Selasa, 07 Februari 2023

Because God Is A Self Sending God

Because God Is A Self Sending God

Yang bener itu : because god hears god , god answers atau Cause god hears , god answers

Daftar Isi

1. Yang bener itu : because god hears god , god answers atau Cause god hears , god answers

cause God hears, God answersbecause God listen and answer
or Because God listen and God answer

2. Apa bedanya: God is my power dengan God is my stronger ?


Kekuatan tuhan

Archangel plus god power doesn't trump God's sister.

Archangel ditambah kekuatan tuhan tak bisa mengalahkan saudari tuhan.

So, Amara's fog-- could it have been Amara's god power?

Jadi, kabut amara -- mungkinkah itu kekuatan tuhan milik amara?

Contoh kalimat lain

He hadn't gotten hit by the god power yet.

Dia belum tersentuh kekuatan tuhan.

God's power is restored.

Kuasa tuhan dipulihkan.

This is the power of god!

Inilah kekuatan dewa!

God has no power.

Tuhan tidak memiliki kekuasaan.

The source of god's power on earth.

Sumber kekuatan tuhan di dunia.

The power of god or something.

Kuasa tuhan atau sesuatu.

3. Apa pengertian : Tuhan Maha Hadir (God is omnipresent): Tuhan Maha Tahu (God is omniscient): Tuhan Maha Kuasa (God is omnipotent):


Jehovah Shammah


Tuhan Maha Hadir (God is omnipresent) = Omni Present

Tuhan Maha Tahu (God is omniscient)  = Omni Scient

Tuhan Maha Kuasa (God is omnipotent: = Omni Potent

Maaf Kalau Salah

Pelajaran Kristen

4. "Sedang berdoa Kepada tuhan bagaimana cara agar berhenti melakukan tindakan self injury dan bagaimana cara menerima diri sendiri" --Bahasa inggrisnya apa, trs penggunanya "Was praying to god atau pray to god??"

kalo menurutku pake was praying to god

5. Thank god the tent is done Artinya


Terimakasih Tuhan, Tenda telah selesai

6. pharaoh was believed to be a living god son of egyptian creator god amun. the predicate is

son of egyptian creator God Amun

maaf kalau salah

7. thank god or thanks god?​


yang bener adalah thank god

8. apa artinya dalam bahasa indonesia..i'm single because god is busy writing the best love story for me

aku sendiri karena tuhan sibuk menulis kisah cinta yang terbaik untukku

semoga membantu
Saya single/sendiri karena Tuhan sibuk menuis cerita cinta yang terbaik untukku.

9. What is meaning "the love of god"


English : The Love Of God

Indonesian : Cinta Tuhan


cinta Tuhan.........................

10. What is God intention by his revelation?​


Revelation is the truth directly conveyed by Allah SWT to His prophets to be conveyed to his people


semoga bermanfaat

11. is sinta a god gril ?why​


i don't know

why you ask like that


-Is Sinta a good girl, why?

Terjemahan : Apakah Sinta adalah gadis/cewek yang baik? mengapa begitu?

God Grill? *Menacing laugher*

12. Besides sending the prophets and the messengers, what did God send?​


reward and sustenance


tolong bantu branliest answer nya ya, lagi pushrank brainly nih

13. ada yang bisa buatin teks yang bertemakan : GOD IS GREAT

           God is the controller and the one who make this earth with all of it's contents, including the animals, plants, and us as a human. God can make everything happen even what everyone can't do. God is always noble and fair, he give luck or even big fortune for someone who loyal to Him. So we should pay much homage, respect, and be faith to him, because he is the one who hold the power of life. He can either give end to our life by one word, so why could we be a reluctant people to him. But god always forgive all of our guilt even people won't give their forgiveness to us. His way is always right, we must do his command and keep away from his prohibition, because when we contravene of his command, we will be  friend wit satans and go to hell with them. God Is Great !

14. mr.hanafi is praying for God. he wears​


skullcap and sarong


semoga membantu

15. pharaoh was believed to be a living god son of egyptian creator god amun. the predicate is

menurut saya sih believed

16. god is eternal.what does it mean?

Soal : God is eternal.What does it mean ?

Arti Soal : Tuhan itu abadi.Apa artinya itu ?

Jawaban : God will not die until anytime.As evidence,God can still manage the life of his creatures.

Arti Jawaban : Tuhan itu tidak akan mati sampai kapanpun.Sebagai bukti Tuhan masih bisa mengatur kehidupan mahluknya.

Semoga membantu...

17. What do you think will happen if God God is it in a variety of slope intent at at​


ask to your god


okay okayyy

18. Apa pengertian :Tuhan Maha Hadir (God is omnipresent): Tuhan Maha Tahu (God is omniscient): Tuhan Maha Kuasa (God is omnipotent):


1.Tuhan Maha Hadir adalah kata sifat yang artinya hadir di mana mana.

2.Pengertian Allah Maha Tahu adalah Allah mengetahui sua yang kita lakukan,katakan,sesuatu yang tersembunyi di dalam hati.

3.Omnipoten adalah sifat yang dikenakan kepada Tuhan yang berarti Maha Kuasa. Kemahakuasaan Tuhan sehingga Dia begitu bebas dan tidak terpengaruh apa pun dan siapa pun dari luar diri-Nya sendiri.


semoga membantu ya

19. is god our friend???cepet jawab,mau dikumpulin sekarang!!​


apakah tuhan teman kita?


semoga bermanfaat maaf kalau salah (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


God is our Friend?

Probably not.

Because God is our saviour.


20. Apa arti sari. Is god

Adalah Tuhan klo gk god = adalah Tuhan

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