Rabu, 19 April 2023

Match The Quotes With The Literary Devices They Use

Match The Quotes With The Literary Devices They Use

Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form. Use the simple present tense then match the sentences with the pictures. ​

1. Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form. Use the simple present tense then match the sentences with the pictures. ​


1) gets up

2) has

3) play

4) sweeps

5) makes

6) teachs

7) brushes

8) take, walk

9) take

10) practise

2. Match the inventor with the invention and write what are they for?​


2-C it is for copying text

3-B it is for produce unlimited renewable energy

4-D it is for transportation

5-C it is for taking a picture or photgraph

3. Procedures use action verbs. Match the verbs in A with the meaning in B​


Prosedur menggunakan kata kerja tindakan. Cocokkan kata kerja di A dengan artinya di B


maaf kalo salah:);)

4. match the definition with the words​


2. Drought

3. Tornado

4. Hurricane

5. Thunderstorm

5. 4. What is the purpose of the text? A.To explain the visitors how to use camera devices properly. B.To inform visitors about the rules of using camera devices. C.To ask the visitors to leave their camera devices in the counter. D.To remind the visitors to use camera devices proverly.


B. to inform visitors about the rules of using camera devices

6. match the problem with the suggestions​


1. jim's got an exam tomorrow -> he should study hard.

jim mendapat ulangan besok maka ia harus belajar

2. i can't see well -> you should wear glasses.

saya tidak dapat melihat dengan baik maka harus memakai kacamata.

3. sally feels bored -> she should watch TV.

sally merasa bosan maka ia harus menonton TV.

4. my brother is very fat -> he should go on a diet.

saudara saya sangat gemuk maka ia harus diet.

5. nick doesn't feel very well -> he should see a doctor.

nick merasa tidak baik maka ia harus menemui dokter.

semoga membantu


match the problem with the suggestions

1. Jim's got an exam tomorrow --> D. He should study hard

2. I can't see well --> E. You should wear glasses

3. Shally feels bored --> B. She should watch TV

4. My Brother is very fat --> A. He should go on a diet

5. Nick doesn't feel very well --> C. He should see a doctor

7. match the riddles with the answers

9. h
3. a
1. c

beri jawaban terbaik ya1 -> G
2 -> J
3 -> I
4 -> C
5 -> E
6 -> F
7 -> B
8 -> A
9 -> H
10 -> D

8. match the following places of interest with the countries where they are located

Leaning tower France Dan Dan Singapore merlion statue
The Opera house Australia
Cuma bisa segitu maaf kalau Salah

9. match the letters with the numbers​

match the letters with the numbers: cocokkan huruf dengan angka

10. match the offerings with the replies​


cocokkan penawaran dengan balasannya

11. match the words with the pictures​


1 i painting 2 g skiing 3 a cooking 4 b collecting stamps 5 j playing golf 6 c swimming 7 h gardener 8 e volley ball 9 f cycling 10 d playing guitar


semoga mambantu

12. match the descriptions with the pictures​


1. e

2. b

3. a

4. c


Kalimatnya dicocokan dengan gambar nya. Jika perlu, translate kalimatnya dengan bantuan google translate. Yang " d ", tidak ada gambar yang cocok

13. Match the word with the meaning!​











1. Run out of means have none left/ use all of something

Arti: Kehabisan berarti tidak ada yang tersisa / gunakan semua sesuatu

2. Stick to means follow (a plan, a budget, etc)

Arti : Bertumpu pada berarti mengikuti (rencana, anggaran, dll)

3. Shopaholic means someone who enjoys shopping very much

Arti : Gila belanja berarti seseorang yang sangat suka berbelanja

4. Be broke means have no money

Arti : Menjadi bangkrut/miskin berarti tidak punya uang

5. Resist means fight, reject, hold back

Arti : Menahan berarti melawan, menolak, menahan

6. To save for a rainy day means to save money for future needs

Arti : Menabung berarti menabung untuk kebutuhan masa depan

7. Expenses means what you spend for

Arti : Pengeluaran berarti apa yang Anda belanjakan

8. Thrifty means careful in spending money

Arti : Hemat berarti berhati-hati dalam membelanjakan uang

14. match the Proverbs with the meaning​


1. F

2. E

3. I

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. A

8. J

9. G

10. H


1 : f

2 : e

3 : i

4 : c

5 : d

6 : b

7 : a

8 : j

9 : g

10 : h


maaf kalo salah krn kalo di buku lebih gampang dari pada online... tolong di double check dulu ya :)

15. Procedures use action verbs. Match the verbs in A with the meaning in B

Language comprehension requires rapid and flexible access to information stored in long-term memory, likely influenced by activation of rich world knowledge and by brain systems that support the processing of sensorimotor content. We hypothesized that while literal language about biological motion might rely on neurocognitive representations of biological motion specific to the details of the actions described, metaphors rely on more generic representations of motion. In a priming and self-paced reading paradigm, participants saw video clips or images of (a) an intact point-light walker or (b) a scrambled control and read sentences containing literal or metaphoric uses of biological motion verbs either closely or distantly related to the depicted action (walking). We predicted that reading times for literal and metaphorical sentences would show differential sensitivity to the match between the verb and the visual prime. In Experiment 1, we observed interactions between the prime type (walker or scrambled video) and the verb type (close or distant match) for both literal and metaphorical sentences, but with strikingly different patterns. We found no difference in the verb region of literal sentences for Close-Match verbs after walker or scrambled motion primes, but Distant-Match verbs were read more quickly following walker primes. For metaphorical sentences, the results were roughly reversed, with Distant-Match verbs being read more slowly following a walker compared to scrambled motion. In Experiment 2, we observed a similar pattern following still image primes, though critical interactions emerged later in the sentence. We interpret these findings as evidence for shared recruitment of cognitive and neural mechanisms for processing visual and verbal biological motion information. Metaphoric language using biological motion verbs may recruit neurocognitive mechanisms similar to those used in processing literal language but be represented in a less-specific way.

