Rabu, 14 Desember 2022

How Much Will Molly s Monthly Payment Be

How Much Will Molly s Monthly Payment Be

how much is the payment​

Daftar Isi

1. how much is the payment​


Artinya berapa banyak pembayarannya?


Meskipun dalam bahasa Indonesia kata berapa banyak itu sama saja namun di bahasa Inggris dibedakan. Ada How many dan How much. Sama sama artinya berapa banyak namun yang membedakan disini adalah

How Many --> Countable Noun (Barang yang bisa dihitung)


1 apel , 10 pensil , 12 lusin.

Contoh pertanyaan : How many pencil do you have in your pencil case? (Berapa banyak pensil yang kamu punya di kotak pensilmu?) countable.

How Much --> Uncountable Noun (Barang yang tidak dapat dihitung)


Uang , berat , volume.

Contoh Pertanyaan : How much water normally human needs? (Berapa banyak air yang normalnya diperlukan manusia?) Uncountable.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut di:

1. Quantifier


2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns


3. Soal Serupa mengenai How Many dan How Much



Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Quantifier

Kode Soal : 5

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5

Kata kunci: Uncountable nouns, Countable Nouns, How many , How Much

2. How much more cash will be available for management under average-cost than under FIFO?

There will be $2,304 additional cash available under LIFO because income taxes are $52,000 under LIFO and $54,304 under FIFO

3. Wai keong monthly salary is twice the amount he saved in April He save $3500 in April.In may, he saved $4200 less than the amount he spent. (A) how much is his monthly?(B) how much did he save in may?

a. banyak uang pada bulan april adalah $7000

banyak uang pada bulan mei adalah $8400

b. banyak uang yang dia tabung adalah sebesar $4200


Jawaban :

A. Wai keong monthly salary amount $7000 (twice the amount he saved in april )

B. he saved $4200 less


Pembahasan :

semoga membantu


Detail jawaban

Mapel : matematika

Kode soal : 2

Kata kunci :



》 #StudyMATHwithme 《


4. How are you hendra? How s your study? We miss you so much


bagaimana kabarmu Hendra ? bagaimana belajarmu ? kami sangat merindukanmu

5. 1. Where is the sale be held?2. How long will the event be held?3. How much are the books?4. How can we get the information?5. What time is the sale opened?​


sorry ada teks nya gak, nnti gw bantuin


6. Contoh kalimat how much dan how many dan kata awalnya harus how much atau how many misalnya how many ..... how much.... sebutkan masing masing 5

How many book you have?
How many pen you have?
How many iPad you have?
How many ruler you have?
How many chair you have?
1.How much 1 kilos orange ?
2.How many pen you have?
3.How much 10 kilos meat?

7. The utterance that says by a buyer is:1. Can you give me ...(noun) (noun-s)?2. How much does it/(noun) cost?3. How much is it/(noun)?4. How much do they/(noun-s) cost?5. How much are they/(noun-s)?​

actually this was told to translate or

8. 4. "there will be an annual camp next month." the underlined word in the sentence means a. routine b. regular c. monthly d. yearly s ...


D. Yearly


Annual berarti tahunan, begitu juga dengan yearly.

9. Wai Keong's monthly salary is twice the amount he saved in April.He saved $3500 in April. In May, he saved $4200 less than the amounthe spent.(a) How much is his monthly salary?(b) How much did he save in May?​

a. His monthly salary is $7.000

b. He saved $1.400 in May.


Given :

Monthly salary = 2 x amount saved in April

He saved $3.500 in April

In May, he saved $4200 less than the amount  he spent.

Question :

(a) How much is his monthly salary?

(b) How much did he save in May?​

Answer :

a. Monthly salary = 2 x amount saved in April = 2 x $3.500 = $7.000

   ∴ His monthly salary is $7.000

b.  In May, he saved $4200 less than the amount  he spent.

    Savings = Amount he spent - $4.200

    If amount he spent was a, then :

    Monthly salary = savings + amount he spent

    $7.000 = (a - $.4.200) + a

    $7.000 = a - $.4.200 + a

    $7.000 = 2a - $.4.200

    2a = $7.000 - $4.200

    2a = $2.800

      a = $1.400

∴ He saved $1.400 in May.

Learn more :

Similar problems :




Detail of Answer

Grade : 7 (JHS)

Subject : Mathematics

Chapter : Numbers

Categorization : 7.2.2

Keywords : monthly salary, savings, spend.



