Selasa, 02 Mei 2023

Where Do Young Tigers Swim

Where Do Young Tigers Swim

Where do the tigers live?? answer:

1. Where do the tigers live?? answer:


Where do the tigers live?

Dimana harimau itu tinggal?



maaf klo salah

2. Questions:1. Where does a bee live?2. Where do lions and tigers live?3. Where does a crab dwell?​


a bee lives in its nest lions and tigers live in forests or in cagesCrabs live in the sea or in the aquarium




1. In the bee hive

2. In the junggle

3. how do tigers reprouce

With lambing. Because tiger is a mammal.

Hope this will help ^.^

4. where we can swim lagi butuh nih

Swiming pool..... Maaf klo slahDimana kita bisa berenang?

5. how do tigers deceive their prey?​


Tigers are among the types of animals that forage for food at morning and dusk. Deer, wild boar, and peaks are one of the foods. When looking for food, the tiger will lurk, settle, jump, then ambush and kill its prey with short but sturdy legs.

6. 1: Where do you want to go this holidayI want to swim in Saygon​


maksudnya apa nih? soalnya yang mana ya?

7. Where does most of the sumatran tigers live ?

thw sumatran tiger is found only on the indonesian island of sumatra off the malaysian peninsula

8. or the questions 1 Where are tigers from? 2. What family do they belong to? 3. What do they look like? 4. What do they eat? 5. How do they move?

1. Asia
2.Cat family
3.Some of them has reddish orange and black stripes or white with stripes skin
5.Run,jump, and swim

9. what do tigers eat? jawaban lengkap gimana


tiger eat a meat



jawab:tigera eat a meat

penjelasan:mohon maaf jika salah

10. B indonesianya where does most of the sumatran tigers live

<b> Terjemah

Dimana sebagian besar harimau- harimau sumatra hidup

dimana sebagian besar harimau sumatera hidup?

11. do fish swim atau does fish swim? Dan kenapa?


do fish swim


kayanya penuturan nya dan akan berbeda makna jika pembahasaan nya salah. maaf kalo salah

12. 1.where do fish live? do fish swim? 3.what do fish need to breathe and live? do fish breathe? 5.what is "shoals"?



2.using fins

3.because of fish living creatures

4.using gills


13. they usually swim?

Kemungkinan bisa: When dan Where.
biasanya orang menanyakan tempat dan waktu... tergantung cerita atau konteksnya sih hehe.

-semoga membantu-

14. The young girl swims for Sugar Tree Swim Club.​


Gadis muda itu berenang untuk Sugar Tree Swim Club.



maaf kalo salah

15. A : Where do you want to go this holiday?B: I want to swim in Saygon ....​


. do you think it is good place, dont you?

16. where are tigers from?bantu jawab ya​



Maaf Kalo Salah

17. 1.where do fish live? do fish swim? 3.what do fish need to breathe and live? do fish breathe? 5.what is "shoals"?


1. fish live at water

2. to live

3. to live

4. to live

5. the friends of fish

18. 1.where are tigers from?2.what family do they belong to? 3.what do they look like?4. what do they do they move?​


1.dari mana harimau

2.keluarga apa yang mereka milik

3.seperti apa rupa mereka

4.apa yang mereka makan

5.bagaimana mereka bergerak

19. what do you know about tigers​

Tigers often take their skin for bags, shoes, etc. because they are often hunted by humans


kalau diterjemahkan artinya apa yang kamu ketahui tentang harimau ?

Jawaban saya :

The tiger is the biggest cat in the world . His favorite food is meat . The characteristic of tiger is their steriped skin , black and orange .

20. how do white tigers defend their territory

they showed whos the strongger and kill everyone that get into their terirory

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