Selasa, 02 Mei 2023

What Do Multimillion Dollar Sponsorships Of Famous Athletes Symbolize

What Do Multimillion Dollar Sponsorships Of Famous Athletes Symbolize

what do you think of our famous singer, agnes monica

1. what do you think of our famous singer, agnes monica

She is a great singer. She is famous. Her songs are great and they spreaded to all over the world

She a Talented Woman Singer

She has been go international and make Indonesia Proud of it.

She have a Good Voice, Good Looking, and Smart.

2. Why do athletes need to consume a lot of water ?


Because they spend a lot of their energy, sweat, so that they won't be dehydrated during their exercise or activities.


Menurut Saya Ya!!

Semoga Membantu!!

Maaf jika ada kesalahan!

3. who are three famous athletes in your country?

Taufik Hidayah, Liliana Natsir, Tantowi Ahmad1. Taufik Hidayat ---> Men Single's Badminton Athletes
2. Susi Susanti ---> Women Single's Badminton Athletes
3. Bambang Pamungkas ---> Football Athletes

4. What do you think about the picture? is the man happy? what does this man symbolize?

Apa pendapat Anda tentang gambar ? adalah manusia bahagia ? apa orang ini melambangkan ?  ini bahasa indonesia nya

 Apa pendapat Anda tentang gambar ? adalah manusia bahagia ? apa orang ini melambangkan ?

5. What do you think about the pictures? is the man happy? what does this man symbolize?

Gambar nya mana ngab, klo ga ada gambarnya ga ada yang bisa jawab :]

6. what do you think about the picture? is the man happy? what does this man symbolize?

maybe he is very happy

7. who are three famous athletes in your country

yg ditanyain b. indo nya atau jawabannya?
kalo b. indo nya : siapa tiga atlet terkenal di negara mu?
kalo jawabannya: taufik hidayat, tontowi ahmad, liliana natsir.three famous athletes in my country are bambang pamungkas, alan budikusuma, susi susanti.

8. What is the famous name of wakatobi

The name Wakatobi is an acronym of the names of the 4 main islands that form the archipalago: Wangi - Wangi Island, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. (srry, if my answer is wrong)

9. what do you think about the picture? is the man happy? what does this man symbolize

translate :

Apa pendapat Anda tentang gambar? apakah pria itu bahagia? apa yang dilambangkan/dimaksud dari pria ini

Apa yang kamu pikir tentang gambar itu? Apakah pria itu senang? Apa yang dilambangkan pria itu

# Jawaban dalam B. Inggris
I think that's man thinking about something make her happy..

10. what do you think about the picture is the man happy? what does this man symbolize?

Yes, He's Happy
he symbolize happines

11. What is another famous place you know about? What do people do there?tolong kak ​


kopi nako Bogor



12. What is synonym of the word famous






semoga membantu

13. what is the famous thing of venice

Inside, you'll see works by Titian, Bellini and Vivarini, among other famous artists, and all for a cheaper price than the city's Venetian art museums. The Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, sometimes referred to simply as Frari,is a gothic-style church that was finished in the 14th century.

14. what are the effects of being famous?​


Being richer. Obviously the greatest advantage of being a celebrity. ...

Recognized locally and globally. Famous personalities are recognized wherever they go. ...

Various opportunities. ...

Have supporting fans. ...

Get special treatment everywhere they go. ...

No privacy. ...

Paparazzi. ...



Semoga membantu

Maaf kalau salah

positive and negative effects of being famous

There are the positives, adulation, a feeling of being invincible, adored by the public, admired, feted, rich, successful, go anywhere you choose, money is no object, prestige, the best offered to you in hotels, flights,limousines, privileges,the pick of handsome and wealthy partners, sounds good doesn't it? The world at your feet. but there is a downside. Firstly, all stars ascend, and are blazing brilliantly, for a while. Then they start to fade. There is always someone else coming up behind, younger, maybe prettier, more talented, or, merely, you have had your turn, time for someone else’s .Showbiz and the public can be very fickle. You can be their darling one day and gone the next in a manner of speaking. Its not all glamour, as we believe. Behind the scenes, lies heartache, jealousy,and hard work. It can be very gruelling.and a lot suffer burnout. Also, especially today, showbiz can be a very ruthless profession, .there is the possibility of being maliciously trolled and even stalked by some crazy admirer.Or even being killed as John Lennon was, by some crazy person. In the public eye, you are vulnerable, look at Princess Di, and Meghan Markle even being slated. Your private life becomes public, its like living in a goldfish bowl. and especially with the paparazzi. also your relationships seem to suffer. ,judging by the number of failed celebrity marriages. you could end up alone, forgotten, (by most) and, if you were not wise with your finances, in penury. I am not saying this always happens, but in many of these cases, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Its as if there is a price to pay, which, invariably is the way ,in life. I think peace and quiet and tranquillity are far better in the long run, rather than a life style, that, at best, because of the rapid turn over in this business, today, can only last for a few years. Of course I appreciate there are stars such as Madonna and Tina Turner, (who is thinking of making a comeback) but i think they are the exception rather than the rule. Who will remember today’s stars in 20/30 years time?Though i think they will most likely see the pitfalls as they are sharper today and see it coming.they get out ,run for the hills, while still at their peak, rather than becoming another “has-been”

source :

15. Do you think of our famous singer, krisdayanti?

she has a good voice and very famousshe is beautiful and have a good voice

16. 1. What do you think of our famous singer, Agnes Monica? 2. What is your opinion about our tourism object? 3. What do you think about our government program of free school fee?

1. Apa yang kau/kamu pikirkan tentang penyanyi terkenal kita Agnes Monica?
2. Apa pendapat/opini tentang objek turis kita?
3. Apa yang kau pikirkan tentang program sekolah gratis pemerintah?

17. what is the famous thing of venice

its transport routes mostly consist of canals instead of concrete or asphalt roads. Therefore, Venetians use gondolas as their means of transportation.

18. 1. What do you think of our famous singer, Agnes Monica? 2. What is your opinion about our tourism object? 3. What do you think about our government program of free school fee?

1. I think she is cool, beauty, profesional and talented.

2. tourism object is the place that has beautiful view. you can visit it as one of your destinations. in indonesial itself has many tousism object. all of them are intersesting to be visited.

3. good. free school fee makes all of our people can get school. they can feel how to have a school and reach their dreams.1. She's very talented. Her voice is very good, her style is also very good. She could speak English really well. She also brings exposure to our country. I'm very proud of her.

2. We have a lot of tourism spot, we can even compete with those very famous tourism spot. Unfortunately, we still don't really give our tourism spot better facilities and infrastructure.

3. With no fee, everyone could get a decent education and the disttibution of education is a lot better. Free education also gives some people more joy, because they can uses their money for other things.

19. What do you think about the picture? Is the man happy? What does this man symbolize?

The picture is about a man known as the most clever person in this world named Albert Einstein.
He doesn't seem so happy by his face.

20. what is the synonym of famous

synonimnya sih banyak, salahsatunya popular,
familiar kayag ny jg bsa

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