Rabu, 18 Januari 2023

Match Each Moon Or Planet To The Most Accurate Characteristic

Match Each Moon Or Planet To The Most Accurate Characteristic

Write complete question or answer 1.Which is the planet with the most English speaker? ______________________________________________________ 2.Which is the planet with the most moons ______________________________________________________ 3.Which planet is closest to the sun? ______________________________________________________

Daftar Isi

1. Write complete question or answer 1.Which is the planet with the most English speaker? ______________________________________________________ 2.Which is the planet with the most moons ______________________________________________________ 3.Which planet is closest to the sun? ______________________________________________________

Merkurius1. Earth
2. Mars
3. Merkurius

semoga benar dan membantu.

2. draw the line to match each word to Ita opposites ​


itu kk yg disuruh


tarik garis untuk mencocokkan setiap kata dengan lawan kata Ita


3. match each statement on the left column with the statement on the right column.for question no.22 27.match each expression to the suitable response!​



cocokkan setiap pernyataan di kolom kiri dengan pernyataan di kolom kanan. untuk pertanyaan no. 22 27. cocokkan setiap ekspresi dengan jawaban yang sesuai!



4. Use to,in order to, or so that to match each clause in column a with a clause in column b

1 to B
2 In order to F
3 so that H
4 to A
5 so that D
6 so that G
7 so that I (i)
8 to J
9 in order to E
10 so that C

1. to B

2. In order to F

3. so that H

4. to A

5. so that D

6. so that G

7. so that I (i)

8. to J

9. in order to E

10. so that C


5. apa itu to the moon ?​


apa itu to the moon ? Ke bulan


maaf kalo salah

6. Challenge 3 Listen to the recording and choose the most suitableresponse to each dialogue. Write A, B, or CEnglish Assessment tolong bantu​


sound nya manaaa? kalo gaada sound nya gabisa dikerjain atuhh

7. Match each statement on the left column with the statement on the rightcolumn. For question no. 2227Match each expression to the state response​


Gk tau kak mau nanya jwab malah suruh jwb punya kakak dlu


8. Two astronauts on the surface of the moon cannot hear to each other. Why ?


Astronot tidak dapat mendengar bunyi karena di bulan dan angkasa hampa udara sebabnya astronot berkomunikasi dengan radio

9. 20. The most distinguishing characteristicof an elephant is....​


20. The most distinguishing characteristic

of an elephant is....

jwb:Elephants have special characteristics, and the most striking is the trunk or proboscis which is used for many things, especially for breathing, sucking water, and picking up objects.


20. Ciri yang paling membedakan

seekor gajah adalah ....

jwb: Gajah memiliki ciri-ciri khusus, dan yang paling mencolok adalah belalai atau proboscis yang digunakan untuk banyak hal, terutama untuk bernapas, menghisap air, dan mengambil benda


semoga membanty

10. does the planet revolve the moon?

No, it doesn't.

The planet(s) are revolve the sun.

11. Activity 1Match the word or phrase in the left column to the right column!​


1 & e

2 & d

3 & c

4 & b

5 & a


Semoga bermanfaat..


1. e

2. d

3. c

4. b

5. a



12. Match the pictures to the phrases or sentences.Bantu Jawab!Mau dikumpul hari ini ​


Road Signs:

6. Go up the street

7. J. Go down the street

8. F. Cross the street

9. H. Go straight on

10. G. Take the first turning on your left

11. L. Turn right

12. i. Turn left

13. K. Walk past


Jawaban dicetak tebal berdasarkan gambar rambu lalu lintas pada soal.

6. Go up the street maksudnya jalanan menanjak, namun tidak terdapat pilihan jawabannya

7. J. Go down the street jalanan menurun seperti pada gambar

8. F. Cross the street karena bersebrangan arahnya

9. H. Go straight on karena jalan terus saja lurus

10. G. Take the first turning on your left karena belok ke kiri pada belokan pertamamu

11. L. Turn right karena itu tanda belok kanan sesuai rambu

12. i. Turn left karena itu tanda belok ke kiri sesuai rambu

13. K. walk past karena itu tanda jalan melewati (Walk past)

Semoga membantu ya.

13. Tell the characteristic of each animal below verbally! ​


sebutkan ciri ciri masing-masing hewan di bawah ini secara lisan


Kuala lambat hitam penakutdi pohon

paus besar di laut mempunyai tanduk

merak mempunyai sebuah sayap yang indah

singa bulunya tebal di hutan dia kejam

kodomo mempunyai lidah seperti ular mempunyai ekor

buaya ekor panjang harga kasar mulut panjang tangan pendek

panda mempunyai mata panda telinga telinga menonjol warna kulit hitam putih

kupu-kupu memiliki sayap besar dan indah

14. What are the most obvious characteristic of zebras

the most obvious characteristics of zebras are their skin: black with white stripes and it looks like same between the others.they have a unique color, black and white

15. The most distinguishing characteristic of an elephant is .....

are having a long trunk and wide ears


elephant have special characteriatic , and the most triking is the trunk or proboscis which is used for many thing , especialy for beathing , scuking water , and picking up objects.

artinya:ciri yang paling membedakan seokor gajah adalah................

jawab:gajah memiliki ciri-ciri khusus , dan yang paling mencolok adalah belalai atau pobuscis yang di gunakan untuk banyak hal , terutama untuk bernapas , mengisap air , dan mengambil benda.


semoga membantu♧♧

16. Match the words or phrases below to make good instructions


cocokkan kata atau frase di bawah ini untuk membuat instruksi yang baik


itu artinya

aku gak faham maksudnya:(

maaf kalau salah

17. Match each expression of appreciating / complimenting to the suitable response!

1. Woow, You're smart girl

Response: Really? I don't think so. Thanks

2. Congratulation for your exam results, You're so fantastic.

Response: You too, thanks a lot.

3. Woah, your dress is very beautiful

Response: My mother gifted that in my birthday. Thanks for you compliment.



18. artinya "draw a line to match each picture with the right instructions"

Gambar garis untuk mencocokkan gambar dengan petunjuk yang benar."gambar garis untuk mencocokkan setiap gambar dengan instruksi yang tepat"

19. activity 8 work with previous partner. match each word with the suitable definition or meaning



20. Match each part of the school building to its description​


Sis, how does it fit in, how come there is no picture


\thank you for the point

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