Rabu, 15 Maret 2023

In This Problem A B C

In This Problem A B C

"Shall we forget about this problem ?"Which word is the modal verb in theabove sentencea. Forgetb. Shallc. Thisd. Wee. Problem​

Daftar Isi

1. "Shall we forget about this problem ?"Which word is the modal verb in theabove sentencea. Forgetb. Shallc. Thisd. Wee. Problem​


A. Forget


Sorry If I Wrong,


verb = kata kerja

maka kata kerja yang tepat adalah forget ( melupakan )

Jawabannya (a)


2. Please help me in working on this problem​

3. The purpose of the text is to give information about Armadillo lizards.

4. The animal protects itself with its large, thick , sharp-edge scales around its body.

5. Paragraph two tells us about Armadillo lizards unusual social and breeding habits.

3. did the main character find a problem in this story keong mas

apa sifat utama yg ditemukan dalam masalah cerita keong mas ini

4. You . . . tell this problem to her. It is a secreta . shouldb . shouldn't​





5. Question1. Do you enjoy reading the story?Im engol2. Do you think this is a well-written story?3. Is it sad ending or happy ending story?4. Who are the characters in this story?5. Who is the main character ?6. Did the main character find a problem in this story?7. Which sentence in the text shows the problem?8. Was the problem resolved ?hou the problem resolyed?translate ke indonesia​



1. Apakah Anda senang membaca ceritanya?

Saya engol

2. Apakah menurut Anda ini adalah cerita yang ditulis dengan baik?

3. Apakah itu cerita akhir yang menyedihkan atau akhir yang bahagia?

4. Siapakah tokoh dalam cerita ini?

5. Siapa tokoh utamanya?

6. Apakah tokoh utama menemukan masalah dalam cerita ini?

7. Kalimat mana dalam teks yang menunjukkan masalah?

8. Apakah masalah teratasi?

apakah masalah terselesaikan?


jangan lupa kasih poin & jawaban terbaik^ω^


1. Apakah anda menikmati ceritanya?

Saya engol

2.Apakah menurut anda ini adalah cerita yang ditulis dengan baik?

3.Apakah ini kisah akhir bahagia orang atau orang bahagia

4.Siapakah tokoh dalam cerita ini?

5.Siapa tokoh utamanya?

6.Apakah tokoh utama menemukan masalah dalam cerita ini?

7.Kalimat mana dalam teks yang menunjukkan masalah?

8.Apakah masalahnya sudah teratasi?

Bagaimana masalah terselesaikan?


Maaf kalo salah .

Mohon dimaklumin ya..

Semoga membantu ya..

Mohon maaf saya mau tanya, engol itu apa ya..?

6. 17. Does your friend ... about this problem?a. understandsb. to understandc. understandd. understood​



Semoga membantu ya Kaka

Maaf kalo salah ya


c. understand

hope be useful

7. I don't have .......problem in filling in the form a. someProblems in filling in the formd. a lot ofe. enoughb. ac. any​




maaf kalo salah...

iya jawaban yang diatas bener tuh

JB: C. Any

karna dia mau bilang aku ga punya masalah apapun dalam mengisi formulir

nah dia bilang ga ada (don't have any) bukan ga punya beberapa (don't have some) masalah atau a lot of (banyak) atau cukup(enough).

nah kalau a itu ga cocok karna sebuah masalah jadinya.

semoga paham ya

8. Give me ___ change to fix this problem.A. A B. An C. The ​


A a

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

Jawaban: a

give me a change to fix this problem

9. make short dialog to each problem, create your own suggestion!A decrease in production this year​


buat dialog singkat untuk setiap masalah, buat saran Anda sendiri!

Terjadi penurunan produksi tahun ini

10. L. this passage is about a. police department reports. b. the drug problem in big cities. c. problems of city life. d. the crime problem in big cities. 2. people in big cities are a. usually safe on the streets. b. safer this year than last year. c. not very worried about crime. d. afraid of crime.








11. pls help bantu saya this is a very difficult problem​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

soalnya mana

Dengan senang hati menjawab,,

Soalnya mana?

12. Does your friend .... About this problem?. A. Understands B. To Understand C. Understand D. Understood

C) understand...siiippjawabanya C kak. itu yang betul

13. 3. Secondly, I do not think it is a good idea toattack a plane with a hundred and sevenpassengers in it. We will manage this problem inour own way, with our own people, thank youvery much.The concrete noun in the sentences is....A. ideaB. planeC. problemD. way​


b. plane


semoga membantu

14. Apa arti dari there are a lot of problem in this process but I think I have the right Solution​

artinya adalah :

ada banyak masalah yang saya hadapi dalam proses ini, tetapi saya memiliki solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasinya.



There are a lot of problem in this process,butI think I have the right Solution.


Ada banyak masalah dalam proses ini, tetapi saya pikir saya memiliki Solusi yang tepat.

[tex] \huge{\red{•Semoga}} \: \huge{\orange{Membantu•}}[/tex]

[tex]{\boxed{ \boxed{ \pink{JanganLupaFollowDanLove}}}}[/tex]

[tex] \huge{ \purple{ \boxed{ \orange{☆farach}{ \pink{azz}{ \blue{a7x☆}}}}}}[/tex]

15. Jawaban dari jobless people are major problem in this country

yes,jobless people are a major problem in this country

16. Solve this problem in simplest form 21/6 - 12/4=


the result of [tex]\frac{21}{6} - \frac{12}{4}[/tex] is [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]\frac{21}{6} and \frac{12}{4}[/tex] is unlike fractions, we need to find common factor for the denominator:
denominator (6) × denominator (4) = 24 will be our new denominator

now we can solve the problem:
    [tex]\frac{21}{6} - \frac{12}{4} = \frac{84}{24} - \frac{72}{24} = \frac{12}{24}[/tex]

   [tex]\frac{12}{24}[/tex] can be simplified to: [tex]\frac{6}{4}[/tex] but can still be simplified to: [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex]

hope it helps,  sorry if wrong (๑ᵔ‿ᵔ๑)

17.  Choose the incorrect word in this error sentence! "No one have solved such a difficult problem" A. SolvedB. HaveC. SuchD. Difficult​


B. Have

Seharusnya has bukan have

maaf kalo salah, semoga membantu :)

18. ANSWER THIS WORD PROBLEM! There were 85 members in a Sport Club last year. The number of members increases by 20%. How many members are there in the Sport Club this year? Choice: A.75 members B.85 members C.96 members D.102 members

Number of members this year

[tex](100\% + 20\%) \times 85 \: members \\ \frac{120}{100} \times 85 \: members = 102 \: members \: (D)[/tex]

19. fill in the correct article ( a,an or the)1. He has — new motorcycleA. AB. AnC. The2. I want to buy — umbrellaA.AB. AnC. The3. —Ganges is — Indian riverA. A - TheB. An - TheC. The - An4. Is Jane student at your college?A.AB. AnC. The5. I know — problem between you and hima.aB. AnC. Thechange to fix this problem.6. Give me — change to fix this problemA.AB. AnC. The​









20. 40.1_a great solution to this problem​


my palem big het ff my love you

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