Sabtu, 15 April 2023

Inventory Records For Herb s Chemicals Revealed The Following

Inventory Records For Herb s Chemicals Revealed The Following

Blossom Ltd. is a retailer that uses the perpetual inventory method. All sales returns from customers result in the goods being returned to inventory; the inventory is not damaged. Assume that there are no credit transactions; all amounts are settled in cash. You are provided with the following information for Blossom Ltd. for the month of January 2017.

Daftar Isi

1. Blossom Ltd. is a retailer that uses the perpetual inventory method. All sales returns from customers result in the goods being returned to inventory; the inventory is not damaged. Assume that there are no credit transactions; all amounts are settled in cash. You are provided with the following information for Blossom Ltd. for the month of January 2017.


Blossom Ltd. adalah pengecer yang menggunakan metode persediaan abadi. Semua retur penjualan dari pelanggan menghasilkan barang yang dikembalikan ke inventaris; persediaan tidak rusak. Asumsikan bahwa tidak ada transaksi kredit; semua jumlah diselesaikan secara tunai. Anda diberikan informasi berikut untuk Blossom Ltd. untuk bulan Januari 2017

2. Which of the following is not the reason for writing a business report? a) entertainment b) analyse and solve a problem c) keep records d) provides information


A. Entertainment


Karena menulis laporan bisnis bukanlah suatu hiburan

3. ... is often used in soups and sauces. a. parsley, an inexpensive herb b. parsley is an inexpensive herb c. inexpensive parsley, herb d. an herb is inexpensive parsley e. the herb is cheap

Jawaban :

➡ E

Maaf kalau salah :)
Semoga membantu!^a. parsley, an inexpensive herb

4. How to remember ALL the chemicals?​

By reading and then being understood and remembered

5. Little...little, the truth is being revealed A. On B. To C. By D. For by little

So, the answer is C.

6. Where you can find the following notice "Food storage only, no chemicals in this unit" ?

in the plastic bags in food factory maybe

7. 5. What does the text means? * 1 poinThe following text is for question 5-FOOD STORAGENo Chemicals in this UnitA. We are allowed to mix food andchemical hereB. We have to add chemicalmaterials on foodOC. We can put chemicals in the storeroomOD. We can only put food in theunit(NI-000​


D. we can only put food in the unit

8. A national team of researchers is studying depression among women. Several samples are taken across the country, and the mean score on a depression inventory is computed for each sample. The data are summarized in the following table. What is the mean depression score for all women?


computed for each sample.

9. Messinger manufacturing company had the following account balances for the quarter ending march 31, unless otherwise noted:work-in-process inventory (january 1)$140,400work-in-process inventory (march 31)$171,000finished goods inventory (january 1)540,000finished goods inventory (march 31)510,000direct materials used378,000indirect materials used84,000direct manufacturing labor480,000indirect manufacturing labor186,000property taxes on manufacturing plant building28,800salespersons' company vehicle costs12,000depreciation of manufacturing equipment264,000depreciation of office equipment123,600miscellaneous plant overhead135,000plant utilities92,400general office expenses305,400marketing distribution costs30,000required:a. prepare a cost of goods manufactured schedule for the quarter. b. prepare a cost of goods sold schedule for the quarter.prepare a cost of goods manufactured schedule for the quarter !


Perusahaan manufaktur Messinger memiliki saldo akun berikut untuk kuartal yang berakhir 31 Maret, kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya: persediaan barang dalam proses (1 Januari) $ 140.400 persediaan barang dalam proses (Maret 31) $ 171.000 persediaan barang jadi (1 Januari) 540.000 selesai inventaris barang (31 Maret) 510.000 bahan langsung digunakan378.000 bahan langsung digunakan84.000 tenaga kerja manufaktur langsung480.000 tenaga kerja manufaktur tidak langsung186.000 pajak bumi pada bangunan pabrik28.800 biaya kendaraan perusahaan perorangan12.000depresiasi peralatan pabrik264.000depresiasi peralatan kantor123.600 biaya overhead pabrik135, 000 utilitas listrik92.400 biaya kantor umum305.400 biaya distribusi pemasaran30.000disyaratkan: a. menyiapkan jadwal harga pokok produksi untuk kuartal tersebut. b. persiapkan jadwal harga pokok penjualan untuk kuartal tersebut. persiapkan jadwal harga pokok produksi untuk kuartal tersebut!

