Rabu, 15 Maret 2023

3 1 Independent Practice Answer Key

3 1 Independent Practice Answer Key

Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

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1. Answer of practice 4 answer following questions based on the text in practice 1

Choice C is the best answer. In lines 10-13, the narrator explains that “the machinery of [his] destiny has worked in secret” to prepare him for this journey, as “its clockwork” has propelled him to “this time and place.” By using the phrases “the machinery” and “its clockwork,” the narrator is show- ing that powerful and independent forces are causing him to journey to the North Pole.
Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not indicate the main purpose of lines 10-13. While lines 10-13 mention that these powerful and independent forces have been working “for years, for a lifetime” to convince the narrator to journey to the North Pole, they do not expose a hidden side of the narrator, demonstrate the narrator’s manner, or explain the amount of time the narrator has spent preparing for his expedition.

Maaf ya kalau salah Semoga membantu

2. Answer key of reading power by longman


kunci jawaban "kekuatan membaca" oleh logman


kunci jawaban kekuatan membaca oleh longmen


semoga membantu

3. ATTITUDE is THE KEY, what the answer ?​


pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atau peristiwa. ini yng bhs inggris (Evaluative statements on objects, people or events)


maaf jika salah

4. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

mana dialognya jubaedah


Artinya praktikkan dialog tersebut! Kemudian menjawab pertanyaan

Nah pertanyaan nya kamu isi karna kamu tidak menunjukan pertanyaan nya

Terimakasih semoga membantu:)

5. task 1 practice the following dialogue and answer the question! tolong di bantu

1.) Sherly and Jojo.

2.) By greeting/telling him (?)

4.) Yes, she does (?)

5.) Because she can’t play any instruments.

Maaf cuma tahu ini saja...

6. When does the boy practice aikido?Answer artinya​


sejak kapan anak (laki laki) itu berlatih aikido?


kapan anak laki² itu praktek aikido


semoga membantu:)

7. 13. Practice - do - swimming - what - you - time.Answer:....​


What time do you practice swimming?

Semoga membantu.

What time do you practice swimming
Artinya : jam berapa kamu latihan berenang?

Semoga membantu
Semangat teruss belajarnyaaa

8. Where is Citra always practice dance?Answer:.​



Dimana Citra selalu berlatih menari?


#semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ✨

9. Practice the dialogue and answer the questions

1) Sindhu, ponco
2) they would like to go on a trip together
3) tiogomanik forest, kemadohbatur village, Tewangharjo district,grogoban regency
4) 10.00 or ten o'clock in the morning
5) In grogoban regency

Selamat mengerjakan, ^-^)/

10. "If I hold down the fn + f5 key, it will reduce the brightness of the laptop screen."1. Conditional Sentence Type 0Answer : 2. Conditional Sentence Type 1Answer : 3. Conditional Sentence Type 2Answer : Fact : 4. Conditional Sentence Type 3Answer : Fact : ​


1. If I hold down the fn + f5 key, it reduces the brightness of the laptop screen. (C.S. type O)

2. If I hold down the fn + f5 key, it will reduce the brightness of the laptop screen. (C.S. type I)

3. If I held down the fn + f5 key, it would reduce the brightness of the laptop screen. (C.S. type II)

Fact : I don't hold down the fn + f5 key, so it doesn't reduce the brightness of the laptop screen.

4. If I had held down the fn + f5 key, it would have reduced the brightness of the laptop screen. (C.S. type III)

Fact : I didn't hold down the fn + f5 key, so it didn't reduce the brightness of the laptop screen.


Conditional sentence adalah kalimat andai², di mana suatu keinginan dapat terwujud apabila persyaratannya terpenuhi.

A.Conditional sentence type 0

↪menjabarkan kebenaran umum, selalu benar terjadi [Fact].

Formula :

If+Simple present, .....simple present

If+S+verb¹(s/es)..., S+verb¹(s/es)


If the water is heated at 100 degrees Celcius, it boils.

B.Conditional sentence type I

↪menjabarkan keinginan yang kemungkinan terjadi saat ini ataupun nanti-nanti (real possibility) berdasarkan prediksi.

Formula :

If+Simple present, ....Simple future

If+S+verb1(s/es)..., S+will+verb1......


If I have enough money, I will buy the new book.

C.Conditional sentence type II

↪menjabarkan keinginan yang diragukan terjadi saat ini atau mendatang (hypothetical situation). Pakai auxiliary BE "were" utk semua bentuk subyek sbg bentuk harapan yg blm tentu terwujud (Subjunctive).

Formula :

If+Simple past, ....Past future

If+S+verb2 ......, S+would+verb1......


If I were you, I would tell it to your mom.

D.Conditional sentence type III

↪menjabarkan keinginan yang tidak terwujud di waktu lampau (truly hypothetical). Pengulasannya saat ini hanyalah sebagai dampak dari kejadian di waktu lampau.

Formula :

If+Past perfect,..... Past future perfect

If+S+had+verb3...., S+would+have+verb3....


If he had kept the promise, his girl friend wouldn't have been disappointed.


Learn more about

Types of conditional sentences



Facts of the conditional sentence




Grade     : XII

Subject   : English

Category : Sentence structure

Code : 12.5.2

Keywords = if clause, conditional

11. jawaban practice 4 . i hope you answer

1) because they connect to each country<br />2) train ( sorry if its wrong)<br />3) they will pass many country and reach to our destination as fast as they can<br />4) from the post office or mail box<br />5) because it is the duty of our postal service to see that your mail reach to it's destination as fast as possible<br />6) from the mailboxes on regular schedule

12. practice 5 choose and (x) the correct answer

latihan 5 pilih dan silang jawaban yang benar. (itu artinya)berlatih 5 memilih dan (x)
jawaban yang benar (this is the meaning)

13. answer the questions based on the dialogue in practice​


1. Alvin is twelve years old

2. Jason is thirteen years old

3. Alvin was born in 2002 in Makassar

4. Jason was born in 2001 in Jakarta

5. Alvin is younger than Jason


1. twelve years old

2.thirteen years old

3.he was born in 2002 in Makassar

4. he was born in 2001 in jakarta


14. answer the followings questions based on the text in practice 3

Tidak ada teks nya!

15. Practice the dialogues and answer the questiones


Berlatih dialog dan jawab pertanyaan

16. Task 3Answer the following questions based on the text!1. Who is in the text?Answer: ....2. What is Citra ability?Answer: .....3. How often Citra practice dance?Answer: ....4. With whom does Citra always practice dance?Answer: .....5. Where is Citra always practice dance?Answer:....Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIIIjawab dong secepatnya di tunggu.,,,,,yg paling cepat menjawapin ny akn ku beri jwbn terbaik yaaa!!!​


1. Citra

2. Dance

3. Twice a week

4. With her mother and her younger sister. Usually her niece and her aunt comes to join with them.

5. In the hall house


17. practice the dialogue below then answer the questions about it!1-10

2. Playing a song
6. Good lyrics and the music is nice to listen
7. Their songs are performed in a full band but they are just two
8. Banda 's instead
10. After school in Reni's house at 4 o'clock

Maaf ya cuma ini saja
Semoga memuaskan ..

18. looked for-in-she-key-her-yesterday-yard-the answer :.....................

She looked for her key yesterday in the yard

She looked for her key in the yard yesterday

19. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions !​

1) Because rini not cross at the zebra cross.

20. Practice the dialogue below! Then answer the questions! ​


1 because rini is going to cross the road in a very dangerous situation

2 That she should cross the road in the zebra cross

3 yes rini understand it now

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