Rabu, 08 Februari 2023

Storing Lemonade In A Pewter Pitcher

Storing Lemonade In A Pewter Pitcher

to make a pitcher of lemonade he use 3 cups of sugar for every 5 cups of lemon juicehow many cup of sugar did shiva use if the pitcher contains 32 cups of lemonade​

Daftar Isi

1. to make a pitcher of lemonade he use 3 cups of sugar for every 5 cups of lemon juicehow many cup of sugar did shiva use if the pitcher contains 32 cups of lemonade​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

gunakan perbandingan

3 : 5 = x : 32

→ x = 3×32/5

x = 19,2 cups

2. ACTIVITY2Put the suitable sentence connector of the text below●pertanyaanThe Steps to Make Lemonade Juice...............squeeze the juice out of lemonade......................put the lemon juice into a pitcher.......................fill up the pitcher with water...........add sugar... stir​


at the first

and then





3. antimony sering digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat pewter salah satu unsur gelombang golongan 5A yang dicampurkan dalam pembuatan pewter adalah

Unsur golongan VA yg dicampurkan dlm pembuatan pewter adalah Bismut.

4. Waiter : Please have a seat . . .? Bernie : A lemonade, please a. Do you drink a lemonade B. What would you like to eat C. What would you like to have D. How do you like a lemonade


12. C

hopefully can help you..

5. Bangka Tin Pewter items are made with tin from the island of Bangka. The expats’ favorite are the angels in varying sizes, candlesticks, picture frames, and Christmas tree ornaments. Engravings of Bangka tin items are often presented by various expat groups to their members in recognition of various achievements. Shops specializing in Bangka pewter items can be found in Jakarta on Jln. Paletahan. These shops offer significant discounts. Displays of Bangka tin items can also be found in the major arts and handicrafts centers in Jakarta and in other popular tourist destinations. Pewter is made by .. A. Candle B. Wood C. Tin D. Plastice



6. 4 poinMake negative sentences fornumber (6 and 7) 6. I (to like)lemonade very much. *O a. I am like lemonade very much.Ob. I do not likes lemonade verymuch.c. I don't like lemonade very much.Od. I doesn't like lemonade verymuch.​


C. I dint like lemonade very much

7. we ( drink ) ..... lemonade

We drink lemonade ( sudah benar )

Semoga Bermanfaatwe drink lemonade

itu udh benar kak

8. The lemonade is Made by Nabilah using 2 parts lemo juice into 4 parts water.what is percentage of lemon juice in the lemonade


2/4 ini jawaban

maaf kalau salah

9. "Can i take some water from your pitcher" the underlined word is closest in meaning to pitcher.....​

༮ ↷

"Can i take some water from your pitcher"

the underlined word is closest in meaning to pitcher is Jug ( Kendi ).

✧ ⃟ ⃟ ━━━ೋ๑୨۝୧๑ೋ━━━ ⃟ ⃟ ✧


✧ ⃟ ⃟ ━━━ೋ๑୨۝୧๑ೋ━━━ ⃟ ⃟ ✧

A jug is a place to store water shaped like a teapot made of clay. Jugs are known all over the world and developed in Egypt, China, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia.

Plain jug

The term 'jug' is commonly known throughout Southeast Asia. The word pitcher comes from the Sanskrit (from India) kundika which means 'drinking water container'. In Hindu iconography, 'kundika' is an attribute of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva. Whereas in Buddhism, 'kundika' is an attribute of Awalokiteswara and Buddhist pilgrims also carry 'kundika' which is considered one of the eighteen sacred containers a monk carries on his journey to search for holy books.

The term jug in Indonesia varies, especially for jugs without spout (jugs such as pumpkins / bottles). In West Sumatra this container is called ground gourd, in Java it is called gogok, or glogok which is said to come from the sound that comes out when water is poured, in Batak it is called kandi, in Bali it is called kundi or caratan, in South Sulawesi it is busu, in Aceh geupet bahlaboh and in Lampung it is called hibu.



10. is there ...... lemonade in the fridge? A.some B.A few C.Any D.Many

B.few lemonade
#terimaksihjawabannya B.A few
semoga benar

11. lemonade is a kind of....​


lemonade is kind of beverage (minuman)


drink ( minuman )


Semoga membantu ^ ^

12. 42. The complication of the story is ...a. A crow half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcherb. The water mounted up near the brim of the pitcherc. The crow took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcherd. The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher​

Plot Complication

The complication of the story is the crow found only very little water left in the pitcher. (d)



Complication dalam narrative adalah bagian dari alur cerita di mana terjadi masalah yang memulai alur cerita. Protagonis cerita harus mengatasi masalah tersebut.



Complication pada fable The Crow and The Pitcher terjadi ketika gagak yang haus tidak dapat mencapai air yang berada di dasar botol karen air tersebut sangat sedikit.

Maka dari itu jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi d.


