Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023

Draw The Alkene Product Of This Wittig Reaction

Draw The Alkene Product Of This Wittig Reaction

The catabolism consist of four step reaction explain it and mention this product each step.​

Daftar Isi

1. The catabolism consist of four step reaction explain it and mention this product each step.​

Jawaban:Katabolisme terdiri dari empat langkah reaksi jelaskan dan sebutkan produk ini setiap langkahnya.​

Penjelasan:semoga membantu

2. What are the name and formula of the first substitution product of the reaction between methane and chlorine


CH4(metana) + Cl2( clorin) ->Ch2Cl2

(diklorometana)+ H2 ( Hidrogen)

3. ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction


Ammonium sulfate : (NH₄)₂SO₄
Ammonia : NH₃
Sulfuric acid : H₂SO₄

Reaction :
2NH₃ + H₂SO₄ --> (NH₄)₂SO₄ (balanced)

4. 1 What is the names of product ?2 Does the product countain a lot of vitamins ?3 Does this product contain many benefits for health ? 4 Why people should Buy this product ?5 What is the price of the product ?Answer = Rp2000

The name of the product is sari gandum sandwich
It does not contain a lot of vitamin
It does contain many benefits for health
Because it cheap, and it contains many benefits for our health
The price of the product is 2000

5. the brands of the product is (1) ___________ and the name of the product is (2) ______________. it used to (3) ______________. this product is healthy because it is free of (4) ______________. the product contains (5) _____________ per package.​



2.Non-Drowsy Daytime.

3.Cold & Flu(Pain Reliever,Fever Reducer,Cough Supressment,Nasal Decongestant).

4.Acetaminophen,Dextromethorpan HBr,Phenylephrine HCI

5 twelve(12)

6. what is the contain of this product​

Jawaban:Apa isi dari produk ini



what is the contain of this product

arti Soal:

apa isi dari produk..?


Production is the activity of processing raw goods, both raw and semi-finished, into objects that have a certain use value. Production can also be interpreted as making a coal


Produksi adalah kegiatan mengolah barang baku, baik berupa mentah maupun setengah jadi menjadi sebuah benda yang memiliki nilai guna tertentu. Produksi juga bisa diartikan sebagai pembuatan suatu barang atau jasa sehingga nilainya bisa bertambah daripada bahan bakunya.

7. The brand of the product is (1).......and the name of the product is (2) is used to (3) .......This product is healthy because it isfree of (4) ......The product contains (5) .....per package




sorry no 3 gak tau saya

8. 1.What is the names of product ?2. Does the product countain a lot of vitamins ?3. Does this product contain many benefits for health ?4. Why people should buy this product ?5. What is the price of the product?Answer = Harganya 3000

1. Richeese biskuit selimut
3.not much
4.because it have good taste
5.sudah ada jawabannya

9. 2. A fixed volume of the enzyme catalase was added to a fixed volume of hydrogenperoxide solution. The diagram shows how the concentration of product changed overthe course of the reaction.What explains the shape of this graph?a. The active sites become saturated.concentrationof productb. The enzyme was denatured.c. The hydrogen peroxide inhibited the reaction.d. The substrate molecules were used up.time​


A. The active sites become saturated concentration of product

Kenapa? Soalnya enzim katalase itu berfungsi untuk menguraikan hidrogen peroksida di dalam tubuh menjadi air dan oksigen (produk hasil)

semoga terbantu :)

10. tolong dibantu The name of the product... * The brand of the product * The description of the product? * The use of the product ... * The content of the product... * The direction to use of the product... The direction to use of the product... The expiration date of the product... *


* The name of the product Augmentin

* The brand of the product SB SmithKline Beecham

* The description of the product


Amoxicillin/ Clavunalate potassium

When reconstituted, each 5 ml contains:

-Amoxicillin 125 mg, as the trihydrate,

-Clavulanic Acid 31,25 mg, as the clavunalate potassium

* The content of the product Amoxicillin, Clavulanic Acid

* The direction to use of the product

Direction for mixing(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yg digambar), Dosage(tulis semua kalimatnya sesuai yang digambar)

* The expiration date of the product 10 Days



11. The brand of the product is ( 1 ) .......... And the name of the product is ( 2 )....... This product is a ( 3 ) .......... with soothin oat essence. this product is useful to ( 4 ) ......... you can consume this product ( 5 ) .......... Tolong paragraf di atas apa ya

The brand of the product is extracare And the name of the product is oatmeal. This product is a daily moisturizing lotion with soothin oat essence. this product is useful to skin relief. you can consume this product to protect and relive dry skin.

Jawaban:EtracareOatmeal Daily moisturizing lotionSkin relief To protect and relive dry skin


1. The brand of the product is extracare

➡ Merek produknya adalah extracare

Penjelasan:Merk yang tertera pada gambar adalah extracareAda pada bagian atas

2. And the name of the product is oatmeal.

➡ dan nama produknya adalah oatmeal.

Penjelasan:Nama dari produk ini adalah oatmealkarena salah satu bahannya dari oatmeal

3. This product is a daily moisturizing lotion with soothin oat essence.

➡ Produk ini adalah lotion pelembab harian dengan esensi oat yang menenangkan.

