Selasa, 04 April 2023

Camilo Uses 32 Ounces Of Filling

Camilo Uses 32 Ounces Of Filling

Norah uses an ounce of butter to make 9 cookies. how many cookies can she bake with 8 ounces of butter?

Daftar Isi

1. Norah uses an ounce of butter to make 9 cookies. how many cookies can she bake with 8 ounces of butter?


72 cookies

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Butter. cookies

1 ounce. 9 cookies

8 ounces. x cookies

1/8 = 9/x

x = (8 x 9)/1

x = 72

2. Problem: The owner of Chips etc. produces 2 kinds of chips: Lime (L) and Vinegar (V). He has a limited amount of the 3 ingredients used to produce these chips available for his next production run: 4800 ounces of salt, 9600 ounces of flour, and 2000 ounces of herbs. A bag of Lime chips requires 2 ounces of salt, 6 ounces of flour, and 1 ounce of herbs to produce; while a bag of Vinegar chips requires 3 ounces of salt, 8 ounces of flour, and 2 ounces of herbs. Profits for a bag of Lime chips are $0.40, and for a bag of Vinegar chips $0.50. For the production combination of 800 bags of Lime and 600 bags of Vinegar, which resource is not completely used up and how much is remaining?




Bank mandiri

catherina debora rorimpandey

3. Sam uses 1 1/4 ounces of ham on each sandwich. If he makes 4 1/2 sandwiches, how much ham will he use? gimana pake caranya


[tex]\sf \boxed{\sf \green{answer \: by} \: \blue{barujalan265} }[/tex]

4. What are some sources of energy? what are their uses? What are some sources of energy? what are their uses? What are some sources of energy? what are their uses?


What are some sources of energy?

jawab: nuklir, minyak,batu bara,dan tata Surya

what are their uses?



Maaf cuman satu yang jawab tapi jangan di laporkan jawaban ya

5. buatlah 2 pertanyaan dengan materi filling of form​


1. What is the occasion for the field trip to El Dorado County Petting Zoo?

A. National “Love your Animal Month!"

B. National “Love your Zoo Week!”

C. International "Love your Pet Week!"

D. International "Love your Zoo Month!"

2. What ages are allowed to join this activity?

A. 1-4 years old

B. 6-10 years old

C. 1-6 years old

D. 6-12 years old

6. uses of transition metals

Uses of transition metals :

- building materials, tools, vehicles, catalyst in manufacture of ammonia
- fighter aircraft, artificial hip joints, pipes in nuclear power stations
- electric cables, water pipes
- coins, catalyst in manufacture of margarine


7. elaborate the social function of filling​


Fungsi SosialStrukturTeks

maaf kalo salah..

8. elaborate the generic structure of filling form​



# Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in summary form.

# Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstance

# Resource of Information (Source) : it contains comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

9. A croissant shop produces 2 products: bear claws (B) and almond filled croissants (C). Each bear claw requires 6 ounces of flour, 1 ounce of yeast, and 2 TS of almond paste. An almond filled croissant requires 3 ounces of flour, 1 ounce of yeast, and 4 TS of almond paste. The company has 6600 ounces of flour, 1400 ounces of yeast, and 4800 TS of almond paste available for today's production run. Bear claw profits are 20 cents each, and almond filled croissant profits are 30 cents each. What is the optimal daily profit?


1 89


bank mandiri

10. These are the questions:1. What is the social function of learning about filling the form?2. What is the structure of form filling?3. What is the language features of filling the forms? minta tolong dijawab nya ​


1. Apa fungsi sosial dari belajar mengisi formulir?

2. Bagaimana struktur pengisian formulir?

3. Apa saja ciri-ciri bahasa pengisian formulir? minta tolong dijawab ya

11. there is a filling cabinet in front of the classroom

disana ada kabinet di depan kelas.kalau di tanya artinay

12. Mr Abdul made tuna and curry potato Filling for some pults of the fining he madewas tuna and the rest was curry potato. After he used ⅛ kg of the tuna filing and made another ¾ kg of curry potato filling , he then had equal amounts of tuna filling and curry potato filling left . How much tuna filling did he make at first ? ​


he used ⅛ kg of the tuna filing


13. mention any 10 uses of nonmetals​


kalo bahasa indonesianya : sebutkan sepuluh pengunaan nonlogam


maaf kalo salah ya

14. The uses of wind turbine is?​

Jawaban: The Terms "Wind Energy" And "Wind Power" Both Describe The Process By Which The Wind is Used To Generate Wechanical Power or Electricity.

