Jumat, 13 Januari 2023

Market Growth Strategies: The Better Bean

Market Growth Strategies: The Better Bean

Jelaskan pengertian market growth

Daftar Isi

1. Jelaskan pengertian market growth


Market growth adalah sebuah bangsa pasar dapat menjadi indikator meningkatnya kinerja pemasaran suatu perusahaan.

2. 1. The market is on ... Street.a. BeanApplec. Oranged. Apple and Orangeb.​




karena apel itu ada di market

3. Cara aplikasi tool market growth matrix kepada perusahaan apple


yaitu dengan saling bekerja sama dalam sebuah perusahaann

4. What are the strategies in vocabulary learning?



The skills are ready to ask for the mastery of the appropriate vocabulary, so it allows what is to be conveyed properly channeled. Adequate mastery of the vocabulary can determine a person's quality. Vocabulary learning must be carried out effectively, such as contextual learning, that is learning that is in line with the purpose of communication and learning that involves in everyday life and is carried out actively, creatively, effectively, and fun.

Vocabulary is a core component of speaking ability and is the basis of how students are able to speak well, listen, read, and write. Without extensive vocabulary and the right strategies to obtain new vocabulary, students are less able to optimize the potential they need and become reluctant to take advantage of opportunities around, such as listening to the radio, listening to native speakers, using language to interact differently, reading, and watching television.

Therefore, teachers are required to do learning and choose vocabulary with creativity, so that it becomes more interesting to attract students in learning it.

Formulation of the problem

Based on the background that has been described, the writer can formulate two debates, namely as follows.

Why are specific strategies in learning and learning vocabulary needed?

What are the strategies in learning and learning vocabulary?

Writing purpose

The following are the objectives that should be proposed.

Describe the need for special strategies in learning and learning vocabulary in students.

Describe strategies in learning and learning vocabulary.

The benefits of writing

Convey the benefits that can be submitted convey as follows.

As a reference material for teachers regarding vocabulary learning in class.

Theoretically, this research is a reference source for further learning and vocabulary research.


often watch netflix movies without subtitles

often listen to English songs

often read english books, whether novels, comics

5. 1. Scanning and skimming are kinds of .... a. Writing strategies b. Reading strategies c. Speaking strategies d. Listening strategies

Jawabannya B.

Semoga membantu, kak! ^^

6. soal ujian tryoutwhat shold we do of we find that warningA. state into the BeanB.do not state into BeanC.touch the BeanD.approach the radiation​




Karena jawabannya d warning sama dengan radiation atau radiasi

D. Approach the radiation.

7. apa arti the farmers plant the bean seed in the field

Petani menanam tumbuhan biji kacang di ladang.

8. Rewrite the steps using the appropriate sequence adverbs (first, second, third, fourth, then, next, after that, finally, etc.) Don't use numbers! Steps: -Wash the mung bean. -Boil the water. -Put the mung bean into the boiling water. -Let the mung bean become tender. -Add the salt and the sugar. -Simmer for 30 minutes. -Serve the mung bean porridge.

first is wash the mung bean
second is boil the water
third is put the mung bean into boiling water
fourth is let the mung bean become tender
fifth is add the salt and the sugar
sixth is simmer for 30 minutes
anf seventh is serve the mung bean porrige.

Insyaallah bener tapi klo slh maa ya...

9. (28) … something in her hand. It was Mr. Bean’s favourite doll. The lady gave the doll to Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean


She bring something in her hand


10. Man: Economic growth creates manyoos which in tum malce manyfamilies live in beber conditionsWoman: You're rightWhat is the effect?A Economic growthB. Many jobsC. Many familiesD. Economic growth creates many jobs.E. Many families live in better concions​


A economic growth


11. mr bean is busy......the momen​


Mr bean is busy at the moment


Mr bean is busy at the moment

12. how many strategies in translation? a. four strategies b. nine strategies c. two strategies d. eight strategies e. five strategies


how many strategies in translation?

d.eight strategies

jangan lupa follow aku ya:)Terima Kasih-

13. 20. Arrange the jumbled sentence into the steps of how to make mug bean porridgeSteps:1. Put the mung bean into the boiling water.2. Let the mung bean become tender.3. Serve the mung bean porridge4. Boil the water.5. Add the salt and the sugar6. Wash the mung bean.7. Simmer for 30 minutes,(.............,........,........,...........,.......,........).Tolong di jawab kk ​



