Rabu, 10 Mei 2023

Gooey Substance Cornstarch And Water

Gooey Substance Cornstarch And Water

water is believed as the.... (important) substance to consume

Daftar Isi

1. water is believed as the.... (important) substance to consume

Water is believed as the most important substance to consume.

2. Water is believed as the (important) substance to consume

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

Air dipercaya sebagai zat (penting) untuk dikonsumsi

3. apa arti dari crumbly, gooey,grudgingly,grizzle,yowling,crumpets

crumby, lengket, enggan, grizzle, mengeong, crumpetsCrumbly rapuh, gooey liat Dan melengket,grudgingly dengan enggan,yowling mengeong,crumpets Dan grizzle any GA Tay artinya

4. They (49) ........ water and minerals

They . . . water and minerals

→ Drink

Semoga Membantujawabannya adalah Drink

semoga membantu

5. arti dari fire and water adalah..... ​


Fire = Api

and = dan

Water = Air

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu >•<

ूू❁ Answer by : AmelYeuhNgabb ❁ू


artinya api dan air

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Fire =api

And =dan

Water =air

semoga membantu :)

6. 8. Water is aa. Singlesubstanceb. DoubleC. Mixtured. Homogeneous​


A. Single substance


semoga membantu

7. What substance acts as inflammatory agent? A. Gout. B.Noni and cat's claw C.MSM and shark cartilage D.bosweilla and glucosamine


B.Noni and cat's claw


What substance acts as inflammatory agent? Noni and cat's claw

8. The correct substance to fill the x and y are ….


KOH is basic compound, so if basic compound reacted with acidic compound will produce water and salt.

base + acid --> water + salt

X is acidic compound like HCl, HBr, CH3COOH.

Y is salt compound like NaCl, KBr ect.

example, use HCl as an acid, so...

KOH + HCl --> H2O + KCl

in this case X = HCl, Y = KCl

9. Jelaskan mengenai relationship of two curves graphs and substance, beserta contohnya


adalah sebuah perusahaan sepatu asal Amerika dengan hasil produksi yang terutama terdiri dari alas kaki berjenis olahraga dan brand fuz gaya hidup. Perusahaan telah berdiri sejak tahun 1908 dan, pada tahun 2003, dibeli senilai $ 305.000.000 (USD) sebagai anak perusahaan dari Nike, Inc.[2] Converse memproduksi produk di bawah nama dagang seperti One Star, Chuck Taylor All Star, dan Jack Purcell. Sepatu converse dibedakan dengan sejumlah fitur, termasuk motif lencana bintangnya. Bahkan, sol karet All Star, halus bulat disekitaran di atas, dan melengkung di sekitar jalur telah menjadi khas yang begitu dikenali, pada tahun 2014, Converse mengajukan gugatan ke Komisi Perdagangan Internasional AS yang menuduh Walmart, Skechers, Kmart, dan 28 pengecer lain beserta produsen dengan masalah pelanggaran merek dagang. Dalam upaya untuk melestarikan keaslian sepatu selain fungsinya. Sejumlah perkara diselesaikan, termasuk Fila dan Iconix.[3][4] Selain alas kaki, perusahaan menjual barang-barang lainnya secara global melalui pengecer di lebih dari 160 negara dan melalui sekitar 75-perusahaan milik toko ritel di Amerika Serikat.

Converse, Inc.

10. A solution of 0.18 g of a non-electrolyte substance is dissolved in 2.5 g of water. If the freezing point of the solution is -1.34 c, the molar mass of the substance is ... (k, water= 1.86 c kg\mol

m a = 0,18 gram (a = non-electrolyte substance)
p = 2,5 gram = 2,5/1000 = 0,0025 kg (p = mass of water)
kf = 1,86°C kg/mol (kf = k water)
Tf a = -1,34°C (Tf = freezing point)
Tf b = 0°C (freezing point of water is 0°C)
Mr = ? (Mr = molar mass of the substance)

answer :
Δ Tf = Tf b - Tf a (Δ Tf = reduction of the freezing point)
= 0 - (-1,34)
= 1,34°C

ΔTf = kf × m (m = molality)
1,34 = 1,86 × m
m = 1,34/1,86 = 0,72 kg/mol

m = n/p (n = mol of the substance)
0,72 = n/0,0025
n = 0,72 × 0,0025 = 0,0018 mol

n = m a/Mr
0,0018 = 0,18/Mr
0,0018Mr = 0,18
Mr = 0,18/0,0018 = 100 gram/mol

so, the molar mass of the substance is 100 gram/mol

sorry if the answer is wrong

11. What is a solid? A. a substance that does not have a definite shape or volume B. a substance with a definite volume, but no definite shape C. a substance with a definite shape and volume D. a substance whose particles glide past one another


C. a substance with a definite shape and volume

12. Water helps keep our skin healthy and glowing. It helps in the reduction of wrinkling, and aids in our ability to flush fat, toxins, and any other unwanted or foreign substance from our bodies. Flushing our intestines with plenty of water allows us to maintain stable and safe quantities of yeast and bacteria. Plenty of water keeps our thought processes and brain function at optimal levels, and prevents headaches that are caused from not enough hydration.what is the paragraph about?

water for health benefits

13. 1.we................. the clothes with water 2.Don't put ................... on my bakso.i don't like sour 3.Stain and rusty is hard to .................... 4. ........... ................... 2 tablespoons of sugar. Iike sweet a lot. 5. Water and oil are the example of ........... substance.

1. Wash (present)

2. Soy sauce

3. Clean

4. I want

5. Chemical

14. 1. (a) The special tube has many tiny holes. From the results, which substance !passed from the solution in the special tube to the water in the beaker(b) Why is this substance found in the water in the beaker?​


where is the question? if you give me the text i will answer it


15. Snow fall may consolidate into ... and ....a. glaciers and waterb. water and cloudsC. glaciers and ice sheet:d. ice sheet and rain.e. cumulus clouds and water​

b.water and clouds

maaf kalo salah ya:)

B.water and clouds......

16. what ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew ? A. dice,glass,and sugar B. pineapples, water,and sugar C. glasses,water,and sugar D. pineapples,dice,and water


B. pineapples, water, and sugar

maaf kalo jawabannya salah

Jawabannya B. Pineapples,water and sugar

17. 1. What is the fourth step of the recipe?Answer:How much oyster sauce do we need?Answer:3. What is the next step after mixing cornstarch with 6 table spoon water omng cornstarch with 6 table spoon water completely into a smoothmixture?Answer:4. What is made by Mrs. Laras?Answer:5. Mention the ingredient needed in the recipe!Answer:​


1.fourth steps

bring above mix to the boiling... (bla bla bla.... sampe titik)


3.place a wok of sauce pan over medium heal until hot

4.sweet buns? (sy bca dr gmbrnya,sorry idk,kl salah maaf ya)

5.barbecue 500 g,onion 25g,oil 15 ml,soy sauce 15ml,oyster sauce 15 ml,cornstarch 20g,water 100 ml

18. complete the following puzzle.syrup made from cornstarchC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

corn syrup

semoga benar :)

19. What can you conclude about what affects how fast a substance candissolve in water?​


Apa yang dapat Anda simpulkan tentang apa yang memengaruhi seberapa cepat suatu zat dapat

larut dalam air?

20. Rearrange into good sentence (susun kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang tepat) : land - It- water - in - on - lives - anda. It lives in water and on landb. lives in water and on land itc. lives it in water and on landd. It lives on water and in land​


jawabannya d kalo bukan a


artinya "itu hidup di air dan di darat"

it lives in water and on land(a)
in digunakan utk di dlm air dan on digunakan utk di darat

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