Keywords: sentence processing, verbal semantics, point-light walkers, biological motion, metaphor

A central question in the cognitive neuroscience of language is how meaning is represented and accessed in the brain during language comprehension and production. It has been well established that language and perception interact in the brain and in behavior. For instance, even after the presentation of a single word, semantically related words are processed more quickly (i.e., primed), possibly due to spreading activation of features shared between the two words (Anderson, 1983), and semantic priming occurs across mixed input and target modalities, such that pictures can also prime related words, and vice versa (Sperber et al., 1979). In the domain of action perception, a great deal of research supports the notion that visually perceiving actions and processing language about actions rely on overlapping representations in the mind and brain (Barsalou, 1999; Glenberg and Kaschak, 2002; Bergen et al., 2007). Here, we set out to explore the relationship between processing language about biological motion and visually perceiving it. To this end, we asked how a visual prime depicting biological motion would affect reading times of literal and metaphorical language containing action verbs with either a close or more distant semantic relationship to the prime.

Literal meaning is dependent not only on information stored in semantic memory but also on the physical context, including representations that are grounded in perception and action (Barsalou, 1999). Glenberg and Kaschak (2002) found that when people processed linguistic information about motion directed toward the self (e.g., Close the drawer), compared to away from the self (e.g., Open the drawer), they were faster to respond using a button in that direction (that is, closer to the self, compared to farther away). A subsequent study investigating this action compatibility effect (ACE) further probed its timing and found that when participants did not know which response button they would use prior to reading such sentences, compatibility effects were no longer present (Borreggine and Kaschak, 2006). These findings minimally suggest that processing language about actions can rely upon representations overlapping with those used to process the physical actions themselves but that the timecourse of such activations

16. match the question with the answers!​


semoga membantu :D













A - 9

B - 4

C - 6

D - 10

E - 2

F - 5

G - 3

H - 1

I - 8

J - 7


17. match the riddles with the answers


1. Apa yang pertama kali kamu lakukan saat merebahkan diri ke dalam bak mandi yang penuh dengan air? (G. Get Wet = basah)

2. Semua orang telah melihatnya namun tidak akan pernah melihatnya lagi. (J. Yesterday = kemarin)

3. Ini berasap sangat banyak namun tidak pernah membeli sebuah rokok. (A. Chimney = cerobong asap)

4. Tugasnya adalah menjadi basah. (C. A towel = sebuah handuk)

5. Kamu tidak dapat belajar untuk tes ini. (E. A Blood Test = tes darah)

6. Terdapat berapa sisikah sebuah bola? (F. Two (inside and outside) = dua (sisi dalam dan sisi luar))

7. Apa yang diambil sebelum kamu mendapatkannya? (B. A Photograph = sebuah foto)

8. Apa hal yang paling tidak berguna pada kantongmu? (I. A Hole = sebuah lubang)

9. Saat kamu memecahkannya, ini masih berguna. (H. An Egg = sebuah telur)

10. Pria yang mana yang menggunakan topi yang paling besar? (D. The man with the biggest head = pria dengan kepala yang terbesar)


A riddle adalah sebuah teka-teki yang bertujuan untuk menghibur para pembacanya. Benda atau peristiwa yang menjadi jawaban dari teka-teki tersebut biasanya adalah hal yang sangat sederhana dan terdapat di sekitar kita, sehingga sering kali tidak terpikirkan bahwa itulah jawabannya.


It has two hands. They are pointing the numbers. (Ini punya dua tangan. Mereka menunjuk angka-angka) = Clockwise (jarum jam)

Jam adalah hal yang umum berada di sekitar kita.

Kalimat yang menyatakan petunjuk (clues) dapat berputar-putar atau tidak langsung pada intinya, agar pembaca dibuat larut dalam kebingungan dalam menerka jawaban yang dimaksud, sehingga tujuan dari riddles tercapai, yaitu untuk menghibur para pembacanya.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Contoh riddles brainly.co.id/tugas/10314005

2. Perbedaan riddle dan proverb brainly.co.id/tugas/6095216

3. Contoh soal riddles brainly.co.id/tugas/10035777


Detail jawaban:

Kelas: VII SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Describing objects, people and places

Kode: 7.5.7


18. match the question with the replies​


1. c

2. g

3. e

4. a

5. b

6. d

7. f

yang nomor 1 sama 7 masih kurang yakin tapi yang lain udh yakin

19. match the profession with the prize​


cocokkan profesi dengan hadiah


itu terjemahannya... maaf kalau salah... semoga membantuฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ


cocokan profesi dengan hadiah

20. match the offers with the responses

maaf kalo salah

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