20. Arrange the jumbled sentence into the steps of how to make mug bean porridge


1. Put the mung bean into the boiling water.

2. Let the mung bean become tender.

3. Serve the mung bean porridge

4. Boil the water.

5. Add the salt and the sugar

6. Wash the mung bean.

7. Simmer for 30 minutes,



6 - 4 - 7 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 3


20. Susun kalimat campur aduk tersebut menjadi langkah-langkah cara membuat bubur kacang mug


1. Masukkan kacang hijau ke dalam air mendidih.

2. Biarkan kacang hijau menjadi empuk.

3. Sajikan bubur kacang hijau

4. Rebus air.

5. Tambahkan garam dan gula

6. Cuci kacang hijau.

7. Didihkan selama 30 menit,



6 - 4 - 7 - 1 - 5 - 2 - 3




14. Change the sentences into interrogative form! 1. Tradisional market ia the type of market where people can bargain the prices. 2. Paying by credit card and ATM are available in modern market. 3. The items sold in traditional market are basically the same. 4. On the second floor, people buy meat and fish, fruits,vegetables, and dry goods. 5. The sellers sell fruits and vegetables through the middle area. 6. The goods and the quality of the goods in modern market ia better that traditional.


1. Is traditional market a type of market where people can bargain the prices?

2. Are paying by credit card and ATM available in modern market? atau Can we pay by credit card and ATM in modern market?

3. Are the items sold in traditional markets basically the same?

4. Do people buy meat, fish, fruits, vegetable, and dry goods on the second floor?

5. Do the sellers sell fruits and vegetables through the middle area?

6. Are the goods and the quality of the goods better in modern market?


Maaf sekali kalau salah

15. let the mung bean become

biarkan mung bean menjadi
biarkan kacang hijau menjadi

16. 1. MUNG BEAN PORRIDGE Ingredients : One cup of mung bean 4 Tablespoonfuls of sugar ½ Teaspoonful of salt 5 Cups of water Steps : Wash the mung bean Boil the water Put the mung bean into the boiling water Let the mung bean become tender Add the salt and the sugar Simmer for 30 minutes Now you can serve it. What should we do after we let the mung bean become tender? a.Simmer for 30 minutes​ b.Add five cups of water c.Add the salt and the sugar d.Put the mung bean into the boiling water 2. MUNG BEAN PORRIDGE Ingredients : One cup of mung bean 4 Tablespoonfuls of sugar ½ Teaspoonful of salt 5 Cups of water Steps : Wash the mung bean Boil the water Put the mung bean into the boiling water Let the mung bean become tender Add the salt and the sugar Simmer for 30 minutes Now you can serve it. What is the purpose of the text? a.To describe a particular thing b.To amuse or entertain the readers c.To tell how to make something step by step d.To describe something in general


1. c.Add the salt and the sugar

2. c.To tell how to make something step by step.

karena menjelaskan membuat sesuatu dengan tahapannya.





semoga membantu

17. the bean seed - the field - plant - the Farmers - in tolong Jawab Ya​


The farmers plant the bean seed in the field


Artinya : Para petani menanam benih kacang di lahannya.

Kalimat aktif harus berurutan SPOK-nya

Para petani = Subjek (Subject)

menanam = Predikat (Predicate klo gasalah)

benih kacang = Objek (Object)

di lahannya = Keterangan

Semoga membantu :)

18. what are actually the purposes of the strategies back to school ?​


To get us ready when we want to get back to school with some new environment, habits, and circumstances.

19. What are the marketing strategies of Printerous?


The marketing strategies of Printerous is to make printing needs more practically and efficiently. With the technology that Printerous serve, it makes it more easy to print faster and cheaper.

With some printing partners spread across the major cities, the printing process can be decentralized to order in the area, and it doesn't take much big cost and a long time to to distribute it.

Printerous remains consistent in setting quality standards, and Customer concern when printing at different printers is the mismatch between one print and another. The existence of quality and speed standards will ensure that the printed product is in accordance with the specifications desired by and for the customer.

The selective determination of printing partners is Printerous' effort to provide the best service for their customers concerns and priorities them at best.

20. What is the text about?a. Serving mung bean porridgeb. Describing mung bean porridgec. Making mung bean porridged. Explaining mung bean porridge​


serving mung Bean porridge




Tentang apa teks tersebut?

Sebuah. Melayani bubur kacang hijau.

b. Mendeskripsikan bubur kacang hijau


c. Membuat bubur kacang hijau


d. Menjelaskan bubur kacang hijau.


Answer: Serving mung Bean porridge.

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