Rabu, 15 Maret 2023

The Terms Editing Proofreading And Evaluating Are Synonymous

The Terms Editing Proofreading And Evaluating Are Synonymous

"The Plants are small , (Branching) , and spreading shrubs...." The word (Branching) is synonymous with .....

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1. "The Plants are small , (Branching) , and spreading shrubs...." The word (Branching) is synonymous with .....

branching = bercabang
sinonim kata sifat branching = ramified. Karena dalam soal kata 'branching' adalah kata sifat.

2. The first two terms of an arithmetic progression are 15 and 19 respectively. The firsttwo terms of a second arithmetic progression are 420 and 415 respectively. The twoprogressions have the same sum of the first n terms. Find the value of n.​


n = 91

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jumlah n suku sama sehingga

Sn = ½ n (2.15 + 4(n-1)) = ½ n (2.420 + -5(n-1))

30 + 4n - 4 = 840 -5n +5

4n + 5n = 845-26

9n = 819

n = 91

3. What are the meaning of these terms: Colonies, Pseudopodia, Phagocytosis, and Hyphae


- Colonies or colony is a place controlled by another country. A metropolitan country is a country that has colonies. Countries that have many colonies are often referred to as empires. Colonists are people who come to a foreign area to create a colony there and then control that area.

- Pseudopodia or pseudo feet are eukaryotes. Cells that have pseudopodia are called amoeboid. Pseudopodia protrude from the cytoplasm of the cell. The forms of pseudopodia vary, including thick rounded and thin tapered. Pseudopodia function as a means of movement and prey on food.

- Phagocytosis is the cellular process of phagocytes and protists which coalesce solid particles with cell membranes and forms internal phagosomes. This process is similar to the process of consuming at the level of a single cell of an organism.

- Hyphae are tube-like fungal structures that are formed from the growth of spores or conidia. Collections of hyphae can form masses known as mycellum (mycelium, plural mycelia). Hyphae can be easily seen with the eye when the mycelium has formed.




4. l...read the terms and conditionsA.have B.has​

I haveread the terms and conditions

penggunaan have untuk = I, You, They, We

penggunaan has untuk = She, He, It

5. The soil fertile and to prevent flood. The underlined word is synonymous to ….

apa itu maksud nya ........

6. What does the first paragraphs are the terms in yogyakarta mentioned

apa paragraf pertama istilah di yogyakarta yang disebutkan?

semoga membantu

7. The sum of the first four terms in a geometricsequence is 30 and the sum to infinity is 32. The firstthree terms of the sequence are ....​


Jumlah dari empat suku pertama dalam geometri

urutannya adalah 30 dan jumlah hingga tak terhingga adalah 32. Yang pertama

tiga suku urutan tersebut adalah ....

8. apa itu proofreading

proofreading adalah membaca ulang kembali untuk memeriksa sebuah penulisan untuk mengetahui apakah ada yang salah atau tidak..Proofreading sangat berguna untuk meminimalasir kesalahan - kesalahan yang terjadi pada penulis yang mungkin terjadi pada anda menulis ,khususnya menulis menggunakan bahasa inggris.

9. if the sum of the 2nd and 8th terms is 40 and the sum of the 3rd and 6th terms is 36, what is 5th terms?


maaf kuarang jelas coba transelete ke indo

10. If the sum of the first 10 terms and the sum of the first 100 terms of a given arithmetic progression are 100 and 10, respectively, then the sum of the first 110 terms is... . (A) —140 (B) —130 (C) —120 (D) —110 (E) —100


(C) —120


because 10+100+100+10=-120

11. All of you are good, nice, gentle, and kind. The synonymous of word "gentle" is. ....A.wildB.gentlementC.cheerfulD.pleasant​


B. Gentlement


Sorry if it's we're wrong ^^




12. From an arithmetic sequence, the third term is 36, the sum of the fifth and seventh terms is 144. The first ten terms of the series are...​


Dari deret aritmatika, suku ketiga adalah 36, jumlah suku kelima dan ketujuh adalah 144. Sepuluh istilah pertama dari seri ini adalah ...

sorry I can only translate it Hopefully those who understand more mathematics but don't understand the language will know

13. From an arithmetic sequence, the third term is 36, the sum of the fifth and seventh terms is 144. The first ten terms if the series are ....​


U₃ = 36

U₅ + U₇ = 144


The sum of the first ten terms in the series is ...


