Minggu, 14 Mei 2023

A Bar Magnet Is Cut In Half As Shown

A Bar Magnet Is Cut In Half As Shown

when a magnet is cut in half each piece of the magnet will be A. Gone the magnetism B.Become a half magnet C.Become a magnet with two poles D.Become a magnet that has 1 pole

Daftar Isi

1. when a magnet is cut in half each piece of the magnet will be A. Gone the magnetism B.Become a half magnet C.Become a magnet with two poles D.Become a magnet that has 1 pole


D.Become a magnet that has 1 pole

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

ketika magnet dipotong menjadi dua, setiap bagian magnet akan menjadi

A. Hilang magnet

B. Menjadi setengah magnet

C. Menjadi magnet dengan dua kutub

D. Menjadi magnet yang memiliki 1 kutub

maaf kalau salah

jadikan terbaik

follow aku kak

2. Which of the following is not true: Bar A magnet, bar B magnet Bar A magnet, bar B not magnet Bar A not magnet, bar B magnet Bar A not magnet, bar B not magnet


Bar A magnet, bar B magnet ✓

Bar A magnet, bar B not magnet  X

Bar A not magnet, bar B magnet  X

Bar A not magnet, bar B not magnet X

magnets if they meet magnets will attract each other, but this only works if the magnetic poles are opposite

3. PQR is a triangle with area 6 cm² as shown in the diagram above.Calculate

Point (a)

Reflex angle is an angle between 180 to 360 degrees.

You can calculate QPR acute (0 < x < 90) angle first by cosine.

cos x = 4/5

x = 37

This is a default-memorizable angle which is often used in Mathematics and Physics.

Reflex angle = 360 - acute angle

= 360 - 37 = 323 degrees

Point (b)

Area of triangle is:

A = 1/2 × base × height

6 = 1/2 × base × 4

12 = 4 base

base = 3 cm

4. What is technology in education shown by ?

science of technology and communication and teachers teaching in schools also teach about the technology

5. What item is not shown in the picture? ​

the item not shown in the picture is a man


the item is not shown in the picture is a man

right or no??

okey thnx

6. The ion h2f is formed when hydrogen fluoride gains a proton as shown in the equation .....


- co-ordinate bond

- the shared electron pair is donated to the H+ ion from the fluoride


The ion H2F+ is formed when hydrogen fluoride gains a proton as shown in the equation

HF + H+ --> H2F+

Name the type of bond formed when HF reacts with H+

Explain how this bond is formed (2)

7. What item is not shown in the picture​


Barang apa yang tidak ditunjukan di lukisan?



Gambarnya mana kk?

item apa yang tidak ditampilkan dalam

(Maaf jika salah)

8. They will show the film in our cinema.The film......... in our cinema.a. Showsb. Was being shownc. Shownd. Is showne. Will be shown​


a.show.semoga membantu ya


E. will be shown



active: S + will + V1 + O

passive : S + will + be + V3 + O


subject in passive voice is object in active voice.

object in passive voice is subject in active voice.

tolong jadiin jawaban terbaik ya :))

9. The expression that shown as an accepting offers is ......


The expression that shown as an accepting offers :

1. yes, please(ya)

2. sure,thankyou(tentu, terima kasih)

3. okay(baiklah)

4. I'dliketo(dengan senang hati)

10. A half past nine if write in number is ................... ​


08:30 A.M/P.M

maaf kalau salah


A.M itu dari pukul 00:00 malam sampai jam 11:59 siang hari

P.M itu dari pukul 12:00 siang sampai 23.59 malam

11. 2. A Half past nine is written as​

A half past nine is written as 09.30

► Pukul setengah sembilan ditulis 09.30

︎︎⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 

Karena menit 30 dibaca half past (dalam classical)




Dalam waktu: 9.30

Dalam B. Indo: sembilan tiga puluh, setengah sepuluh.

12. They will show the film in our cinema.The film......... in our cinema.a. Showsb. Was being shownc. Shownd. Is showne. Will be shown​

E. Will be shown


Yang ditanya adalah "The film... in our cinema". Secara logika kita dapat mengartikannya menjadi "Film itu akan ditampilkan di bioskop kami"

Jika ditranslate ke dalam bahasa Inggris, kata 'akan ditampilkan' merupakan passive voice bentuk future tense, rumusnya adalah

Active : S + will + V1 + O

Passive : SP (O) + will be + V3

Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah

E. Will be shown

E.will be shown

maaf kalau salah

13. the anglest at A and B in aparallelogram are trissected as shown. the big of anglest ABC is​

the anglest at A and B in aparallelogram are trissected as shown. the big of anglest ABC is ...

120° degrees

The measure of the anglest ABC is 120° degrees Calculating the sum of the angles using a protractor from 0° to the end point of the anglest, then the anglest ABC is at 120° degrees.

hope this helping :3


14. half past twelve, in Indonesia is.... ​


nineteen at night


maaf kalo salah

makasih poinnya

follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow follow


Half past twelve


setengah satu


I hope this will help with your answer =]

15. A square of side 2 cm is cut from a triangle as shown. Find the area and perimeter of the figure.​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



Areanya 20cm

perimeternya 24 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

penjelasan ada di foto sori klo salah

16. complete the sentence with "there is"or"there are" in the positive, negative or question form as shown in brackets artinya​


isi kalimat dengan " ada( singular)" ato " ada(plural)"


17. a box weighing 300 newton is swung as shown in the figure. the amount of F required to pull the box is.....N

weight= force
if W is 300n. then F is 300N.
so the power to pull the box ia 300N

18. Look at the pictures and make a short dialogue as shown in section​

Bahasa Inggris:The person is listening to music using earphones to make it more melodious

Bahasa Indonesia:Orang tersebut mendengarkan musik menggunakan earphone untuk mendengar nya lebih merdu

Arti kata:Lihatlah gambar dan dialog singkat seperti yang ditunjukkan di bagian

make my answer the smartest yes

19. a half past four in Indonesia is​


Jam Setegah empat


Maaf Kalo salah

20. A figure is made up of a rectangle and a semicircle as shown in the diagram below. what is the area of the figure?


Area itu bahasa inggris dari Luas, maka

Area of square = S x S

= 7 x 7

= 49 cm²

Radius = Diameter / 2

= 7 / 2

= 3.5 cm

Area of [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] circle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\pi[/tex] x r²

= [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x 3.5²

= 19.25 cm²

Are of the figure = 49 + 19.25 = 68.25 cm²


phi [tex](\pi )[/tex] untuk [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius berkelipatan 7, sedangkan

phi untuk 3.14 digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius tidak berkelipatan 7

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