Jumat, 14 April 2023

Why Was Jesse James In The Hospital

Why Was Jesse James In The Hospital

why the writer was taken to the hospital​

Daftar Isi

1. why the writer was taken to the hospital​


because he is sick like the one who asked why the writer was sick : )



because she is sick in hospital

2. why was the writer taken to the hospital?​


mengapa penulis dibawa ke rumah sakit?


itu jawaban saya jika yang anda tanyakan adalah artinya dari kata kata di atas

mengapa dulu sang penulis diambil ke rumah sakit

3. Why did the writer stay in the hospital?


because the writer is sick


4. Rewrite the following paragraphs using appropriate pronouns! James and Sheila were siblings. One day, James and Sheila returned from school. James and Sheila were very hungry and went straight into the kitchen. James and Sheila wanted to eat something. In the kitchen, James and Sheila saw a cat. The cat was drinking the milk that mother had kept for James and Sheila. James ran out screaming. James was scared. James was always afraid of cats. Sheila was a brave girl. Sheila was not afraid of anything. Sheila shooed the cat away. The cat ran out. James saw the cat running away. James came back into the kitchen. James praised Sheila for Sheila's courage. Sheila thanked James​


James dan Sheila adalah saudara kandung. Suatu hari, James dan Sheila kembali dari sekolah. James dan Sheila sangat lapar dan langsung pergi ke dapur. James dan Sheila ingin makan sesuatu. Di dapur, James dan Sheila melihat seekor kucing. Kucing itu sedang meminum susu yang disimpan ibunya untuk James dan Sheila. James berlari keluar sambil berteriak. James ketakutan. James selalu takut pada kucing. Sheila adalah gadis yang pemberani. Sheila tidak takut apa pun. Sheila mengusir kucing itu. Kucing itu berlari keluar. James melihat kucing itu melarikan diri. James kembali ke dapur. James memuji Sheila atas keberanian Sheila. Sheila berterima kasih kepada James

5. why did jesse and elle sneak to the kitchen? ​


becsuse they are hubgry and about to eat something.

6. In The HospitalI was in hospital last week. The doctor told me that I had to have an operation. I had to stay in the hospital for a week.The room in which I stayed was facing the garden, so I could see flowers outside from the windows. But I didn’t like the food there. It was tasteless. The doctor told me that I had to have a special diet. I mustn’t eat any spicy food in the future. Why did the writer stay in the hospital?because the writer was illbecause the writer was asked to do sobecause the writer had to have an operationbecause the writer likes itbutuh sekarang tolong dong ​


Because the writer had to have an operation


semoga membantu

7. Mr. James ____________ for a hospital who cures and cares the patiens.


Mr. James _work_for a hospital who cures and cares the patient






the answer is: work.

tolong jadikan yang terbaik y.

8. IV. Rewrite the following paragraphs using appropriate pronouns! James and Sheila were siblings. One day, James and Sheila returned from school. James and Sheila were very hungry and went straight into the kitchen. James and Sheila wanted to eat something. In the kitchen, James and Sheila saw a cat. The cat was drinking the milk that mother had kept for James and Sheila. James ran out screaming. James was scared. James was always afraid of cat ran out. James saw the cat running away. James came back into the kitchen. James praised cats. Sheila was a brave girl. Sheila was not afraid of anything. Sheila shooed the cat away. The Sheila for Sheila's courage. Sheila thanked James.​


Tulis ulang paragraf berikut menggunakan kata ganti yang tepat! James dan Sheila adalah saudara kandung. Suatu hari, James dan Sheila kembali dari sekolah. James dan Sheila sangat lapar dan langsung pergi ke dapur. James dan Sheila ingin makan sesuatu. Di dapur, James dan Sheila melihat seekor kucing. Kucing itu sedang meminum susu yang disimpan ibunya untuk James dan Sheila. James berlari sambil berteriak. James ketakutan. James selalu takut kucing kehabisan. James melihat kucing itu melarikan diri. James kembali ke dapur. James memuji kucing. Sheila adalah gadis pemberani. Sheila tidak takut pada apapun. Sheila mengusir kucing itu. Sheila untuk keberanian Sheila. Sheila berterima kasih kepada James.

9. 3. hospital - my-is-uncle - working-in-theThe correct sentence is ....a my uncle in the working ishospitalb. my uncle in the hospital isworkingc. my uncle working hospital in thed. my uncle is working in thehospital​

d. my uncle is working in the  hospital​


My uncle is working in the hospital

Paman saya bekerja di rumah sakit

10. The paitent......in the hospital






The patient is in the hospital

11. What happened to Brenda?A. Brenda was a doctor in the hospitalB. Brenda was at a service of the hospitalC. Brenda was hospitalised in the hospital.D Brenda was fearful of the medicaltreatment.E. Brenda was recommended to go to thehospital.​


Tolong tuliskan teksnya juga, karena ini pertanyaan bergantung pada teksnya. Terima kasih.

12. the gril...was injured the accident is now in hospital​


the girl who was injured the accident is now in hospital


kita gunakan who sebagai relative clause yang bisa diartikan sebagai "yang". kita membicarakan wanita yang terluka karena kecelakaan.

13. The man was injured in the accident. He is now in the hospital?

Artinya ?
Seorang pria terkena sebuah kecelakaan. Dia sekarang lagi di rumah sakit?

maksud nya dalam bahasa indonesia adalah
seorang laki laki terluka saat kecelakaan.apakah sekarang dia ada di rumah sakit?

14. As he was badly hurt in the car accident, he…. To the hearest hospital

As he was badly hurt in the car accident, he was token To the hearest hospital

semoga membantu:)

15. "my father is in hospital". she said that her father ... in the hospital a. were b. is c. was d. are




smg membantu....

16. 1.in-was-Juki-hospital-the-yesterday


Juki was in the hospital yesterday.


juki was in the hospital yesterday

semoga membantu

17. He wishes that he (visited) her when she was in the hospital

He wishes that he will visit her when she was in the hospital.

Maaf kalau salah :)

18. hospital --my-is-uncle-working-in-theThe correct sentence is ....a. my uncle in the working ishospitalb. my uncle in the hospital isworkingC. my-uncle working hospital in thed. my uncle is working in thehospital​


D. My uncle is working in the hospital

Jawaban - Penjelasan:

Jawaban yang tepat adalah:


▪Jika ditrjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia:

Pamanku Bekerja Di Rumah Sakit.

Detail Pembelajaran:

▪Mapel: B.Inggris

Tingkat: SD

▪Kategori: TheCorrectSentence

[tex]{\huge{\purple{\boxed{\blue{\mathfrak{\underline{Brainly \:Diamond}}}}}}}[/tex]

19. Doctor - see - we - can - a - the - in -hospital *we can see in thehospital a doctorwe can hospital see inthe a doctorOwe can doctor see in thehospitalwe can see a doctor inthe hospital​


we can see a doctor in the hospital

20. susuna kata yang benar dari hospital why Tami to stay did has the in?​

Why did tami has to stay in the hospital?

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