny ....... (story) 5. she bought two ........ In our online shop . (Scarf) 6. My sister likes ice cream with ...... (Blueberry) 7. Our dog has never had any ........ (Louse) 8. The girls bought three ......... In the mall . ( Dress) 9. How many ...... Work in your office ? ( Person ) 10.the farmer has a lot of ....... and ....... . ( Sheep/ox) 11. you should always keep your ..... Warm in winter .(foot) 12. Does a cat really have seven........? (life) 13. at how many ..... Have you been this year ? (party) 14 ....... Broke into their house and stole some pantings . ( Thief ) 15. you should clean your .....Twice a dayy .(tooth ) 16. How many .... Work in the restaurant .( Woman ) 17. My brothers always has two ..... For lunch .( Sandwich) 18. He was unlucky because he missed the hole by...... . ( Inch) 19. they have five ...... , The girl and two boys . ( Child ) 20. Which Mediterranean .... Are the cleanest ? . ( Beach ) 21. Do you like .....? (Tomato) 22. How much do children's ...... Cost ? ( Shoe ) 23. How many ...... Does a cat have ? ( Life ) 24. Which three ...... Are the largest in the world ? ( City ) 25. What percentage of .... Has three kidd? ( Family ) 26. What are the best ....... You have ever been to ? ( Party ) 27. What is the best way to keep ...... Out of the house ? ( Fly ) 28. How much would it cost to buy four .... Of bread ? ( Load ) 29. How many .... Are the in your town ? ( Church ) 30. What do most ...... Think about all day ? ( Man ) 31. How many ..... Do you eat ? ( Mango ) 32. How many ...... Does a Millipede have ? ( Foot ) 33. At waht age do ...... Usually start to walk ?( Baby ) 34. How much do ........ Cost per kilogram ? (Cherry ) 35. are you God at ..... ? ( quiz )


1) mice

2) boxes

3) deer

4) stories

5) scarfs

6) blueberries

7) lice

8) dresses

9) people

10) sheep, oxen

11) feet

12) lives

13) parties

14) thieves

15) teeth

16) women

17) sandwiches

18) inches

19) children

20) beaches

21) tomatoes

22) shoes

23) lives

24) cities

25) families

26) parties

27) flies

28) loads

29) churches

30) men

31) mangoes

32) feet

33) babies

34) cherries

35) quizzes


How many mice does your cat catch? (mouse) They usually keep their winter clothes in boxes. (box) We saw some deer on our way to the beach. (deer) She bought two scarves in our online shop. (scarf) Our uncle often tells us funny stories. (story)


Untuk jawaban lengkapnya disertai terjemahan danpenjelasan sampai soal nomor 20, silakan kunjungi www,saifullah,id (koma diganti jadi titik)

13. Task & Complete the sentences using much, many, a lot of, little or few1. My friends don't have any money but I have2. Budi doesn't speak much Arabic. Only ... words3. The theatre is empty. There are only ... visitors4. How ...apples do you want?5. How ... sugar should I put in the coffee?6. There is a shortage of water. There has been very ... rain recently7. It is not his first car accident. It has happened ... times before8. There are cars in the parking area.9. Jujun's father died years ago10. I can't believe that he is still hungry. He has eaten ...Tolong bantu, please​


1. A lot 2. A few 3. A few 4. Many 5. Much 6. Much 7. A few 8. Many 9. A few 10. A lot

14. 1. What is corona virus called Covid 19?2. Is it danger or harm the human?3. How can it harm the people?4. Where did this virus come from?5. Till now,how many people in the world have killed by this virus?6. What about Indonesia?And how far this epidemic has spread over?7. How can covid 19 spread and harm thw human?8. How many countries have infected by covid 19?9. What should you do to protect your body so that you will not infected by the virus?10. What have the government done to save our nation from the desease?tolong di jawab ya​


1. stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019. This disease is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

2. yes

3. it cause severe respiratory failure

4. until now, it come from china, hubei province on the wuhan city

5. 3.055.651 with death toll 211.065 per april 27th around the globe

6. yes the virus have infected this country too. and its spreading across the nation as we read this

7. the virus is semi airborne (thx God it's not fully airborne.. yet) using droplet to spread

8. most of the country are infected with this disease. and I'm stop counting on them

9. increase your body immune. how? you could ask your google or your doctor ok

10. give me a sec.... hahahahahahaha... dont want to answer this one

15. Disuruh bikin wh questions, ini jawabanku (tolong dikoreksi). 1. When do you usually get up in the morning? 2. How many people are in the party? 3. When does the first train leave? 4. What does he has for breakfast? 5. A) whose 4 sport cars and 2 luxurious villas are these?B) how many cars and villas does he has? 6. Where do they live? 7. A)what do most students do? B) where do most students spend their spare time? 8. Who likes to make some cookies for us? 9. Why does the boy sad? 10. How many minutes does it take for alex to get to his office?