10. how much did amalia withdraw from her saving s​


how much did amalia withdraw from her saving s

berapa banyak amalia menarik dari tabungannya


how much did amalia withdraw from her savings

Berapa banyak yang ditarik Amalia dari tabunganya?​


how: bagaimana

much: banyak

how much: berapa banyak

did: yang telah

withdraw: menarik/mengambil kembali

from: dari

her: dia perempuan

savings: tabungan/simpanan

semoga membantu dan jangan lupa membuat jawaban ini jawaban terbaik :)

11. 8. If your monthly electricity payment was due yesterday. What should've you done? mohon bantuannya​


Beg for the owner to give more time so you can collect the money.


due = jatuh tempo

jatuh tempo itu adalah batas waktu pembayaran atau penerimaan sesuatu dengan yang telah ditetapkan; sudah lewat waktunya; kedaluwarsa.” “Tanggal yang ditetapkan sebagai waktu pelunasan utang atau kewajiban

12. Contoh kalimat how much dan how many dan kata awalnya harus how much atau how many misalnya how many ..... how much.... sebutkan masing masing 5

1. How many pets does she have?
2. How many pencils in your bag?
3. How many is your new shirt?
4. How many shoes do you collect?
5. How many books you have read?
How much
1. How much sugar do you buy?
2. How much water in the tank?
3. How much susu do you drink?
4. How much oil does he need?
5. How much sands do we take?
maaf klo ada yg salab

13. according to the new remuneration scheme,the starting pay of a lecturer is 1029 per month and the annual increment is 65.ahmad who is 25 years old becomes a lecturer in university.a) what will his monthly salary be when he is 45 years old?b) what will his age be when he gets a monthly payment of 2979?

RM 65(45 - 25) + RM 1029
= RM 65(20) + RM 1029
= RM 1300 + RM 1029
= RM 2329

(RM 2979 - RM 1029) ÷ RM 65 + 25yo
= RM 1950 ÷ RM 65 + 25yo
= 30y + 25yo
= 55yo

Sorry if I made a mistake.
Have a good day!

14. Wai Keong's monthly salary is twice the amount he saved in April.He saved $3500 in April. In May, he saved $4200 less than the amounthe spent.(a) How much is his monthly salary?(b) How much did he save in May?​​


a. $700

b. $4200


15. How much .....planes?6.How much .......... apples?7.How much ........... sheep?​


6.berapa banyak ...... pesawat?

7.berapa banyak ......apel?

8.berapa banyak.... domba?


berapa banyak.... pesawat

berapa banyak.....apel

berapa banyak.... domba

16. How much of these costs should be inventoried for external reporting purposes?

Jawaban: P625,000.

Penjelasan: PROBLEM, BLUBLURRY COMPANY budgets on an annual basis for its fiscal year.The following beginning and ending inventory levels (in units) are planned for the fiscalyear of July 1 through July 30

17. A debt of $750 due in 10 years and $250 due in 12 years is to be repaid by a single payment now. Find how much the payment is if an interest rate of 8% compounded quarterly is assumed?


So the total payment if an interest rate of 8% compounded quarterly is $ 26.342,5

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 quarter = 3 months

1 year= 4 quarter

10 years = 10 x 4 -->  n1 = 40

12 years = 12 x 4 -->  n2 = 48

Total Payment n1 = $ 750 [tex]( 1 + 0,08)^{40}[/tex]

                            = 750 x 21,72

                            = $ 16.290

Total Payment n2 = $ 250 [tex]( 1 + 0,08)^{48}[/tex]

                             = 250 x 40,21

                            =  $ 10.052,5

Total Payment = $ 16.290 + $ 10.052,5

                        = $ 26.342,5

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Bunga Majemuk pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/42681096


18. if you had only 5/1 how much would it be?




If you had 5/1, how much would it be?

5/1 is 5



19. how much did amalia withdraw from her saving s​


seberapa banyak Amalia menarik diri dari tabungan.


karena anda tidak bertanya dengan baik jadi kami jawab translatenya bukan jawaban.

20. How much of a school curriculum should be based on workplace skills?


I think there are 2 curriculum, it's math and english

if we work to international we should be able to speak english fluently

and if we want to be an architect we should be able count and measure, without math we can't do both


it's just my opinion, it's up to you to use it or not :)

semoga membantu

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