Rabu, 10 Mei 2023

What Are The Principles Of Reformation

What Are The Principles Of Reformation

what are the principles of doing translation? explain

Daftar Isi

1. what are the principles of doing translation? explain

the principle of translation
. Redirecting the rules of words;
2. Use auxiliary verbs;
3. Use a conjunction when it is needed;
4. Not include words or terms that have no correspondence in the target language;
5. Use certain phrases or specific expressions of a single word that is not encountered in the target language;
6. Able to watch the variety and style of language.
Eltiene Dollet who put forward the basic principles of translation. According to him the translator must have the ability include:
1. The translator must be fully understanding and the author of the language;
2. The translator must have perfect language knowledge, both the Source language;
3. Translators should avoid words with words, therefore they will be used for key words and beauty;
4. Translators should be able to use ordinary expressions daily;
5. Translators should be able to present the tune and color of the original language in the translation

2. what are the term and principles of cross cultural interaction?

apa istilah dan prinsip interaksi lintas budaya?

3. What is the morale of Gandhi's principles?


Nilai-nilai kemanusiaan selalu menjadi isu yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Keberadaan nilai-nilai yang agung ini tidak hanya mampu mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup umat manusia, nilai-nilai ini juga mampu melahirkan sesuatu yang selalu hidup dalam setiap pemikiran, kajian, dan tindakan praktis dari masa ke masa. Nilai-nilai kemanusiaan selalu diidamkan oleh setiap umat manusia dalam menciptakan sebuah tatanan teratur, dinamis dan progresif. Tatanan yang pada dasarnya menekankan pada pesan-pesan perdamaian, keadilan, ketertiban, kebebasan, dan pesan-pesan kemanusiaan lainnya.Mahatma Gandhi adalah salah seorang yang paling penting yang terlibat dalam Gerakan Kemerdekaan India. Seorang aktivis yang tidak menggunakan kekerasan, mengusung gerakan kemerdekaan melalui aksi demonstrasi damai. Gandhi tidak hanya perjuangan yang secara cerdas melawan rasisme terinstitusi di Afrika Selatan, pergerakan kemerdekaan India, dan membuka jalan bagi dialog antar-agama, tetapi juga memperkenalkan penerapan pertama yang luas dari perlawanan tanpa-kekerasan sebagai alat yang paling ampuh bagi perubahan sosial. Perjuangan Gandhi diwujudkan dalam prinsip : bramkhacharya (mengendalikan hasrat seksual), satyagraha (kekuatan kebenaran dan cinta tanah air), swadeshi (memenuhi kebutuhan sendiri) dan ahimsa (tanpa kekerasan terhadap semua makhluk

untuk lebih jelas liat di gugel https :media.neliti.com


What is the morale of Gandhi's principles?

The morale of Gandhi's principles are Truth and Non-violence.


Jawaban merupakan penjelasan dari prinsip-prinsip yang dianut oleh Mahatma Gandhi.

Moral dari prinsip Gandhi adalah Kebenaran dan Non-kekerasan.

Gandhiisme adalah kumpulan ide yang menggambarkan inspirasi, visi, dan karya hidup Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi. Hal ini terutama terkait dengan kontribusinya terhadap gagasan perlawanan tanpa kekerasan, kadang-kadang juga disebut perlawanan sipil. Dua pilar Gandhiisme adalah kebenaran dan antikekerasan.

Semoga membantu ya.

4. How are process writing and journal-keeping consistent with whole language principles? Can you think of any other writing techniques that follow from the principles?

bagaimana proses penulisan dan penyimpanan jurnal konsisten dengan prinsip-prinsip bahasa utuh?
dapatkah Anda memikirkan teknik penulisan lain yang mengikuti prinsip?

5. Tokoh yang mempopulerkan istilah sosiologi melalui karyanya yang berjudul �the principles of sociology� adalah


herbert spencer (google)

6. whats the principles of realia media?

apa prinsip-prinsip media realia?

7. what is the meaning of social distance based on your principles​


It means that we can do the social distance based on our principles.