1. When you usually wake up in the morning?

2. ✅

3. ✅

4. (dunno. sorry)

5. ✅

6. ✅

7. (dunno sorry)

8. ✅

9. why does he sad?

10. (dunno sorry)


1. Karna di question gaada do kaka jadi gausa pake do. Alasan ke 2 karna usually adalah kebiasaan bukan yang sedang di lakukan.

9. Sebenernya jawaban kaka udh bener sih tapi menurut aku lebih baik pake kata ganti dari pada namanya

mungkin kaka kaka yang pinter bisa diperbaiki jawabanku kalau ada yang salah :)

16. 1. where is Indonesia located?2. how many island does it have? 3. how many big island does Indonesia have?4. mention the big island in Indonesia! 5. Indonesia has two seasons, what are they?6. why Indonesia is called tropical country? 7. mention kinds of mountain does it have? 8. "... we protect them. we also protect our turtles...". The world ' we' refres to... 9. what can cows give for us?10. mention some kinds of spices from Indonesia!tolong ya kak​


1. Southeast Asia

2. 16.056 island

3. 5 big island

4. Java, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Papua

5. Rainy season and dry season

6. Because Indonesia is passed by the equator line

7. Volcanic, dome, fauld block, plateau, fold mountain

8. to the people that are obligated to protect the turtles

9. Milk, meat, skin for bag etc

10. Coriander, ginger, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg

17. 1. The text tells about .....2. How are the books arranged?3. Does every student get library card?4. What can students do on the library'slong tables and benches?5. How long can students keep a book?6. "Defaulters are fined by her" Theunderlined word refers to .......7. How many times do students go tothe school library?8. 'It is housed in a big hall. Thesynonym of big is .......9. Are we permitted to talk to disturbothers in the library?10. A person who has responsible oflibrary calls .....​


1. The school library.

2. The books are arranged according to their numbers.

3. Yes, it does.

4. Student can sit there and read newspaper, journal, and magazine.

5. Student can keep the book for fourteen days.

6. Student who keep the book more than fourteen days will be finned.

7. Student go to the library every period, once a week.

8. large.

9. No, we're not.

10. Librarian.


18. Disuruh bikin wh questions, ini jawabanku (tolong dikoreksi). : 1. When do you usually get up in the morning? 2. How many people are in the party? 3. When does the first train leave? 4. What does he has for breakfast? 5. A) whose 4 sport cars and 2 luxurious villas are these?B) how many cars and villas does he has? 6. Where do they live? 7. A)what do most students do? B) where do most students spend their spare time? 8. Who likes to make some cookies for us? 9. Why does the boy sad? 10. How many minutes does it take for alex to get to his office?


iyaaa , udaa bener smua kok

19. 1. I put my drawing book in a... in in my classroom. a. blackboard b. drawer c. windowd.door2. I buy comic books at the....a. bookstoreb. bankc. libraryd. hospital3. We buy food in a ....a. post officeb. supermarketc. hospitald.bank4. He has so many books. His hobby is...a. readingb. swimmingc. fishingd. camping5. Camping is a kind of ... a. hobbiesb. thingsC. workd.homewor6. A: "... is it?" B: "It is Rp. 100.5000,-."a. How manyb. How muchc. How oldd. How far7. I am going to buy clothes at the ....a. bookstore b. mall shop8. What can you find in a supermarket?a. food, fruits, vegetablesb. car, petrol, logs of woodc. trees, flowers, sandd. cats, dogs, rabbits, fish9. I... like cake. So, I never eat it.a. amb. hasc. don'td.have10. I am going... buy some chocolates.a. inb. toc. ond. for​







6. a






maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu

20. Complete the sentences using much, many, a lot of, little or few!!!1. Budi doesn't speak much Arabic. Only ... words2. My friends don't have any money but I have...3. How sugar should I put in the coffee? 6. There is a shortage of water. There has been very ... rain recently5. The theatre is empty. There are only ... visitors 4. How ... apples do you want?7. It is not his first car accident. It has happened... times before 8. There are ... cars in the parking area.9. Jujun's father died... years ago10. I can't believe that he is still hungry. He has eaten ...mohon bantuan nya ka, besok mau dikumpulin secepatnya ​


1. Few

2. Little

3. Much

6. Little

5. Few

4. Many

7. Many

8. Many

9. Many

10. A lot of

Semoga membantu Jika saya melakukan kesalahan, mohon maafkan saya

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