Sabtu, 15 April 2023

A Truck Can Be Rented From Company A For 110

A Truck Can Be Rented From Company A For 110

Company purchases a new truck for $56,000. The sales taxes are $3,000. The logo of the company is painted on the side of the truck for $1,200. The truck license is $120. The truck undergoes safety testing for $220. What does Prasmul record as the cost of the new truck?

Daftar Isi

1. Company purchases a new truck for $56,000. The sales taxes are $3,000. The logo of the company is painted on the side of the truck for $1,200. The truck license is $120. The truck undergoes safety testing for $220. What does Prasmul record as the cost of the new truck?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maap saya ga tau jawaban nya


2. Your apartment …………. * A. Will be rented B. Rent C. Will rent D. Will be rent E. Rented


a. will be retend


spt ny itu jwbnny slhkn di isi

3. jane rented a car at $350 for 5 days. how much is a car rented per da​


ini bahasa Indonesia apa bahasa Inggris




rented a cara per day=350/5=$70//

semoga membantu:)

4. dewi(work) for a national company. dewi... for a national company

the answer is: works

5. 11. in ten years from now, l ______ be a boss in my own successful company.​




in ten years from now, i will be a boss in my own successful company.

6. -the company is looking for an employee. - be gratuated from financing departement. menggabungkan kalimat menggunakan kata ganti relative pronoun. Tolong dong​

the company is looking for an employee whose graduated from financing department.

maaf ya kalo salah:(

7. 5.KEEP THE DISTANCETHIS BIG VEHICLE BRINGS FLAMMABLEFLUIDWhat does the text mean?a. The truck is bigb. the truck brings fluid gasc. other vehicles should run faster thanthe truckd. other vehicles should be far enough fromthe truck​


b. the truck brings fluid gas


trucknya isinya gas yang sangat mudah kebakar :>

8. You are working for a printed magazine the product of the company will be changed from printed in the digital on your boss is your brother ability to work for online magazine


Translate ?

> Anda bekerja untuk majalah cetak produk perusahaan akan berubah dari cetak digital pada atasan Anda adalah kemampuan saudara Anda untuk bekerja untuk majalah online.


9. mohon bantuannyamy visa expired yesterday(?)(-)he drank several large glassed of water(?)(-)the deposit has to be paid before the apartment can be rented(?)(-)he objects to staying here for a long time(?)(-)

1. (?) Did your visa expire yesterday ?
(-) My visa didn't expire yesterday

2. (?) Did he drink several large glassed of water?
(-) He didn't drink several large glassed of water

3. (?) Has the deposit to be paid before the apartement can be rented ?
(-) The deposit has not to be paid before the apartement can be rented

4. (?) Does he object to staying here for a long time ?
(-) He doesn't object to staying here for a long time

10. From the letter, we can conclude that the appplicant _________ . *5 poinis fresh graduate.sends the letter to the company suitable for the for a national company for able to work individually, only.​

We can conclude that devita arum having a year work experience has improved her skills. And she's fast learner.

11. .... to buy a house, she rented a small room near her office. Select the correct answer from : A. being unable B. be unable C. having unable D. because unable

because unable to buy a house

12. should - the company - choosing - for - congratulated - you - be

You should be congratulated for choosing the company
semoga membantu

13. A job applicant is applying for a job position in junior company. The company asked the job applicant to fill in an amployment application from.


Then what are you asking for this question?

14. keep the distance this big vehicle brings flammable fluid ! what does the text about ? a. the truck is big b. the truck brings fluid gas c. other vehicles should run faster than the truck.d. other vehicles should be far enough from the truck.

d.Other vehicles should be far enough from the truck
Kendaraan lain sebaiknya cukup jauh dari truk ini.

15. It can be inferred from the text that ? A. Nasir ahmad is a skilled IT engineer B.Nasir ahmad is very old c. Nasir ahmad wants to work for a new company D.Nasir ahmad likes cheese E nasir ahmad replaced Mr.Arif rahman

jawaban nya b

maaf kalau salah ^_^

16. a. the truck is big b. the truck being fluid gasc. other vehicles should run faster than the truck d. outher vehicles should be far enough from the truck​

c. other vehicles should run faster than the truck

maaf kalo salah ya

Answer is : D

Other vehicles should be far enough from the truck.

The warning means that others should keep their distance because the truck is bringing hazardous material which is the flammable fluid.

17. Complete using passive voice in future tense20. The coal mine ... (close) by the end of this year.a. Will close b. closedc. close d. will be closede. can close21. Your apartment ... (rent)a. Will rent b. rentedc. will be rentedd. can rentede. rent​


d. Will be closed

c. Will be rented


Semoga membantu

Jika suka jangan ragu untuk memberikan jawaban tercedas atau brainlinest answer. terima kasih

18. 82. He has worked with this company..........ten yearsA. toD. fromB. byE. for​


D. from


Dia telah bekerja dengan perusahan ini dari 10 tahun

He has worker with this company for ten years (E)

19. How can the company survice the from economic critis​

bagaimana perusahaan dapat bertahan dari krisis ekonomi

20. Travel company rent 12 cars with symbols A to L for a need, mr. Jono rented 7 cars. Many ways to choose the seven cars are..

semoga membantu yaa ^_^

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