Jumat, 02 Desember 2022

Can Food Prepared At Home Be Served In An Operation

Can Food Prepared At Home Be Served In An Operation

The dinner .... when you come home A. Will be served B. Will be bring served C. Is served D. Was served E. Were served

Daftar Isi

1. The dinner .... when you come home A. Will be served B. Will be bring served C. Is served D. Was served E. Were served

makan malam ... ketika kamu pulang.
maka jawaban adalah A.akan dihidangkan, karena subjek "you" belum pulang.dan tenses adalah present dan present future

2. 1... gel up dlVolyua2 ... have(what food?) for breakfast.3 ... leave home atin the morning.4 ... work in a/an5 ... start work at6 ... have(what food?) for lunch.7 ... finish work at8 ... get home at​

samlekom jadi gini jadi gitu

3. how we can find food and home in rainforest?

make your own house with simple ingredients and lots of food in the forest

4. food review write a review about the food served at a restaurant you have gone.Add as wash adjectives as you canreview-when?-where?-what food?-how?-conclusion​


gak bisa bahasa inggris

5. can someone have all the food in the menu at once?​


maaf ya kalau salah

someone can have all the food in the menu at once


6. offer can be given in terms of food,money,solutions,friendship or a bargian.it can be taken or refused.

penawaran dapat diberikan dalam bentuk makanan, uang, solusi, persahabatan, atau bargian. dapat diambil atau ditolak.
maaf klo salah

7. the girl, who served food and drink in a restaurant, is .......​




The girl who server food and drink in a restaurant is...

Arti :

Perempuan yang menyajikan makanan dan minuman di restaoran disebut...


pelayan perempuan: female maid

pelayan laki laki: waiter


itu jawabanya

8. The factory …(be) in operation since 1980.​


has beenkarena peristiwa tsb sudah dimulai dan masih berlanjut hingga skrg


The factory …(be) in operation since 1980.

-The factory (was) in operation since 1980 → Simple Past Tense

-The factory (has been) in operation since 1980 → Present Perfect Tense


-Simple Past Tense is a simple form of the verb to indicate that an event occurred in the past.

-Present Perfect Tense is a tense used to express activities that occurred in the past and are still influential today.

Semoga membantu:-)

9. What healthy food can be consumed in our life? jawab plzz

because, when u eated healty food. you're life will be healtier than u ate some junkfood. many many option of healty food to eat like fresh fruit, vegetables and more!

Fruits, (ex. Apples, Pears, and Grapes)

Vegetables, (ex. Brocolli, , Lettuce)

10. can you montion food in a canteen at school montion them


Halo! saya Dona. Ada kantin di sekolah saya. Teman saya dan saya suka pergi dan makan siang di sana.Makanan dan minumannya sangat enak. menyajikan ayam goreng, mie, sup, burger, dan minuman ringan yang biasa saya miliki (1 dan (2 untuk makan siang. harimau biasanya memiliki (3 dan (4Nurul suka makan. (5 dan minum (6 Seta suka makan.(7 dan (8 bagaimana dengan Anda? apakah kamu makan siang di kantin sekolah? atau apakah membawa makanan dan minuman dari rumah?


11. I was in ___ Japanese restaurant last night. ___ restaurant served good food​

I was in a Japanese restaurant last night. Waitersrestaurant served good food.


Saya berada di dalamrestoran Jepang tadi malam. Pelayan restoran menyajikan makanan enak.



12. Read the text carefully Fast food ( also known as Quick service Restaurant ) is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. The term ''fast food'' was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam-Webster in 1951. Answer the following questions based on the text!1. what is fast food ?2. Does fast food need low preparation time in serving the food ?3. Who is recognized the term of fast food in dictionary ?4. What is fast food also know as ?5. Mention 2 kinds of fast foods?tolong dijawab dgn benar...mks

1.fast food is term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly
2. No it does not
3.Merriam-Webster in 1951
4.a.k.a Quick Service restaurant
5. Fried Chicken (like McD) and Burger

13. Offer can be in terms oof food money solution friendship or a bargain

Offer = Menawarkan  Food I have some food, do you want?   Begitu kah?  Pertanyaan nya kurang jelas

14. can you montion food in a canteen at school montion them


Halo! saya Dona. Ada kantin di sekolah saya. Teman saya dan saya suka pergi dan makan siang di sana.Makanan dan minumannya sangat enak. menyajikan ayam goreng, mie, sup, burger, dan minuman ringan yang biasa saya miliki (1) dan (2) untuk makan siang. harimau biasanya memiliki (3) dan (4) Nurul suka makan. (5) dan minum (6) Seta suka makan.(7) dan (8) bagaimana dengan Anda? apakah kamu makan siang di kantin sekolah? atau apakah membawa makanan dan minuman dari rumah?



can you mention some food in a canteen at school?

1. Fried Rice

2. Fried tofu

3. Fried Banana

4. Seblak

5. Uduk rice (nasi uduk) / Yellow rice

6. Instant Noodles.

7. Siomay / Batagor

8. Bread and donut

9. Fried Crackers

10. Chicken Soto


Itulah beberapa makanan populer yang disajikan di kantin kantin sekolah di Indonesia. Seblak merupakan jenis makanan baru yang populer di kalangan kaum muda usia sekolah.

Semoga membantu ya.

15. I was in ___ Japanese restaurant last night. ___ restaurant served good food​

I was in theJapanese restaurant last nightthe

restaurant served good food

maaf kalo salah:)

16. tolong ganti ke kalimat passive dong 'Food that needs to be kept fresh can be stored in containers'


We can store food in containers to keep it fresh.


Kalimat soal sudah dalam bentuk passive. Jawaban jadi membuatnya active.

17. name 6 different food types that can be used in salads​

Meat(chicken), Fish, Vegetables(potato,tomato,spinach), Grains (Wheat), Nuts, Dairy Products(cheese)


Fruits, vegetables, condiments, dairy, poultry, honey


Fruits (buah-buahan) e.g. bananas, kiwis, and apples for fruit salads.

Veggies (sayur-mayur) e.g. lettuce, carrot, and corn for veggie salads.

Condiments (penyedap) e.g. mayonnaise and salad dressing for flavor.

Dairy (produk susu) e.g. ice cream and yoghurt for fruit salads.

Poultry (produk telur) e.g. eggs for veggie salads.

Honey (madu) for the sake of flavor.

18. Read the text carefully! Fast food( also as Quick service Restaurant) is term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away. Then term " fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam-Webster in 1951. answer the following questions besed on the text!1. what is fast food?2. does fast food new lowbpreparation time in serving the food?3. who is recognized the term of last food in dictionary?4. what is last food also known as ?5. memtion 2 kinds of last foods!tolong bantuin donk...mks

1. Term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. Atau bisa jg food that can be prepared and served very quickly. 3. Meriam webster 4. Quick serve restaurant 5. Food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, serve to the customer ia a packaged form for take out/take away

19. Apa bahasa indonesia we can bug some food sand drinks in .... at my school

kita bisa menyadap beberapa makanan dan minuman di .... sekolahku

20. the patient has an operation in the​

the patient has an operation in the hospital


the patient has an operation in the Hospital

(pasien menjalani operasi di rumah sakit)


semoga membantu

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