Penjelasan:Oat banyak sekali manfaatnyasalah satunya asa efek menenangkan.

4. this product is useful to skin relief.

➡ produk ini bermanfaat untuk meredakan kulit.

Penjelasan:Karena ada fungsi menenangkanjadi bisa untuk meredakan

5. you can consume this product To protect and relive dry skin.

➡ kalian dapat menggunakan produk ini untuk melindungi dan menghidupkan kembali kulit kering

Penjelasan:Produk ini memiliki kegunaan sebagai pelembab untuk kulit kering

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Soal sejenis;

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Level: JHS

Kode Soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5

12. question;how is the direction to use this product¿how do you sell this product¿when is the expired date?what is the form of the product¿who produce this product?​

Use as dietary supplement daily or as directed by your healthcare advise.You can sell the product at the pharmacy.Expired date is not listed on the label.The product is in the form of capsule.The product is produced by Limitless Organics™.


Label of product merupakan short functional text. Short functional text adalah sebuah teks yang isinya merupakan petunjuk yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari - hari. "Functional" dalam penamaannya juga memiliki makna tersendiri, hal ini karena penggunaan benda tersebut disesuaikan dengan fungsi - fungsinya.

Contoh short functional text :Pengumuman (announcement).Iklan (advertisement).Resep (recipe).Food/supplement label.Undangan (invitation).

Berdasarkan soal :Use as dietary supplement daily or as directed by your healthcare advise (gunakan sebagai suplemen diet atau berdasarkan saran kesehatan).You can sell the product at the pharmacy (kamu bisa menjualnya di apotek). Karena produk seperti obat - obatan harus mendapat izin jika ingin dijual.Expired date is not listed on the label (tanggal kadaluarsa tidak tertera pada label tersebut).The product is in the form of capsule (produk tersebut dalam bentuk kapsul).The product is produced by Limitless Organics™ (produk tersebut diproduksi oleh Limitless Organics™). Terdapat tulisan nama/perusahaan Limitless Organics™ pada label tersebut.

KesimpulanUse as dietary supplement daily or as directed by your healthcare advise.You can sell the product at the pharmacy.Expired date is not listed on the label.The product is in the form of capsule.The product is produced by Limitless Organics™.

Pelajari lebih lanjutDefinisi short functional text : - jenis short functional text : short functional text :


Detail Jawaban

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 9

Materi : Imperative, giving tips, reading notes of products

Kata kunci : Label

Kode kategorisasi : 9.5.3

13. the brands of the product is (1) ___________ and the name of the product is (2) ______________. it used to (3) ______________. this product is healthy because it is free of (4) ______________. the product contains (5) _____________ per package.​




3.Cold & flu

4. Free of alcohol & athistamine

14. 1.Who is the consumer of this product?​


Siapakah konsumen produk ini?


maaf kalau salah

1. kalau diterjemahkan :
siapakah konsumen produk ini?

hmm soalnya kurang jelas kakak, disuruh terjemahin atau gimna?

15. What is the serving size of this product?


Berapa ukuran porsi produk ini?

16. 1 what is the names of product ?2 Does the product countaun a lot of vitamins ?3 Does this product contain many bene fits for health?4 Why people should buy this product ?5. What is the price of the product ?

1. Energen
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Because it’s healthy and tasty1. Energen
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Because its healthy and easy to serve
5. ( harganya tidak menentu, coba aja ke kantin terys tanya harganya berapa )

semoga membantu ^^

17. 1. What is the purpose of the label ? 2. What is the label about? 3. What are ingredients of this product? 4. What is the name of the product? 5. What is the flavor of this product? 6. How weigh is the product? 7. How many vitamins is in the product? what are they? 8. What is the description of this product? 9. Why is the product stated "99% fat free" ? 10. Who is allowed to consume the product?​


to tell what is contained in the productabout protein, fat, vitamins and othersmilk and sugarthe product name is "Yoplait"strawberry flavour the weight of the product is 170 grams15% vitamin A, 20% vitamin D, 20% calcium,phosporus 15%"This beverage product is healthy because it contains vitamins A, D, calcium and phosphorus"because the product is very healthy

10. everyone

Jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya

18. the brand of the product is (1)___ and the name of the product is (2)___.This product is a (3)___ with soothing oat essense.This product is a useful to (4)___.You can consume this product (5)___.​


XtraCareSkin Relief Oatmeal Daily Moisturizing LotionLotionProtect and relieve dry skinFor external use only


19. 1. What is the name of the product?2. Mention the ingredient of this product?3. How much calories does the product contain?4. From the label, we know that the product contains.....sugar.5. The expiration of the product is...

maafcumabisaartinaja.maafkaloadayangsalahsemoga membantu ☺️

20. 1 what is the names of product ?2 Does the product countain a lot of vitamins ?3 does this product contain many benefits for health ?4 Why people should buy this product ?5 What is the price the product ?

1. it is 'Richeese Ahh'

2. No, it doesn't. It contains a lot of sodium and sugar.

3. no, it doesn't. it is just a snack. snacks give a lack of benefits for health

4. they bought this product just for a snack, not a daily intake.

5. Around Rp2.000 maybe? I guessed.

Hope this is helpful and clear

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