Selasa, 06 Juni 2023

Identify The False Statements Regarding Ketone Bodies

Identify The False Statements Regarding Ketone Bodies

Read the story again. mark the statements T (true) or F (false). Corrent the false statements. 1. The Targets concert is at the centre​

Daftar Isi

1. Read the story again. mark the statements T (true) or F (false). Corrent the false statements. 1. The Targets concert is at the centre​


ya majnfkrgtkfbfbirfjtdjrdtkkrsrjvs

2. identify the statements that express cause effect.​

identify the statements that express cause effect


mengidentifikasi pernyataan yang mengungkapkan sebab akibat.

3. state true or false the statements below carefully

Artinya: Keadaan benar atau salah pernyataan di bawah ini dgn hati-hati

Semoga bermanfaattrue

(Maaf kalau salah^_^

4. decide whether the following statements are true or false based on the text

tidak ada textnya heeeeheeee

5. State true or false for the statements below and find the correction for the correction for the false statement you find carefully​


1. True

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. Make some true or false statements from the text !​

-Is it true that Charless will watch "My Wedding and Other Secrets" film?

7. State whether the following statements is true or false


the following statement are from the chapter and their answers are given beau









maaf kalau salah

8. Read the following announcement, then write T for true statements or Ffor false statements

Bacalah pengumuman dibawah ini, kemudian tulis T untuk pernyataan benar atau F untuk pernyataan salahTranslate?
Bacalah pengunguman berikut, lalu tulis T untuk pernyataan-pernyataan benar atau F untuk pernyataan-pernyataan salah
Semoga membantu ya

9. state true(T)or false(F)for the statements below​


4. false


maaf kalo salah..

10. task 14 lks identify whether the following statements is true or false based on the dialog in task 13plisss bantu jawab...sama correction nya ya..

1. T

2. F = Farah didn't join the student exchange program, but Ria did.

3. T

4. F = Both Farah and Ria are clever with their abilities. Farah is good in arts, and Ria is good in academics. So, they are both clever.

5. F = Ria is not good dancer, but Farah is.

11. Task 2State true or false for the statements below verbally and find the corrections for the falsestatements you find based on the dialogue of Task 1 carefully!​


1. False

correction : Baruna invite Ajeng to come to school earlier tomorrow to see they poem in the wall magazine

2. False

correction : Ajeng cant go to school earlier because she must prepare breakfast before going to school everyday

3. True

4. False

correction : Baruna its not lazy boy

5. True

semoga membantu, maaf kalo ada salahnya

12. arti based on the invitation text above the following statements are false axcept​


Berdasarkan dari teks undangan di atas, kalimat-kalimat berikut ini salah kecuali...


pada teks undangan diatas pertanyaan berikut adalah salah axpect


semoga bermanfaat

13. Read the article again and listen . write T (true) f (false). correct the false statements​

kamu hebat dalam mengerjakan tugas dan kamu pintar dlm mengerjakan tugas

14. choose whether the statements TRUE or FALSE based on the following picture​


1 true

2 true

3 true

4 false

5 false

6 true

7 true

maaf kalo salah

15. state the statements true or False based on the text given​


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. True

5. False

semoga membantu










16. which of the following statements about the text is false?

jawabannya B yaa karena gaada keterangannya di dlm textnya :)

17. Make your pro and con statements1) Regarding the prohibition smoking in school​


I'm pro because as you know, smoking is such a bad influence and behaviour to students in the school. Everyone knows that smoking could harm us and it could harm other people who breath in the smokes ( passive smokers). Students could get addicted to it and it might harm their own health and of course the passive smokers.


sorry is something is wrong

18. Task 2State true or false for the statements below verbally and find the corrections for the falsestatements you find based on the dialogue of Task 1 carefully!​


1. false

2. false

3. true

4. false

5. true


1. false, because it is not English task

2. false, because it's not baruna who cant come

but the ajeng

3. true, because ajeng invite baruna to read their poem

4. false, because baruna is not a lazy boy

5. true, because baruna agrees the ajeng idea

19. State true or false for the statements below verbally and find the corrections for the falsestatements you find based on the dialogue of Task 5 carefully!​​









maaf salah coy

20. Based on the intographic above, analyze the following statements are True or False, give the reasons if your statement is False.​

Perintah soal di atas adalah menentukan apakah pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini benar atau salah dan memberikan alasan jika salah. Hasil dari analisis berdasarkan pada the intographic adalah

A. The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France. → True

B. It took more than 180 years to build the tower. → False

The construction took two years, two months and five days.

This construction is 180 years fewer than Paris’s other great attraction, Notre Dame.

C. There are 1,665 steps in the tower. → True

D. The tower needs 20,00 light bulbs to light it up. → True

E. The height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 feet fall. → True


Arti dari pernyataan-pernyataan di atas adalah

A. Menara Eiffel terletak di Paris, Prancis. → Benar

B. Butuh lebih dari 180 tahun untuk membangun menara. → Salah

Pembangunannya memakan waktu dua tahun, dua bulan, dan lima hari.

C. Ada 1.665 anak tangga di menara. → Benar

D. Menara membutuhkan 20.000 bola lampu untuk menyalakannya. → Benar

E. Ketinggian Menara Eiffel adalah 324 kaki  → Benar

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang The Eiffel Tower text pada



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