Penjelasan: Istilah "energi angin" dan "tenaga angin" menggambarkan proses dimana angin digunakan untuk menghasilkan tenaga mekanik atau listrik.

15. 4 uses of the passive voice of the verb!


1. The passive voice is used when we want to emphasize the action (the verb) and the object of a sentence rather than subject

2. often used to report something or to state a fact.

3. often used in formal texts

4. Sometimes, we also use passive sentences because we don't understand or don't know who is doing the action.

16. white 3 uses of wind​


1. make cool

2.make the air fresher

17. An alloy of silver and gold weight 15 ounces in air and 14 ounces in water. Assumming that silver loses 1/10 of its weight in water and that gold loses 1/19 of its weight, how many ounces of each metal are in the alloy?


the weight of each metal is

gold = 10 ⁵ / ₉ounce

silver = 4 ⁴ / ₉ ounce

Penjelasan soal:

Soal tersebut menjelaskan bahwa

Terdapat campuran emas dan logamJika di udara 15 ons di air 14 onsJika di air emas kehilangan ¹/₁₉ beratnya dan perak kehilangan ¹/₁₀ beratnya

Pembahasan soal:

karena berat asli campuran logam tersebut adalah 15 ons, maka dapat ditulis dengan

[tex]\boxed {emas \ + \ perak \ = \ 15 \ ons}[/tex]

Lalu saya misalkan,

emas = a

perak = b

[tex]\boxed { a+b = 15 }[/tex]

di sini saya akan menggunakan metode eliminasi

a+b = 15

lalu kita masukkan persamaan tersebut menjadi

[tex]\frac{19-1}{19} a + \frac{10-1}{10} = 14\\\\\ \frac{18}{19}a + \frac{9}{10}b = 14 ---> (\times 190) \\\\\frac{18 \times 190}{19} a + \frac{9 \times 190}{10} b = 14 \times 190\\\\\ 180a+171b = 2660[/tex]

lalu kita samakan vaiabel a agar dapat di eliminasi

a+b = 15 ---> ( ×180)

180a + 180b = 2700


180a + 180b = 2700

180a + 171b = 2660

_________________ -

9b = 40

b = 40/9

b = 4 ⁴/₉  ons

a = 15 - 4 ⁴/₉

a = 10 ⁵/₉ gram

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Rumus SPLDV beserta cara penyelesaian

contoh soal

Detail jawaban:

Mapel : Matematika

Kelas : 11

Materi : Bab 4 - Program Linear Dua Variabel

Kata kunci : paduan logam, berat di air dan udara

Kode soal : 2

Kode kategorisasi : 11.2.4



18. apa arti dari a filling has come out of one of your teeth

sesuatu telah keluar dari salah satu gigi mu

19. Mr. Abdul made tuna and curry potato filling for some puffs. of the filling he made was tuna and the rest was curry potato. After he used, kg of the tuna filling and made another kg of curry potato filling, he then had equal amounts of tuna filling and curry potato filling left How much tuna filling did he make at first? Give your answer as a mixed number in its simplest form.A. 2 3/8B. 2 1/8C. 2 7/8D. 2 5/8​


b. 2 1/8

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

20. 30ton=...ouncesbeserta caranya ​


30 ton = 30 x 1000 = 30.000 kg

30.000 kg = 30.000 x 10 = 300.000 ons


1 ton = 1.000 kg

1 kg = 10 ons

maka 1 ton = 1.000 x 10 = 10.000

jadi 30 ton = 30 x 10.000 = 300.000 ons

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