Rabu, 18 Januari 2023

Which Of The Following Setups Would Convert Centimeters To Feet

Which Of The Following Setups Would Convert Centimeters To Feet

Sebutkan how do you convert meters to centimeters centimeters to millimeters?

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1. Sebutkan how do you convert meters to centimeters centimeters to millimeters?


kamu dapat mengubah meter ke centimeter dengan mengalikannya dengan bilangan 100, sedangkan centimeter ke milimeter dengan cara mengalikannya dengan angka 10

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

You can convert meters to centimeters by multiplying by 100, while centimeters to millimeters by multiplying by 10


5 m = 500 cm

4 cm = 40mm

2. convert the following to standard form 70m=....km





maaf jika saya salah

3. convert the following decimals to 1. 0.45= ...... common fractions

0.45=45/100= 9/20

maaf kalau salah

0,45= 45/100
so, common fraction of 0.45 is 9/20

4. Convert the following sentences into passive! Millions of tourists visit Bali every year.​

ྀ༘ Present Tense┃Passive Voice ྀ༘


Jawaban: Bali is visited by millions of tourists every year




Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aktifitas/peristiwa yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang, kegaitan yang sudah menjadi suatu kebiasaan, atau menyatakan suatu fakta. Contoh:

Aku belajar setiap malamMatahari terbit di sebelah Timur


•‘°Active Voice

(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O/C(–) S + do/does + not + V-1 + O/C(?) Do/Does + S + V-1 + O/C + ?

•‘°Passive Voice

(+) S + to be present + V3 + by + agent(–) S + to be present + not + V3 + by + agent(?) To be present + S + V3 + by + agent + ?


❶ Pada Active Voice, untuk kalimat positif

Pada kalimat positif, jika subjeknya ┃He, She, It, dan Nama orang tunggal (kecuali subjek ‘saya (I)’)┃ maka, kata kerja harus ditambah ‘s/es’

❷ Pada Active Voice, untuk kalimat negatif dan introgatif

Does digunakan untuk subject ➻ He, She, It, dan Nama orang tunggal (kecuali subjek ‘saya (I)’)Do digunakan untuk subject ➻ I, You, We, They, dan Nama orang/benda banyak (Gracia and Leowvis are.... ┃atau┃ The tables are....)

❸ To be present terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu:

Am digunakan untuk ➻ IIs digunakan untuk ➻ He, She, It, dan Nama orang/benda tunggal (kecuali subjek ‘saya (I)’)Are digunakan untuk ➻ You, We, They, dan Nama orang/benda banyak (Gracia and Leowvis are.... ┃atau┃ The tables are....)

5. convert the following percentages into fraction 34,5℅​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

34.5% = 34.5/100

= (34.5 × 10) / (100 × 10)

= 345/1000

= (345 : 5)/(1000 : 5)

= 69/200

6. through the processof photosynthesis, green plants convert light to chemical energy .... in the bonds of sugar

Through the process of photosynthesis, green plants convert light to chemical energy which can be stored in the bonds of sugar

Maaf kalau salah. Aku gak yakin juga ^^'------- to chemical energy WHICH in the bonds of sugar.

7. What will you do if the rope swings toward the front of the feet? * A. To bent your feet. B. To jump over the rope. C. To stand with the tips of the toes D. To stay movement with the ankles.


B. to jump over the rope


8. A clothesline rope is 8 feet long. Which of these is another way to express 8 feet?.

Panjang 1 feet adalah 30,48 cm. Maka jika 8 feet diubah ke satuan lain dapat menghasilkan 243,84 cm.


