Sabtu, 03 Desember 2022

While On The Train To Hogwarts What Rumor

While On The Train To Hogwarts What Rumor

What ia the text about? a.getting on the train. b.going to train station. c.visiting oakliegh area. d.meeting with professor​

Daftar Isi

1. What ia the text about? a.getting on the train. b.going to train station. c.visiting oakliegh area. d.meeting with professor​


Where Is The Text?? Sorry??

2. Man : i'm really sleepy. Woman : what? You are going to take a train. You shouldn't be sleepy. Man : i'm afraid i sleep on the train. Woman : ... What is the most appropriate response to say next? A. If you are sleepy, sleep on the train B. If you sleep on the train, wake up on time C. If you are left on the train, get off at the next stop D. If you leave your friend, ask him to wait for a while E. If you want to sleep, just sleep on your seat


B. If you sleep on the train, wake up on time.

3. Perdana has helped his mother on the train and escorted her to a seat. While he is saying goodbye, the train begins pulling away from the sation. By the time he gets through the crowded aisles to the exit, the train is traveling fast,. Now that? He ought to He ought to


Perdana telah membantu ibunya di kereta dan mengantarnya ke tempat duduk. Saat dia mengucapkan selamat tinggal, kereta mulai menjauh dari sation. Pada saat dia melewati gang-gang yang ramai ke

4. What time .....the train leaves?leaves the train?are the train leaves?is the train leaving?does the train leave?​


what time does the train leave?

5. Beth is taking the train to see her boyfriend on Valentine's day! The train is 100 meters long and it takes 30 seconds to cross a 400m bridge. What speed is the train going at?

The train is 100 meters long and it takes 30 seconds to cross a 400m bridge. The train is going at speed [tex]\bole{13\frac{1}{3}}[/tex] m/s

Pada soal ini kita akan mempelajari tentang jarak, waktu dan kecepatan

Rumus :

v = s ÷ t

s = v x t

t = s ÷ v

Dimana :

s = jarak / distance

v = kecepatan / speed

t = waktu / time

Pembahasan :

Diketahui :

t = 30 s

s = 400 m

Ditanya :

v = ?

Dijawab :

Kita cari kecepatannya dengan rumus jarak

v = s ÷ t

v = 400 ÷ 30

v = [tex]13\frac{1}{3}[/tex] m/s

∴ Jadi kereta berjalan dengan kecepatan [tex]13\frac{1}{3}[/tex] m/s

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

Soal-soal tentang jarak, waktu dan kecepatan :




Detail Jawaban :

Kelas : V

Mapel : Matematika

Bab : Bab 2 - Pengukuran sudut, waktu, jarak dan kecepatan

Kode : 5.2.2

Kata kunci : train, cross, bridge, speed

6. Paul : what is the best way to get to the train station from here

Jawaban:jalan apa yang paling bagus untuk ke stasiun dari sini


7. 1.A: What time does the train to Greytown depart?B:......2. A: How much is the fare of one-way first class train to Greenville?B:.... 3. A: What platform is for the train to Foxly?B: ........4. A: What time does the train to Westview arrive?B:.......5. A: How much is the fare of the round trip second class train to Greenville?B:......tolong jawab dgn benar ​


1. B : trains to Greytown leave at 8.15 and 9.20

2. B : One-way first class train fare to Greenville is $21.20

3. B : train to Foxly on platform 9

4. B : trains to Westview arrive at 10.35 and 11.20

5. B : Round trip second class train fare to Greenville is $31.50

8. What is all of the hogwarts house mascots?

Jawaban:Apa semua maskot rumah hogwarts?


9. Activity 2: Answering QuestionsAnswer the following questions based on the schedule on Activity 111. Where do Rina and Tari want to go?2. What train do they choose?3. What time will they arrive to Yogyakarta?4. What train is the earliest departure from Bandung to Yogyakarta?5. What class do they choose?​


Alur ceritanya apa? kalau tidak ada ceritanya, maaf tidak bisa jawab

10. let's go to the train but we see that there are 8000000 passengers on the train and we boarded the train suddenly the train fell and swayed, the officers came to save the passengers on the train and another 100 people were injured, another one died, there were 20 people injured. survived the train 80 people so the total people on the train a total of 7999800. tolong ubah di atas jadi bahasa indonesia


ayo ke kereta tapi kita lihat ada 8000000 penumpang di kereta dan kita naik kereta tiba-tiba kereta jatuh dan oleng, petugas datang menyelamatkan penumpang di kereta dan 100 orang lainnya terluka, satu lagi meninggal, di sana adalah 20 orang terluka. selamat kereta 80 orang jadi total orang di kereta total 7999800

Penjelasan:ini kak jawaban nya

11. There were some people on a train.19 people get off the train at the first stop.17 people get on the train.Now there are 63 people on the train.How many people were on the train to begin with?tolong dijawab plisssss​


orang yg ada di kereta sekarang-orangyg naik kereta

63-17=46(orang yangada di keretasetelah19orangturun)

How many people were on the train to begin with?

orang yang ada di kereta setelah 19 orang turun+19orangyg turun =


jadi jawabannyaadalah65

12. what image comes to your mind while listening to the song ?

make a dream shine like the stars in the night

13. Apa bahasa indonesianya our train come .all us rushed to get on the train

kereta kami datang, kita semua buru buru untuk masuk ke kereta

14. Apa terjemahan dari kalimat ini finally our train came.all of us rushed to get on the train

akhirnya kereta kami datang, kami semua bergegas untuk masuk ke kereta


15. Apa b indonesia final our train come. All of us rushed to get on the train


akhirnya kereta kami datang. kami semua bergegas untuk naik kereta

Semoga membatu :>


kereta terakhir kami akhirnya datang.Kami semua(para penumpang) berdesakan untuk menaiki kereta tersebut.

16. a person who is on the train to bus is

A person who is on the train to bus is A PASSENGER (penumpang)

17. 1. Father - How - ? - office - does-to-go - the2. faster - Is -?- car - train - than - the - the3. air port - they - How - ?-do-go - the - to4. what time -?- train - does - depart - the5. the - Do - the -?- children - on foot-school- to-go​


1. How does father go to the office?

2. Is the train faster then the car?

3. How they do to go the air port?

4. What time does the train depart?

5. Do the children go to the school on foot?


Maaf kalau salah

18. What is the main idea of the first paragraph train to busan

Apa ide utama dari kereta paragraf pertama ke busan


19. if you want to go by train, you should get on the train at the ​

jika Anda ingin pergi dengan kereta api, Anda harus naik kereta di = railway station maaf kalau salah

20. To get on the train, we need to buy a... (karcis).​

To get on the train, we need to buy a... (karcis).

Jawaban : To take the train, we need to buy a ticket (Karcis)

#Belajar bahasa inggris

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