10. When comparing the traditional approach of inventory management to jit, which of the following statements is true?


1. The Olympics have taken place every four years between 776 BC and AD3942

2. Women began to participate in the Olympics/games in 1900.

3. From 1896 to the present, the Olympic Games are held every four years.

4. With a few exceptions recently, professional athletes did not participate in the Olympics.

5. With this interaction competition, Pierre de Coubertin wants to encourage sports and world peace.

6. In 1916, 1940 and 1944, the Olympics had not yet taken place.

11. Based on the text, the following would be the kind of information that could be revealed about ancient people thought modern genome analyses, EXCEPT

Berdasarkan teks, berikut ini adalah jenis informasi yang dapat diungkapkan tentang orang kuno berpikir analisis genom modern, KECUALI

12. tolong kakkakak yang bisa bantu ini akan di lancarin rezekinya sama Allah✨Jordan Company produced 150.000 floor lamp during the past calendar year. Jordan had 3,000 floor lamps in finished good inventory at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, there were 11,500 floor lamps in finished goods inventory. The lamp sell for $50 each. Jordan’s accounting records provide the following information for the past year [60] Purchase of Direct materials $ 1,750,000 Direct Materials Inventory, January 1 $ 380,000 Direct Materials Inventory, December 31 $ 300,000 Direct Labor $ 2,000,000 Indirect Labor $ 790,000 Depreciation factory building $ 1,150,000 Depreciation factory equipment $ 630,000 Property taxes on the factory $ 70,000 Utilities factory $ 150,000 Insurance on the factory $ 200,000 Salary for factory supervisor $ 75,000 Research and development $ 125,000 Salary sales supervisor $ 45,000 Commissions, sales person $ 310,000 General administration $ 280,000 Work In Process Inventory, January 1 $ 300,000 Work In Process Inventory, December 31 $ 250,000 Finished goods inventory, January 1 $ 200,000 Finished goods inventory, December 31 $ 445,000 Required 1. Prepared a cost of goods manufactured statement 2. Calculate the cost of producing one lamp last year​


Jordan Company produced 150.000 floor lamp during the past calendar year. Jordan had 3,000 floor lamps in finished good inventory at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, there were 11,500 floor lamps in finished goods inventory. The lamp sell for $50 each. Jordan’s accounting records provide the following information for the past year [60] Purchase of Direct materials $ 1,750,000 Direct Materials Inventory, January 1 $ 380,000 Direct Materials Inventory, December 31 $ 300,000 Direct Labor $ 2,000,000 Indirect Labor $ 790,000 Depreciation factory building $ 1,150,000 Depreciation factory equipment $ 630,000 Property taxes on the factory $ 70,000 Utilities factory $ 150,000 Insurance on the factory $ 200,000 Salary for factory supervisor $ 75,000 Research and development $ 125,000 Salary sales supervisor $ 45,000 Commissions, sales person $ 310,000 General administration $ 280,000 Work In Process Inventory, January 1 $ 300,000 Work In Process Inventory, December 31 $ 250,000 Finished goods inventory, January 1 $ 200,000 Finished goods inventory, December 31 $ 445,000 Required 1. Prepared a cost of goods manufactured statement 2. Calculate the cost of producing one lamp last year