Satuan merupakan suatu besaran dalam matematika. Satuan terdiri atas dua jenis, yaitu:

Satuan Baku

Satuan baku merupakan satuan yang telah disepakati secara internasional dan digunakan secara luas dalam masyarakat. Satuan baku merupakan satuan resmi yang digunakan. Contoh satuan baku yang digunakan, yaitu:

1. Satuan panjang = meter, kilometer, centimeter, dekameter, hektometer, desimeter, milimeter.

2. Satuan suhu = celcius, reamur, fahrenheit, kelvin.

3. Satuan berat = kilogram, gram, miligram, hektogram, dekagram, ton, kuintal.

4. Satuan waktu = hari, tahun, bulan, jam, menit, detik.

5. Satuan volume = liter, mililiter.

6. Satuan gaya = newton, dyne.

Satuan Tidak Baku

Satuan tidak baku dapat diartikan sebagai satuan yang digunakan dalam masyarakat namun tidak resmi. Satuan tidak baku menghasilkan nilai yang berbeda-beda apabila dilakukan pengukuran oleh beberapa orang. Contoh satuan tidak baku, yaitu:

1. Jengkal

2. Depa

3. Langkah kaki

4. Jam pasir

5. Hasta

6. Gelas

7. Tali

8. Tongkat

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang satuan baku pada brainly.co.id/tugas/320721

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

9. Write an integer to represent each of the following statements. An ant crawls 8 centimeters down into an ant hole​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Sebab jika seekor semut masuk lobang bearti turun sejauh 8 kearah bawah, maka tandanya negatif yang diukur dari titik nol.

10. 1. Convert the following numbers to IEEE single-precision format. Give the results as eight hexadecimal digits.a. -5/322. Convert the following IEEE single-precision floating-point numbers from hex to deci mal:a.00800000H​




11. Convert in enumeration notation The set of all natural number at most 20 which are multiple of 3 and also multiple of 4


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The following are the list of multiple of 3 that at most 20


Meanwhile the following are the list of multiple of 4 that no greater than 20


So the number that are on both lists is 12 only.

So the answer is {20}.

12. Convert the following sentences into passive! The waitress is going to serve the customers​


The customers are going to be served by the waitress. Tolong berikan "jawaban tercerdas/brainliest answer"

13. Which of the following is an example of a simile? a. He had big feet. b. His feet were huge dolphins. c. His feet were like baby dolphins. d. His feet looked enormous.

c, the use of like is what determines the difference between metaphors and similesC his feet were like baby dolphins

14. Directions: Convert the following into indirect speech. He said to Prapti, “Will you come with me


He asked Prapti whether she (kalo Praptinya cewek) will come with him or not.

15. Convert each of the following fractionor mixed numbers to a decimal and percent equivalents. Round decimal to thousandths 3/8 dan 18 11/12 berikan jalan nya

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3/8 = 0,375

3/8 × 100 = 37,5 %

18 11/12 = 227/12 = 18,916

18 11/12 = 227/12 × 100 = 1891,7 %

16. Convert the following decimals to fractions. 0.83 = 0.4 = 0.123 = 0.19 = 0.96 = Convert the following fractions to decimals. 610 = 41100 = 110 = 521000 = 23100 = Subject: Math Grade: 4












17. The status depicts a woman escaping the chains of tyranny which lie at her feet . What is the synonym of depicts?


synonym of depicts is Represent

18. Answer the following question clearly and correctly! • “Dolphins dive up to 1,000 feet.” Write the negative and interrogative forms of the sentence above!

1. Dolphins don't dive up to 1,000 feet

1. Do dolphins dive up to 1,000 feet?negative
Dolphins doesn't dive up to 1,000 feet

Does dolphins dive up to 1,000 feet?

19. If on a map scale drawing 75 feet are represented by 45 inches, then a scale of 1/5 inch (convert to decimals) represents how many feet?

0,3 feet

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Translate :

Jika pada skala peta gambar 75 kaki diwakili oleh 45 inci, maka skala 1/5 inci (konversikan ke desimal) mewakili berapa kaki?

Penyelesaian :

[tex]\frac{75kaki}{45inci} = \frac{x}{0.2inci} \\ \frac{45inci}{75kaki} \times 0.2inci \: = x \\ 0.3kaki = x[/tex]

20. Convert the 1.45 to a percentage


Arti dari soal tersebut adalah;

ubah 1,45 menjadi Presentase

Karena presentase,maka dikalikan 100%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]1.45 = \frac{145}{100} \\ \frac{145}{100} \times 100\% = \\ \frac{14500}{100} = 145\%[/tex]

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