Selasa, 06 Juni 2023

Which Of The Following Is Correct About A Probability Distribution

Which Of The Following Is Correct About A Probability Distribution

which of the following squences is a direct channel of distribution

Daftar Isi

1. which of the following squences is a direct channel of distribution

a.maaf kalo salah manufacturer

2. which of the following sentences is correct?​


manakah dari kalimat berikut yang benar?

where is the sentence?


The correct sentence is one of the supposedly given sentence that is correct.


Soalnya "Dari kalimat berikut, mana yang benar?" tapi ga ada kalimatnya.

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?


manakah dari kalimat berikut yang benar


semoga membantu beri jawaban terbaik

4. Choose the correct answer to the following question: Which of the following words is an example of a conjunction?


Pilih jawaban yang benar untuk pertanyaan berikut: Manakah dari kata-kata berikut yang merupakan contoh konjungsi?




where is Niagara falls located

5. which of the following statement is correct according to the text?​


sang-gwan eobs-eo geunyang pointeu man wonhae mianhajiman sang-gwan eobs-eo

eochapi doulyeoneungeoya sigan nangbi ya

ye, an halgeyo singo manhamyeon eobjang-iogo iss-eoyo

jjinja mianhe-!! jjinjayo na jjinja

6. which of the following is the correct adjective compound?A. a big green eyes B.Heart beats fastC.A blue book which is oldD.A boy who is clever​

A.a big green eyes semoga membantu

7. Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct !

Jawaban:Click within the small circle to the left of your choice for each answer. A javascript box will appear to tell you that your choice is correct or incorrect. After clicking "OK" within the javascript alert, you may try another answer or proceed to the next question if your first choice was correct. The phrase "prescriptively correct" means that other possibilities might be acceptable in informal writing or speech, but the prescriptively correct option would be most recommended for formal, academic writing.


8. which of the following statements is Not CoRRECT according to the announcement above adalah​



artinya adalah manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang TIDAK BENAR menurut pengumuman di atas adalah

9. The probability distribution of a less risky return is more peaked than that of a riskier return. What shape would the probability distribution have for (a) completely certain returns and (b) completely uncertain returns?


Distribusi probabilitas pengembalian yang kurang berisiko lebih memuncak daripada

pengembalian yang lebih berisiko. Bagaimana bentuk distribusi probabilitas untuk (a)

pengembalian yang benar-benar pasti dan (b) selesai



10. Which of the following statements is the correct sentences to show habits? *​


Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang merupakan kalimat yang benar untuk menunjukkan kebiasaan?


11. which of the following statements is Not CoRRECT according to the announcement above. ?​


Only kindergarten students can attend class.


12. the time it takes people to finish a certain kind of puzzle is strongly skewed to the right. which of the following statements is true about the mean and median of this distribution?


waktu yang dibutuhkan orang untuk menyelesaikan jenis teka-teki tertentu sangat condong ke kanan, manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang benar tentang mean dan median dari distribusi ini?

13. Which of these sentences is correct about Rio’s library? *​


It has a window


Semoga Membantu;)

14. What is the effect on the amount of safety stock provided by the stochastic continuous-review model presented in Sec. 19.5 when the following change is made in the inventory system. (Con- sider each change independently.) (a) The lead time is reduced to 0 (instantaneous delivery). (b) The service level (measure 1) is decreased. (c) The unit shortage cost is doubled. (d) The mean of the probability distribution of demand during the lead time is increased (with no other change to the distribu- tion). (e) The probability distribution of demand during the lead time is a uniform distribution from a to b, but now (ba) has been doubled. (f) The probability distribution of demand during the lead time is a normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ, but now σ has been doubled.


(a) If the lead time is reduced to 0, the amount of safety stock would be reduced because there is no longer a need to account for the time it takes to receive a new shipment.

(b) If the service level (measure 1) is decreased, the amount of safety stock would be increased because a lower service level means a higher risk of stockouts, and therefore, a greater need for safety stock.

(c) If the unit shortage cost is doubled, the amount of safety stock would be increased because a higher cost of stockouts means that there is a greater need to avoid them, and therefore, a greater need for safety stock.

(d) If the mean of the probability distribution of demand during the lead time is increased, the amount of safety stock would be increased because a higher mean demand means a higher likelihood of stockouts, and therefore, a greater need for safety stock.

(e) If (ba) is doubled, the amount of safety stock would be increased because a wider range of possible demand means a higher risk of stockouts, and therefore, a greater need for safety stock.

(f) If σ is doubled, the amount of safety stock would be increased because a larger standard deviation means a higher risk of stockouts, and therefore, a greater need for safety stock.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

15. Which of the following is the correct indirect speech of WH question?

There should be a list/options, can you make the question clearer so we can answer it? that'd be helpful thanks :)))

16. which of the following is the correct adjective compound?A. a big green eyes B.Heart beats fastC.A blue book which is oldD.A boy who is clever

A. A big green eyes

maaf kalo salah kalo bener semoga bermanfaat

17. which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?

C. the earth is large in diameter than the moon
kaya nya

18. the following statement is correct about bj.habibi​

where does even the statement exist?

19. apa jawab dari soal bahasa inggris"which of the following statement is correct based on the text above?

itutu artinya 'yang mana dari pernyataan dibawah ini yang benar sesuai dengan teks diatas?'Maaf itu pertanyaannya tidak ada jawaban yang bisa dipilih. Karena arti soal diatas adalah ' pernyataan yang benar berdasarkan teks, adalah'.

Sedangkan jawaban dan teks tidak disertakan.

20. which of the following sentences is grammatically correct ????​

A. You have to been testedon your grammar

Maaf kalau slh

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