Jordan Company produced 150.000 floor lamp during the past calendar year. Jordan had 3,000 floor lamps in finished good inventory at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, there were 11,500 floor lamps in finished goods inventory. The lamp sell for $50 each. Jordan’s accounting records provide the following information for the past year [60] Purchase of Direct materials $ 1,750,000 Direct Materials Inventory, January 1 $ 380,000 Direct Materials Inventory, December 31 $ 300,000 Direct Labor $ 2,000,000 Indirect Labor $ 790,000 Depreciation factory building $ 1,150,000 Depreciation factory equipment $ 630,000 Property taxes on the factory $ 70,000 Utilities factory $ 150,000 Insurance on the factory $ 200,000 Salary for factory supervisor $ 75,000 Research and development $ 125,000 Salary sales supervisor $ 45,000 Commissions, sales person $ 310,000 General administration $ 280,000 Work In Process Inventory, January 1 $ 300,000 Work In Process Inventory, December 31 $ 250,000 Finished goods inventory, January 1 $ 200,000 Finished goods inventory, December 31 $ 445,000 Required 1. Prepared a cost of goods manufactured statement 2. Calculate the cost of producing one lamp last year

13. when did the Al-quran revealed? . It revealed at .......... ramadan

Kapan Al-qur'an di turunkan?
itu terungkap pada.....ramadan
Jawab=17 ramadan
maaf kalo salah.semoga membantu17 ramadhan

maaf kalau salah

14. Complete the following sentences with a form of the word in brackets 1. In the ............................industry, (....................) develop processes for producing plastics, fibres, medicines, etc. from simple chemicals. .. (CHEMISTRY) 2. Producing steel using the Bassemer process is one of the best-known ................process (INDUSTRY) 3. Most ..............devices need oil as a lubrical. (MECHANICS) 4. Following the earthquake, every building had to be inspected to see wheter it had suffered any............damage. (STRUCTURE) 5. Certain chemicals aree added to glue (HARD)Complete the following sentences with a form of the word in brackets 1. In the ............................industry, (....................) develop processes for producing plastics, fibres, medicines, etc. from simple chemicals. .. (CHEMISTRY) 2. Producing steel using the Bassemer process is one of the best-known ................process (INDUSTRY) 3. Most ..............devices need oil as a lubrical. (MECHANICS) 4. Following the earthquake, every building had to be inspected to see wheter it had suffered any............damage. (STRUCTURE) 5. Certain chemicals aree added to glue (HARD)


1. chemical

2. industrial

3. mechanical

4. structural

5. harden


smoga membantu yo

kalo salah, maapkan

15. Quiz What are the 3 deadliest chemicals in the world?​


VX is used in chemical weapons. ...

Botulinum toxin A, also known as Botox. ...

Ricin is pretty nasty. ...

Sarin will kill you in minutes. ...

Strychnine has been rumored to have killed Alexander the Great. ...

Nicotine is actually pretty potent. ...

Sodium cyanide will kill you in seconds.

Bahasa indonesia

VX digunakan dalam senjata kimiaToksin botulinum A, juga dikenal sebagai BotoxRicin cukup jahatSarin akan membunuhmu dalam hitungan menitStrychnine dikabarkan telah membunuh Alexander AgungNikotin sebenarnya cukup ampuhNatrium sianida akan membunuhmu dalam hitungan detik

16. People sell his records all over the word The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?


his records are sold all over the world.


17. Ron Howard recently took over as the controller of Johnson Brothers Manufacturing. Last month, the previous controller left the company with little notice and left the accounting records in disarray. Ron needs the ending inventory balances to report first-quarter numbers. For the previous month (March 2017) Ron was able to piece together the following information: a) Direct materials purchased $120,000 b) Work-in-process inventory, 3/1/2017 $ 35,000 c) Direct materials inventory, 3/1/2017 $ 12,500 d) Finished-goods inventory, 3/1/2017 $160,000 e) Conversion costs $330,000 f) Total manufacturing costs added during the period $420,000 g) Cost of goods manufactured 4 times direct materials used h) Gross margin as a percentage of revenues 20% i) Revenues $518,750 Required Calculate the cost of: 1. Finished-goods inventory, 3/31/2017 2. Work-in-process inventory, 3/31/2017 3. Direct materials inventory, 3/31/2017


