Kamis, 15 Desember 2022

Big Ideas Math Chapter 3 Test Answers

Big Ideas Math Chapter 3 Test Answers

Jawab KnYou get All answers correct in a math test ? Jawabkn Pakai Bahasa inggris Juga​

Daftar Isi

1. Jawab KnYou get All answers correct in a math test ? Jawabkn Pakai Bahasa inggris Juga​


Indonesia :

Bisakah Kamu Mendapatkan Semua Jawaban Dengan Benar Di Test Matematika


Can You Get All Answers Correctly In a Math Test?

Semoga Membantu :D

Jawaban:Not all but I got good grades

Penjelasan: Pertanyaan mu diartikan dalam bahasa Indonesia yaitu : Apakah semua jawabanmu benar di ulangan matematika.

Terjemahan Jawabannya: Tidak semua tapi aku mendapat nilai yg baik.

2. jawab dengan benar you get all answers corect in a math test ? Jawab kn dgn benar​


yes because I study hard

Kalau Kamu Bingung Terjemahannya Apa:

Benar Kamu Yang Bisa Menjawab Semua Pertanyaan Dengan Benar Di Test Matematika?

3. Competence test chapter 1


1. B. What is your name?

2. A. Let me introduce myself

3. B. Is he Ridho Prayogi

4. B. Introducing other people

5. B. I am Nidya


Jawaban sudah dipilih yang sesuai.

1. B. karena orang yang menjawab menyebutkan namanya

2. A. karena dia ingin memperkenalkan dirinya

3. B. karena yang menjawab meluruskan informasi dari si penanya

4. B. karena kalimat tersebut memeperkenalkan orang lain

5. B. karena dia memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu

Semoga membantu ya.


1. B

2. D

3. D

4. B

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. E

12. D

13. A

14. B

15. A

16. A

17. D

18. D

4. Competency Test Chapter 1 Jawab Tolong




1. B/C

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. C

9. D

10. D

5. competence test chapter 1halaman 12,13,14,15,​


mana foto ya mana foto ya

6. On math test, correct answers would be awarded 4 points, incorrect answers would be awarded -2 points, and no answers would be awarded 0 points. Out of 15 questions, Rara answered 11 questions correctly and 3 questions incorrectly, and she did not answer the remaining. What was the total points Rara got from the test ?​


38 points

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

correct answers : 4 points

incorrect answers : -2 points

no answers : 0 points

Rara answered 11 questions correctly, 3 questions incorrectly, and 1 questions no answers.

( 11×4 ) + ( 3×(-2)) + ( 1×0 )

= 44 + (-6)

= 44 - 6 = 38 points

hopefully my answers will help you, fighting!

7. Competency Test Chapter 1Jawab Tolong


soalnya mana bang?

JJ ;)


Competency Test Chapter 1



8. Quiz Math Grade: XSubject: Math FurtherChapter: Vector

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

mudah2 han dudah benar ya kak... maaf agak berantakan

9. Big Point Math.......​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bentuk Umum

y =A cos k(x +α)+c

π/k =π-1/2π

π/k =π/2

k =2

y =2cos 2x

10. bantu jawab yang nomor 5 dan competence test chapter 3​

1. I'm so impressed, because your masterpiece is ... than mine.

b. better

2. My new homework is ... than the old one.

c. easier

3. Linda is as ... as her sister.

b. beautiful

4. I don't like math; I think it is the ... subject for every student.

c. hardest

5. Wow, your current boyfriend is ... than Rury.

b. wiser

6. For the engagement, she wants the ... ring in the world.

c. most expensive

7. She is the ... woman I've ever met.

d. worst

8. Last night I got the ... meal than anyone in Lisa's party.

c. least

9. This is the ... money I've ever gotten in a day.

c. most

10. I can't do this English homework, it's as ... as the previous one.

a. difficult

11. Let's go to your home at first, it's ... than the others.

c. nearest

12. I'm so jealous of you, because you got the ... score of Match. It was so close for me.

c. best

good luck yaa

sincerely, Elizabeth

11. I got 40 for my science test and 50 for my math test. From the sentence above we can conclude that.... A. Science test is as difficult as mathB. Math test is the most difficult of allC. Science test is more difficult than mathD. Math test is more easier than science​



Maaf Kalo salah aku juga gk terlalu ngerti tulisannya

C. Science test is more difficult than math

Penjelasan :
kenapa bukan d,
karena kalau easier tidak menggunakan more

12. Please write out the answers to the questions at the end of ______________. A. eighth chapter B. eight chapter C. chapter eight D. chapter the eight


d. chapter the eight

sorry if wrong


d. chapter the eight

sorry not(,

13. evaluation test chapter 3 klas 7plis jawab yang lengkap​


6. b

7. a

8. d

9. b

10. c

11. c

12. c

14. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...

maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??

15. the math test is .... than the social test (difficult)​


the math test is more difficult than the social test.


the math test is more difficult than social test


maaf kalau salah :)

16. Competence Test Chapter 2

d. I'm very proud of youb. His parents must be proud of himb. Well donec. What a good newspaperb. What a pity I should say you are not right with your blousea. To congratulate Dhimas on his graduationd. high schoolb. merita. get a medal for the best studentb. finesta. Bayud. Badd. He has just graduated from universityd. majestic

17. Buatlah kalimat positive degree, comparative degree, dan superlative degree Dari kalimat berikut.Andi get 100 in math testBeni get 90 in math test Candra get 70 in math testDeni get 70 in math test.

Positive Degree: Candra is as stupid as Deni
Comprative Degree: Beni is smarter than Candra
Superlative Degree: Andi is the smartest student in the class 

18. pg bhs inggris evaluation test chapter 3 kls 11​


So what can I help you with?

19. big math point point​

1) (50+75) :(-25)

= 125 : (-25)

= 47

2) (38×4) × 50

= (152) × 50

= 7.600

3) FPB dari 46 dan 69 adalah

= 46 ≈ 2×23

69 ≈ 3×23

4) KPK dari 45 dan 60 adalah

= 45 ≈ 3² × 5

60 ≈ 2² × 3 × 5

jadi , KPK 45 dan 60 ≈ 3² × 2² × 5

≈ 180

5) ((-12) × 13)+((-12) × 7)

= -156 + -84

= -240

20. zaskia :we're going to have math test tomorrow.Kania :what materials will the teacher give to .... for the test?zaskia :chapter one to five,l think.a.meb.youc.usd.them

C. Us
# I hope this help you. jawabannya c. us... karena mereka membicaraka test yang akan mereka alami

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