The first step is to create an equation using the formula Un

Un = a + (n - 1) b

U₃ = a + (3 - 1) b

36 = a + 2b

a + 2b = 36 ................... Equation 1

U₅ + U₇ = 144

a + (5 - 1) b + a + (7 - 1) b = 144

a + 4b + a + 6b = 144

2a + 10b = 144

a + 5b = 72 .................. Equation 2

The second step we eliminate a in equation 1 and equation 2 to get the value of b

a + 5b = 72

a + 2b = 36

_________ -

3b = 36

b = 36: 3

b = 12

In the third step, we substitute the value of b in one of the equations, for example, we substitute it for equation 1

a + 2b = 36

a + 2.12 = 36

a + 24 = 36

a = 36 - 24

a = 12

The last step is to find the value of S₁₀

Sn = ¹ / ₂ n (2a + (n - 1) b)

S₁₀ = ¹⁰ / ₂ (2.12 + (10 - 1) 12)

= 5 (24 + 9.12)

= 5 (24 + 108)

= 5 (132)

= 660

So the sum of the first ten terms in the series is 660.

14. 4. Making surface-level changes that makethe document grammatically correct is.called ....a. revisingb. editingc. proofreading.d. composing/writinge. assessing​




Proffreading dilakukan pada tahap akhir terdahap suatu dokumen atau buku sebelum dipublikasi atau dicetak untuk memastikan tidak ada kesalahan pengejaan, grammar, dan lain-lain.

15. In evaluating your progress, the teacher will take into account…, attitude and achievements.


arti=Dalam mengevaluasi kemajuan Anda, guru akan mempertimbangkan ..., sikap dan prestasi


saya tidak tau jawabannya

saya taunya artinya

16. The following terms are usually used to greet someone except


When you are not supposed to greet someone.

17. the first three terms in geometric progression are (7x-7),(2x + 1),and (x-3) where x is a positive integer.find the value of x and find the sum of the first 5 terms of the progression

Kelas 8 Matematika
Bab Barisan dan Deret Bilangan

U1 = 7x - 7
U2 = 2x + 1
U3 = x - 3

(U2)² = U1 . U3
(2x + 1)² = (7x - 7) (x - 3)
4x² + 2 . 2x + 1 + 1² = 7x² - 21x - 7x + 21
4x² + 4x + 1 = 7x² - 28x + 21
7x² - 4x² - 28x - 4x + 21 - 1 = 0
3x² - 32x + 20 = 0
(3x - 2) (x - 10) = 0
3x - 2 = 0
3x = 2
x = 2/3

x - 10 = 0
x = 10

x = 10

U1 = 7x - 7
U1 = 7 . 10 - 7
U1 = 63 → a

U2 = 2x + 1
U2 = 2 . 10 + 1
U2 = 21

U3 = x - 3
U3 = 10 - 3
U3 = 7

r = U2 / U1
r = 21 / 63
r = 1/3

Sn = a . (1 - r^n)/(1 - r)
S5 = 63 . (1 - (1/3)^5)/(3/3 - 1/3)
S5 = 63 . (243/243 - 1/243) / (2/3)
S5 = 63 . 242/243 . 3/2
S5 = 7 . 121 /9
S5 = 847/9
S5 = 94 1/9

18. The following words are terms used in the previous text. Consult your dictionary and match them with their correct meanings.​

Find the meanings of those words.

1. Innocuous
B. Completely harmless (= causing no harm).

Terjemahan: Tidak berbahaya

2. Perpetrator
D. Someone who has committed a crime or a violence or harmful act.

Terjemahan: Pelaku kejahatan

3. Retaliate
F. To hurt someone or do something harmful to them beacuse they have done or said something harmful to you.

Terjemahan: Membalas / membalas dendam

4. Persists
A. To continue trying to do or doing something in a determined, but often unreasonable way.

Terjemahan: Bersikeras / bertahan / bergigih.

5. Interfere
C. To involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful.

Terjemahan: Mengganggu / mencampuri urusan

6. Apt
E. A connection or relationship between two or more facts, numbers, etc.

Terjemahan: Cocok / sesuai / yang kena

19. Tn= 2n-10 What are the first 3 terms?​

Answer : 1,3,5,7

Answer : 1,3,5,7

Answer : 1,3,5,7

Answer : 1,3,5,7

Answer : 1,3,5,7

20. what words in the dialogs in activity 30 are synonymous ti the following words​


Fotokan juga Activity 30


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