Peoples have many principles about the social distance, but i myself rather do it based on the government command :)

8. . The principles of Laissez-Faire are not valid anymore in this present time. Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

The principles of Laissez-Faire are not valid anymore in this present time.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

In the first hand, the statement generates the advantages occurred for example: Companies are compelled to be more creative and innovative in their approach, discourages corruption, gives businesses more space and autonomy from government rules and regulations. However, on the other hand, it produces any government regulation or policy that limits international trade, income inequality and failure to represent the interests of the entire society. Therefore, Laissez-faire alone is not enough to guide an economy, but with a proper balance between the power given to the government and freedom of market forces, economies can flourish with minimized risks.


Keep Working ! Palajari lebih lanjut dengan mengunjungi link dibawah ini:  


9. The operating principles of the telephone are_______ they were in the nineteenth century



The operating principles of the telephone are_______ they were in the nineteenth century


The principle of operation of the telephone was when they were in the nineteenth century.


I Hope This Help

10. To conduct discourse analysis means that the investigation of language is required to go beyond the boundaries of the syntactic or semantic form of utterances by analysing the features of lexico-grammatical resources of language systems as well as their functions but should be in line with its principles. Thus, what are the discourse principles meant here, explain!​

Discourse analysis is the study of language use in social contexts. In conducting discourse analysis, it is important to consider the principles that govern language use in a given context. These principles may include:

Cohesion: The way in which words and phrases within an utterance, and between utterances, are connected to create a cohesive whole.

Coherence: The way in which an utterance or text hangs together and makes sense as a whole.

Context: The social, cultural, and situational context in which language is used, including the relationship between speakers and listeners, the purpose of the communication, and the shared knowledge and assumptions of the participants.

Genre: The type or category of text being produced, such as a news article, a conversation, or a legal document, and the conventions and expectations associated with that genre.

Ideology: The values, beliefs, and assumptions that underlie language use and shape the way people communicate.

Intertextuality: The way in which texts draw upon and make reference to other texts, creating a web of meaning that extends beyond any single text.

By considering these principles, a discourse analyst is able to examine the ways in which language is used to convey meaning and achieve social and cultural goals.


Discourse analysis is a broad term that refers to the study of language in use. It involves examining the ways in which language is used to construct meaning and communicate in various contexts, such as face-to-face conversations, written texts, and online interactions.

In discourse analysis, the focus is not just on individual words or sentences, but on the larger unit of communication known as a discourse. A discourse is a structured series of messages that are related to a particular topic or purpose. It can be verbal or written, and can include both spoken and written language.

There are several principles that are commonly used in discourse analysis. These include:

Coherence: This refers to the way in which different parts of a discourse are connected and relate to each other. Coherence helps to make a discourse understandable and meaningful.

Cohesion: This refers to the ways in which different parts of a discourse are connected through language devices such as pronouns, conjunctions, and reference. Cohesion helps to create a sense of unity within a discourse.

Context: The context in which a discourse takes place is important in understanding its meaning. This includes the physical and social environment, as well as the cultural and historical context.

Purpose: Every discourse has a purpose, whether it is to inform, persuade, or entertain. Understanding the purpose of a discourse can help to interpret its meaning.

Audience: The audience for a discourse plays a role in shaping its content and style. Understanding the audience can help to interpret the message of a discourse.

Genre: Genre refers to the type of discourse, such as a news report, a conversation, or a scientific paper. Understanding the genre of a discourse can help to interpret its meaning and structure.

11. what are the value and principles basic to indonesian democracy

value = moral valeu
principles =
1. divinity Almighty
2. uphold human rights
3. The sovereignty of the people
4. supported by citizens
5. uses the principle of separation of powers
6. ensure the development of local autonomy
7. The state has the application of the concept of law
8. ensure the convening of the independence of judiciary, impartiality and independence
9. foster a people's welfare
10. The social justice for all Indonesian people

12. "the principles of laissez-faire are not valid anymore in this present time." do you agree or disagree to the statement?


i agree


because everything its different before and now

13. The "unity diversity" means... - Why were "eagle" as coat of arms in Indonesia? What are the five principles of Pancasila? What is a political party? Do you agree/disagree dead penalty for corruptor? Make in the sentence the following words below! a. Aggravating circumstances b. The clerk of the court c. Suspect d. A cross Examination What are the Five principles of Pancasila?

The "unity in diversity" means the principle that recognizes and respects the diversity of cultures, beliefs, and identities within a nation while promoting and fostering unity and cohesion among its citizens.

