Rabu, 19 April 2023

What Property Should A Radioisotope Used For Dating Have Apex

What Property Should A Radioisotope Used For Dating Have Apex

what should l do?ia an expression used for​

Daftar Isi

1. what should l do?ia an expression used for​


kalo salah jangan salahin aku hehee

2. What should l do ia an expression used for


Sorry, I didn't mean to. Maaf, saya tidak sengaja.

You are really something. Kamu ada-ada saja.

Take it easy. Santai saja.

Don't block my sight. Jangan halangi pandanganku.

I change my mind. Saya berubah pikiran.

Don't give up! Jangan menyerah!

I don't care. Saya tidak peduli.

Please move a bit.


What should l do ia an expression used for ask

3. What should i do? is an expression used for.........


What should i do? is an expression used for asking opinion.

Asking opinion artinya meminta saran kepada orang lain.

Semoga membantu ya

4. should can be used for​


ask questions




for anything

thanks for the point

5. sambungan serta jawabanya dari what should i do? is an expresion used for​

"what should I do" is an expression for asking "apa yang harus aku lakukan?", example:

1. What should I do? Go help people

2. What should I do after this? Eat some burger

3. What should I do if I make my parent angry? Apologize/Apologise to them and tell that you are not going to do that again


I hope this helps you (Saya harap ini membantu Anda)

6. What should we used to express something that is less urgent, something in which you have a coice?


You can use the word "should" if it is something less urgent on the other hand if it is really urgent and there is no other choice you can use the word "have".

Example text :

You should go check your teeth it smells.

You have to go check your teeth, you have a toothache .

7. what is making a phone call used for​


to communicate with people who are far away


sorry if wrong! :)

8. What is a tank car used for? *​


jawaban ada di paragraf 8

A tank car is used for carrying milk, gasoline, oil, and dangerous chemicals.

semangat belajar


9. A. what is It? .B lt is (a) A. what is (b)used for? A. lt is used for​


A= what is it?

B= it is abook

A= what is itused for?

B= it is used for Reading&writing

10. 1. what is airport? 2. People go there what for? 3.what is boarding sign used for? 4.what will the announcer do and what for? 5. What people should have if they want to go abroad? 6. Does your city have airport? 7. And what's the name of it? Tolong cepetan ya yang runtut ​

1. What is airport?

* Airport is a complex of runways and buildings for the takeoff, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers.

** Bandara adalah kompleks landasan pacu dan bangunan untuk lepas landas, pendaratan, dan pemeliharaan pesawat sipil, dengan fasilitas untuk penumpang.

2. People go there for what?

* People go to airports for flights, both as passengers and as cabin crews.

** Orang pergi ke bandara untuk melakukan penerbangan, baik sebagai penumpang maupun sebagai awak kabin.

3. What is boarding sign used for?

* Boarding sign is used to show the time of the passenger to enter the plane.

** Tanda Boarding digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktunya penumpang masuk ke dalam pesawat.

4. What will the announcer do and what for?

* To inform the flight schedule

** Untuk menginformasikan jadwal penerbangan

5. What people should have if they want to go abroad?

* Tickets with passenger information, valid flight numbers and dates; passport and visa (if abroad), personal identity (e.g. ID card)

** Tiket dengan informasi penumpang, nomor dan tanggal penerbangan yang valid; passport dan visa (apabila keluar negeri), identitas pribadi (mis. KTP)

6. Does your city have airport?

* Yes

** Ya

7. And what's the name of it?

* Jakarta International Airport (Soekarno-Hatta)

** Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta

11. should + simpel used for?

A suggestion about something (Sebuah saran terhadap sesuatu).

12. A: What is the duster used for?B: to get rid of dirt from anythingB:A: What is the stapler used for?B:A: What is the bag used for?B:A: What is the Torch used for?B:​

Jawaban:A: What is the duster used for?

B: to remove dirt from anything

B is for cleaning items that are dirty or dusty

A: What is the stapler used for?

B: for stapling paper

A: What is the bag used for?

B: to put things, for example, such as cellphones, books etc.

A: What are flashlights used for?

B: to illuminate the light


13. 1. X : what is a glass used for? Y : a glass is used for drinking...​


is yuo A for mist in used


tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas

14. "what should I do?"is an expression used for.......​


people asked

maaf kalo salah semangat belajarnya

15. what is making a phone call used for? ​


use for talk and communicate to other people without meet them

16. Task 10. Complete the sentences below!A: What is the duster used for?B: to get rid of dirt from anythingA: What is the Torch used for?B:A: What is the bag used for?B:A: What is the stapler used for?B:​

Tugas 10. Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini! A: Untuk apa kain itu digunakan? B: singkirkan kotoran dari apapun A: untuk apa obor digunakan

17. A: What is it?B: It is (a)A: What is (b)used for?B: It is used for (c)​


A: What is it?

B: It is a car

A: What is car used for?

B: It is used for our parents to drive

Terima kasih, maaf kalau salah

18. A: What is the stapler used for?​

The stapler is used to join multiple sheets of paper. Most staplers used in offices, business, work places, homes, schools, etc.

19. What should I do? is an expression used for apa artinya​


"what should i do? is an expression used for.."

artinya: "apa yg harus kulakukan? adalah sebuah ekspresi untuk.."

jwaban untuk soalnya..

for asking what to do


maaf klo salah

20. Have you heard of a letter of recommendation? What is it used for?

artinya "apakah kamu pernah mendengar surat rekomendasi?apa kegunaannya?"

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