Selasa, 04 April 2023

Artworks Made Using Alternative Media And Processes

Artworks Made Using Alternative Media And Processes

Write two sentences using is made of and are made of!

Daftar Isi

1. Write two sentences using is made of and are made of!


this table is made of wood.

those chairs are made of plastic.


tolong jawaban tercerdas kak terimakasih


The eraser is made of rubber.

The pencils are made of wood.

2. Write two sentences using is made of and are made oftolong bantu​


is made of = the book is made of paper

are made of = the blankets are made of cotton and cloth

apa bedanya? kalo IS untuk satu benda saja dan ARE untuk 2 / lebih (pake 's' atau 'es' dibelakangnya)

3. jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan alternative media tanam sayuran vertikultur


Media tanam disebut juga dengan media tumbuh,bagi tanaman umumnya berupa tanah.Puluhan bahan yg berbeda yg digunakan dalam berbagai kombinasi untuk membuat media tumbuh buatan sendiri atau komersial.

Tanman yg biasanya ditanam menggunakan teknik vertikultur adalah jenis sayuran yg memiliki ukuran batang dan daun yg cukup kecil seperti bayam,tomat,sawi dan cabai




4. Apa perbedaan media design sama media using?


ngak tahu maaf ya kakak

5. attitude in using sosial media

1. wise in using social media
2. no posting hoax news
3. not spreading hate speech

6. Made sentecies using expression's of asking for recommendation and responds with the topic corona virus


Happy : I am very happy today! Because it's my birthday!

Angry : I am very mad, because you bully me earlier.

Sad : I am very sad, because my dog die.


Itu jawabannya.


jawab sendiri fhjjhjjh

7. make a dialogue using asking and giving opinion about children that use social media​


Dini: What do you think of Instagram?

Andi: Well, inmyopinion, it's good for us to socialize, but we have to keep our personal information like password

Dini: I agree with you, Andi


cetak tebal adalah ungkapan yang menyatakan meminta opini dan memberi respon.

8. The statements about descriptive text below are CORRECT, except … *a. Using simple Present tense the mostb. Describing physical appearance of an objectc. Happened in the fastd. Using attributive and identifying processese. Focusing on specific object​


B is the answer

9. Producing steel using the Bessemer process is one of the best-known.....................processes.

on processes iya kan pls bener

10. Business ______ are used to understand business processes, and the nature, role, and scope of the data.


Bussines Process


aku tidak asal asalan ya kak

11. Please make a sentence using the word "Made,sold ,prepared and paid. Just choose one word​


I made some chocolate cookies with my sister last week.My neighbor sold his car.Beni prepared the banquet yesterday.I paid the foods with my own money.


Pilih salah satu saja karena tugasnya tertulis just choose one word yang berarti pilihlah salah satu. Ku jawab semua in case gurumu minta untuk dibikin kalimat semua.

12. Cells carry out the essentially processes that produce energy and sustain life


cell respiration


Semoga membantu!

13. what is social media? attitude in using social media?

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: opinion

Social media is a kind of new media for speaking up your mind and expression your ideas, routine or anything you like online. It can be by message, recorded voice, video or articles and pictures.
The best attitude in using social media is to use it wisely, meaning that you needn't share every single thing of your life in there, respect other people's ideas and account and do not bully them.

14. attitude in using sosial media

1. using good and correct language in making the status

2. upload content that is not pornographic

3. not to forget the time while using social media

Jawaban :
--Attitude In Using Social Media--
1) Do care to other's feeling, don't post any status or so on that may hurt people' feeling
2) Don't tell anyone about your self-identity, like your address, your age, your parents, private number, and others
3) Better not to use your face as your profile picture. The irresponsible person can use it to many unpredictable things, such as porn site, virtual figure, and so on
4) Don't post too much about your life. Sometimes it can disturb people who see it and also it exposes your daily activities
5) Remember, keep yourself safe and also keep other's feeling. Person can be arrested just because what he/she has posted in social media

Semoga membantu^^

15. 1. State the advantages and disadvantages of using visual, audio, and video media? 2. What skills can they be used for?

Well, lemme explain here.

A. Audio
Advantage: Good for listening skill training, enjoyable anytime.
Disadvantage: Sometimes hearing news from radio etc becomes interestless.

B. Visual
Advantage: Making a show becomes interesting.
Disadvantage: Only visual didn't make audience fully understand with what is happening on the show.

C. Video
Advantage: The most effective media for promotion, ads, etc.
Disadvantage: Sometime too enjoying the video makes us not understand the info contained in it.

2. Skills:
A. Audio: usually public speechers, or translator.
B. Visual: usually photographer, cameraman.
C. Video: usually promotion ad roleplayer, or reporter.

Sorry if some of them aren't accurate yet.
Hope it Helps ;)
Bang Hefors

16. make your own question and answer it based on the text have you made with using : ( manny, much, a little, a lot of and should)


1. how many pencils do you have ?

i have 3 pencils

2. how much does this bag cost ?

this bag costs $35

3. this noodle is too salty, can you put a little sugar in it ?


4. is there a lot of leftovers ?

yes , there's quite a lot of leftovers

5. should I join the trip or should I not ?

I think you should join the trip

17. Write sentences by using these words(phrases) 1 Made in 2 Made of


1. Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.

2. Chairs are made of wood

18. Kelas maya adalah salah satu media pembelajaran alternative yang memiliki dampak positif bagi siswa, salah satunya adalah?

lebih mudah menjalankan pembelajaran seperti menggunakan internet untuk mencari pengetahuan

19. Combine these sentences.Regina needs more time.She fixes her artworks. ARegina, what fixes her artworks, needs more time. BRegina, whom fixes her artworks, needs more time. CRegina, who fixes her artworks, needs more time. DRegina, where fixes her artworks, needs more time. ERegina, whose fixes her artworks, needs more time.​


c. regina, who fixes her artworks, needs more time

20. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan alternative media tanam sayuran hidroponik


hidroponik adalah bercocok tanam yang ramah lingkungan, karena cara tanam seperti ini tidak membutuhkan pestisida atau herbisida yang dapat meracuni hasil tanaman


Hidroponik adalah budidaya menanam dengan memanfaatkan air tanpa menggunakan tanah dengan menekankan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi bagi tanaman. Kebutuhan air pada hidroponik lebih sedikit daripada kebutuhan air pada budidaya dengan tanah. Hidroponik menggunakan air yang lebih efisien, jadi cocok diterapkan pada daerah yang memiliki pasokan air yang terbatas.

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