Ron Howard baru-baru ini mengambil alih sebagai pengendali Johnson Brothers Manufacturing. Bulan lalu, pengawas sebelumnya meninggalkan perusahaan dengan sedikit pemberitahuan dan catatan akuntansi dibiarkan berantakan. Ron membutuhkan saldo persediaan akhir untuk melaporkan angka kuartal pertama. Untuk bulan sebelumnya (Maret 2017) Ron dapat mengumpulkan informasi berikut: a) Bahan langsung yang dibeli $ 120.000 b) Persediaan dalam proses, 3/1/2017 $ 35.000 c) Persediaan bahan langsung, 3/1 / 2017 $ 12.500 d) Persediaan barang jadi, 1/3/2017 $ 160.000 e) Biaya konversi $ 330.000 f) Total biaya produksi yang ditambahkan selama periode $ 420.000 g) Harga pokok produksi 4 kali bahan langsung yang digunakan h) Margin kotor sebagai persentase dari pendapatan 20% i) Pendapatan $ 518.750 Diperlukan Hitung biaya untuk: 1. Persediaan barang jadi, 31/3/2017 2. Inventaris dalam proses, 31/3/2017 3. Persediaan bahan langsung, 31/3/2017.


semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah:(

18. Identify the two basic decisions addressed by inventory management and discuss why the responses to these decisions differ for continuous and periodic inventory systems !



Inventory management systems are used to address the two basic decisions of when to order and how much to order. The two inventory management systems used in controlling the level of inventory are the continuous system and the periodic system.

In the continuous system, a perpetual record of the inventory is kept. An example of such a system can be found in most supermarkets which use bar-code scanners. The inventory level is adjusted after every sale until a predetermined level is reached when a request for a new order is placed.

In the periodic system, inventory records are taken at a specified interval of time. This can be done weekly or monthly in a process known as “stock-taking”. A new order is requested to bring the inventory level back to the required amount after stock taking is complete.

In a continuous inventory system, the amount ordered when the inventory level reaches the reorder point is fixed. The system is accurate with regards to when new stock should be ordered reducing the chances of stock outs.

In the periodic system, the amount ordered after “stock-taking” is variable because it depends on how much has been sold. Inventory levels are not monitored in-between the intervals. This introduces uncertainties with regards to when new stock should be ordered making the system susceptible to stock outs.


Jangan lupa follow dan berikan apresiasi dari jawabannya ya!

19. Distinguish between in-process inventory, safety stock inventory, and seasonal inventory. Discuss the nature of the costs that affect inventory size. For example: a. How does shrinkage (stolen stock) contribute to the cost of carrying inventory? How can this cost be reduced? B. How does obsolescence contribute to the cost of carrying inventory? How can this cost be reduced?


Bedakan antara inventaris dalam proses, inventaris safety stock, dan inventaris musiman. Diskusikan sifat biaya yang mempengaruhi ukuran persediaan. Contoh: a. Bagaimana penyusutan (stok yang dicuri) berkontribusi pada biaya penyimpanan inventaris? Bagaimana cara mengurangi biaya ini? B. Bagaimana keusangan berkontribusi pada biaya penyimpanan persediaan? Bagaimana cara mengurangi biaya ini?


maaf baru bisa translate ke indonya

20. Change the following sentences into passive sentences without the doer! 1) many people use chemicals on their lawns and gardens 2) we all use water for drinking,washing,cleaning,cooking, and growing food

Subject : English
Grade : Junior High School

1. Many people use chemicals on their lawns and gardens.
Chemical are often used in the plantation world.

2. We all use water for drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, and growing food.
Water is useful for drinking, cleaning, cooking, and growing food.

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