The eagle as the coat of arms in Indonesia symbolizes the nation's strength and unity.

The five principles of Pancasila are:

Belief in One GodJust and Civilized HumanityThe Unity of IndonesiaDemocracy led by wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberation amongst representativesSocial Justice for all the people of Indonesia.

A political party is an organization that seeks to attain and maintain political power in government by participating in electoral campaigns and other activities.

My opinion on the death penalty for corruptors is a complex issue and depends on the specific circumstances and context.

a. Aggravating circumstances refers to factors that increase the severity or culpability of a crime.

b. The clerk of the court is the official responsible for maintaining records and carrying out administrative duties in a court.

c. A suspect is a person who is suspected of committing a crime.

d. A cross-examination is the questioning of a witness by the opposing party in a trial.

The five principles of Pancasila are:

Belief in One GodJust and Civilized HumanityThe Unity of IndonesiaDemocracy led by wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberation amongst representativesSocial Justice for all the people of Indonesia.

14. The principles of Laissez-Faire are not valid anymore in this present time. Do you agree or disagree to the statement?​


i agree to the statement.

15. the operating principles of the telephone are __ they were in the nineteenth century the same as today today what the same the same today the same today as

The operating principles of the telephone are___the same as today____ they were in the nineteenth century.


Prinsip pengoperasian telepon sama seperti saat ini di abad kesembilan belas.

Penggunaan the same as, menggunakan pola berikut:

~ noun + verb + the same as + noun

Penggunaan menurut soal:

Telephone(+noun) are(+linking verb) the same as (+the same) today (+noun)

Contoh lain penggunaan the same asYour dress is the same as mineThe patterns are the same as my shirtYour luck is the same as their luckPresident's car is the same as your carYour bag is the same as my bag

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang Penggunaan Kata the same https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3439768

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

16. Keeping, deleting and paraphrasing are the principles of summarizing. T/F



semoga membantu

17. The principles of laissez-faire are not valid anymore in this present time. do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Agree or disagre for the statement is:

On the other hand, this statement produces, for example, the benefits encountered. Enterprises need to be more creative and innovative in their approaches to prevent corruption, giving them more space and autonomy from government rules and regulations. But on the other hand, it creates government regulations and policies that limit international trade, income inequality, and failure to represent the interests of society as a whole. Therefore, laissez-faire alone is not enough to run an economy, but with the right balance between government-mandateed power  and freedom of market power, the economy can prosper with minimal risk. I can do it.


Kalimat adalah satuan ujaran berupa kata atau kumpulan kata yang dapat secara mandiri mengungkapkan maknanya secara utuh. Kalimat adalah satuan kebahasaan terkecil yang mengungkapkan suatu gagasan yang utuh, baik  lisan maupun tulisan. Kalimat adalah satuan bahasa terkecil yang merupakan satuan rohani. Kalimat biasanya terdiri dari kata, frasa, dan frasa. Ada kalimat efektif dalam kalimat yang memungkinkan pembaca untuk memahami dan memperkirakan ide-ide penulis. Kalimat tersebut sangat cocok dengan ide dan maknanya. Kalimat harus terdiri dari setidaknya  subjek dan predikat. Saat menulis, kalimat diawali dengan huruf kapital dan diakhiri dengan tanda baca seperti titik (.), tanda tanya (?), dan tanda seru (!). Kalimat yang mengandung banyak frasa menggunakan konjungsi.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang contoh kalimat persetujuan: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/123510

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

18. Which three of the following are fundamental principles of the IESBA Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants? a. Independence b. Integrity c. Objectivity d. Confidentiality​


B. Integrity


Jangan lupa super dan bintang 5 ya✨

Jawab :

B. Integrity


MaafKalo Salah



19. What kind of country is it?What is our state philosophy?Can you mention the five principles of our state philosophy?​

1) it is a democratic/presidensil country

2) pancasila

3) Belief in the one and only God.

(Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa)

A just and civilized humanity.

(Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab)

Unity of Indonesia.

(Persatuan Indonesia)

Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebjaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan)

Social justice for all Indonesian people.

(Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia)

20. What are curriculum principles?​


Curriculum principles are the values a school believes will give both their pupils and community the best chance of succeeding, and what they know to be right, given its context.

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