Sabtu, 13 Mei 2023

Which Of The Following Activities Are Examples Of Data Gathering

Which Of The Following Activities Are Examples Of Data Gathering

Examples point of view-activities of the dead

Daftar Isi

1. Examples point of view-activities of the dead

Point of view = pendapat/pandangan/kritik
Ditulis dengan ciri awalan =
• my point of view of that problem is...
• i think...
• based on...

2. The Following expressions are examples of givingopinions, except....​


mana pilihannya??? cuyyyy

3. What is the meaning of “private activities” on 2nd paragraph?a. Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.b.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of two particular person or group of people only.c.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of three particular person or group of people only.d.Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of four particular person or group of people only.Please Answers.​


the answer is "a" because private means something that only some of them knows


i dont really understand but please show me the picture of the 2nd paragraph you mean


Private activities are the activities which belonging to or for the use of two particular person or group of people only.



4. The examples of dicotyledons are​


Potato. Examples of well-known dicot plants are potatoes. ...

Cassava. Examples of plants that include dicot plants are cassava or cassava or cassava. ...

Rubber. Rubber spread is an example of dicot plants.

5. The examples of artificial environment are ​




6. 5. Which of the following activities CANNOT be done by the visitors? ​


miliking cows, and enjoy the rice field ploughing tours, too" (Pengunjung bisa mengunjungi pemandian mata air alami, mencoba memerah susu sapi, dan menikmati wisata membajak sawah juga).

Maka, jawabannya adalah "building an old house" (membangun rumah tua di desa).

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Baca pembahasan lengkapnya dengan daftar




sama smaaaaaaakaakka

7. write examples of the following expressions! suggestion and curiosity

A: "Let's go to the library"
B: "Ye,let's go" (Accept)
     " No,thank you.I do not feel like going" (Reject)
A:"I'm very curious about your new friend"
B:"Oh ya?Do you want to meet her/him?She/he always reading in library in this time..."
Maaf, kalau kata-katanya kurang tepat...

8. Look at the examples from the text. Which of the sentences are in the past simple, and which are in the present perfect simple?​


past simple " we were born, he had a bad..., one experiment involved"

present perfect simple " i have had, there have been.."

9. These are the activities that usually done in the holiday&Write each of the name of the activities!​


1. Mudik

2. Halal Bi Halal

3. Takbir Keliling

4. Menabuh Bedug

5. Ketupat

6. Saling Berkirim Makanan

7. THR

8. Baju Baru


hari raya apa dulu?kalo diindonesia ya biasannya idhul fitri,jadi ya gini

I Dont Know the religion?

10. Dialog Expression Of hope is to expectation and wish. Here are the following examples Of hope expression as folow.

1. Wish is most commonly used in hypothetical (or imagined/unreal) situations:


I wish you were here. (Unfortunately, you're not, and I miss you.)

Sometimes wish is used in greeting and expressions of goodwill:


We wish you a "Merry Christmas."

2. Hope can also be used in expressions of goodwill, but the grammar is slightly different:


I hope (that) you have a Merry Christmas. (some time in the future)

I hope (that) you had a nice Birthday. (some time in the past)

Hope can be used to specify a desired outcome. For future hopes, the possibilities remain open, but for past hopes, the outcome has usually been determined already.


I hope you can come to the party on Saturday.(future possibility)

I was hoping that you would come to the party.(but you didn't)

I had hoped to see you at the party on Saturday. (but I didn't)

11. examples of the following expressions giving command

~Break in place
~Forward way

12. Give 2 examples of human activities that affect the water cycle!​


of course the factory waste that can clog the water and make the water unsafe, some can make acid rain. And by throwing trash to the river will clog it too and make flood.

13. which of the following activities done by hacker is considered illegal

taking another person personal information/personal data

14. the examples of water are.....

contoh air adalah...move
I hope this helps

15. write examples of the following expressions! suggestion and curiosity

example for seggestion is : i suggest that we go out for dinner tonight .
and curiosity : what are you looking so serious about ?

mungkin itu , semoga benar .

16. Here are the examples Of noun,expert?


Berikut adalah contoh kata benda, ahli?

17. Write examples of the following write examples of the following expressions a. Suggestion : b. Stating possibility : c. Requesting :

a. I suggest you to drink 8 glasses of water per days. b. She may be at home now. c. I need some help to solve this problem.

18. What are examples of cultural products that are the wealth of the Indonesian?​






19. The advanced of gathering the seminar that studinya are able

Para ahli pengumpulan seminar itu studi yang mampu.

20. what are the examples of illegal drugs ?

Its just like "Heroin, Estacy, Etc" It can make our body and brain didnt work properly

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