Learn more definitions of orientation, complication, dan resolution




Subject: English

Category: Reading Comprehension

Sub-category: Elements of a story


Code: 8.5

Keywords: fable, plot, complication, the crow and the pitcher

13. Bahasa indonesianya lemonade

Kalo gak salah Limun..Artinya dari lemonade yaitu lemon

14. why the process of storing theinformation in the computerconsidered Friendly For our environment​


because we use less paper


15. apa arti a bottle of lemonade

A bottle of lemonade =
Sebuah botol limun a bottle of lemonade : satu botol lemon (lemonade biasanya adalah minuman dengan rasa jeruk nipis)

16. 42. The complication of the story is ...a. A crow half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcherb. The water mounted up near the brim of the pitcherc. The crow took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcherd. The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher​


D) The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher.

• A) Itu orientasi
• B) & C) Itu semacam penyelesaian

Jawaban: D.

Berdasarkan arti:

The complication of the story is ...

= Komplikasi dari cerita itu adalah ..

a. A crow half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher

= Seekor burung gagak dalam keadaan setengah mati kehausan, datang ke atas kendi

b. The water mounted up near the brim of the pitcher

= Air naik sampai pinggiran kendi

c. The crow took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher

= Burung gagak mengambil kerikil dan menjatuhkannya ke dalam kendi

d. The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher✅

= Gagak itu menemukan hanya ada air sedikit yg tersisa dalam kendi


Narrative teks adalah isi ceritanya berupa dongeng salah satunya fable yaitu cerita tentang hewan yg seolah2 seperti manusia. Dan teks ini adalah Fable yg berarti Narrative teks yg memiliki Generic Structure:

1. Orientation: berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh, waktu dan tempat kejadiannya dlm cerita.

2. Complication: berisi tentang gambaran adanya masalah yg muncul dalam cerita tersebut dan harus dipecahkan/diselesaikan oleh tokoh utama.

3. Resolution: tentang bagaimana si Tokoh memecahkan/menyelesaikan masalah yang ada pada bagian Complication.

Karena yg ditanyakan adalah komplikasi/masalah yg harus dipecahkan maka yg tepat adalah D:

The complication of the story is The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher.

= Komplikasi dari cerita itu adalah Gagak itu menemukan hanya ada air sedikit yg tersisa dalam kendi

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: 8

Materi: Narrative Text

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

17. Bangka Tin Pewter items are made with tin from the island of Bangka. The expats’ favorite are the angels in varying sizes, candlesticks, picture frames, and Christmas tree ornaments. Engravings of Bangka tin items are often presented by various expat groups to their members in recognition of various achievements. Shops specializing in Bangka pewter items can be found in Jakarta on Jln. Paletahan. These shops offer significant discounts. Displays of Bangka tin items can also be found in the major arts and handicrafts centers in Jakarta and in other popular tourist destinations. Pewter is made by ... A. Candle B. Wood C. Tin D. Plastice


jawabannya adalah Tin. gamungkin salah lagian kenapa ga belajar bahasa inggris aja dah, padahal gampang dari pada lu nanya nanya di brainly ngandelin orang mending lu belajar aja sendiri pemalas amat. belajar aja kaga mau malah nanya di brainly padahal soal ginian anak sd juga bisa astagaaa. terimakasih

18. apa artinya dari lemonade​

lemonade artinya rasa lemon


lemonade artinya rasa lemon

19. storing chemical is prohibited in the unit kak tolong bantu nerjemahin

Penyimpanan bahan kimia ini dilarang di unitmenyimpan bahan kimia dilarang di unit

20. The complication of the story is....a. A crow, half-dead with thirst, cameupon a pitcher,b. The water mounted up near thebrim of the pitcher.c. The crow took a pebble anddropped it into the pitcher.d. The crow found only very little water was left in the pitcher.​


D. The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher


The complication of the story is ...

= Komplikasi dari cerita itu adalah ..

a. A crow half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher

= Seekor burung gagak setengah mati dengan kehausan, datang ke atas kendi

b. The water mounted up near the brim of the pitcher

= Air naik dekat pinggiran kendi

c. The crow took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher

= Burung gagak mengambil kerikil dan menjatuhkannya ke dalam kendi

d. The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher✅

= Gagak menemukan hanya sedikit air yang tersisa di kendi

Alasan memilih D:

Karena teks itu adalah Narrative diketahui melalui isi cerita yg berupa dongeng fable yaitu cerita tentang hewan yg seolah2 seperti manusia.

Maka Berdasarkan Generic Structure dalam Narrative Text:

1. Orientation: pengenalan yg berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh, waktu dan tempat kejadiannya dlm cerita.

= Seekor burung gagak setengah mati dengan kehausan, datang ke atas kendi

2. Complication: berisi tentang gambaran munculnya masalah yg dialami oleh si tokoh cerita / teks tersebut yang harus dipecahkan/diselesaikan.

= gagak yang haus menemukan air di dalam kendi tetapi dia tidak bisa menemukan cara untuk meminumnya karena [Gagak menemukan hanya sedikit air yang tersisa di kendi]✅

3. Resolution: tentang si tokoh dari cerita dalam teks bagaimana si Tokoh memecahkan/menyelesaikan masalah yang ada pada bagian Complication.

= gagak menemukan cara untuk minum air dari kendi yaitu dengan mengisi kendi dengan beberapa kerikil.


The complication of the story is The crow found only very little water left in the pitcher (D)

= Komplikasi dari cerita itu adalah Gagak menemukan hanya sedikit air yang tersisa di kendi (D)

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang NARRATIVE TEXT:


=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: 8

Materi: Narrative Text

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

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