Rabu, 11 Mei 2022

In A Pickup Game Of Dorm Shuffleboard

In A Pickup Game Of Dorm Shuffleboard

15. He said, “I don't like living in the dorm."What is the indirect form of the sentenceabove?a. He told me that he doesn't likeliving in the dorm.b. He told me that he likes living inthe dorm.C. He really like living in the dorm.d. He said that he didn't move fromthe dorm.e. He said that he moved to adorm.ne16. "John ston disturhing" »​

Daftar Isi

1. 15. He said, “I don't like living in the dorm."What is the indirect form of the sentenceabove?a. He told me that he doesn't likeliving in the dorm.b. He told me that he likes living inthe dorm.C. He really like living in the dorm.d. He said that he didn't move fromthe dorm.e. He said that he moved to adorm.ne16. "John ston disturhing" »​

15. He said, “I don't like living in the dorm."

What is the indirect form of the sentence


A.He told me that he doesn't like

living in the dorm.

16. "John ston disturhing" »

"Semoga membantu"


a. he told me that he doesn't like living in the dorm


dia mengatakan kepada saya bahwa dia tidak suka tinggal di asrama

2. A squad in a softball game consist of

a squad in a soft ball game consist of 9 to 10 people

3. weuebats and a pingpong ball in a game of .......table tennis​




4. He said do you live in the dorm. Ubahlah kalimat tersebut menjadi kalimat tidak langsung !


He said, "Do you live in the dorm?"

He said to me whether I lived in the dorm.


He asked me if I lived in the dorm


Indirect speech (reported speech) merupakan pelaporan ulang ulasan yang disampaikan oleh narasumber, tanpa mengubah makna tersirat dalam pemberitaan di waktu yang berbeda.

Perubahan tenses pada noun clause verb-nya bergantung pada bentuk kata kerja pelaporannya { reporting verb } dan jenis informasi yg disampaikan.

Jika reporting verb-nya berbentuk lampau { said, told, asked }, noun clause verb mengalami backshift :

Simple present=>Simple pastSimple past=>Past perfectPresent perfect=>Past perfectSimple future =>Present conditionalPresent continuous=>Past continuousPast continuous=>Past perfect continuous

Ini dikecualikan jika pernyataan yang disampaikan merupakan informasi faktual,tidak mengalami backshift meskipun reporting verb-nya bentuk lampau.


He said, "Do you live in the dorm?"

Y/N question=> whether/if Pronoun "you" => "I" The verb of "live"=> "lived"Simple present=> Simple past

Maka, bentuk reported speechnya menjadi :

He said to me whether I lived in the dorm


He asked me if I lived in the dorm.


Learn more about :

1. Reported Speech "Y/N Question"


See detail

Level : Shs (12 )

Subject : English

Category : Sentence structure

Code : 5

Categorization : 12.5.6

Keywords : Direct ; Indirect ; Dorm


5. Susie had 762 game tokensAfter losing 537 of them in a game, she had 169 fewergame tokens than AudreyHow many game tokens did Audrey have?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

penjelasan terlampir

note : fewer = lebih sedikit


6. apa arti dari classes dan dorm?

classes adalah kelas
larti dari classes adalah kelas
             dorm adalah asrama mahasiswa.

7. A penalty in Meteor-Mania is -5 seconds. A penalty in Cosmic Calamity is -7 seconds. Yolanda had penalties totaling -25 seconds in a game of Meteor-Mania and - 35 seconds in a game of Cosmic Calamity. In which game did Yolanda receive more penalties? Justify your answer. Tolong di jawab ya


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

8. What are the rules of hompimpa game?? what do the players say in hompimpa game?? how many players per form in hompimpa game?? what happen id there are two players in hompimpa game?? what fingers are used by two players in hompimpa game??

rules: the loser is the one who brings out the fewest colors from other players like other players bring out white and you bring out black

what do the player say in hompimpa game?:

players will say hompimpa alaium gambreng

3. players will do suit game

4. black and white

9. Where did the latter written a. In August b. At College c. At new apartment d. Brisbane e. In a dorm


b. At college maaf kalo salah

10. we didn't win the game (although/in spite of) all of our hard work

we didn't win the game in spite of all of our hard work
In spite of

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

11. Arti dari a game of chess

Permainan catur
jika membantu jadikan yg terbaik ya^_^Game of chess :permainan catur

12. Use simple past tense or past continuos A= how (break,you)______ your arm? B= i (slip)_____ on the ice while i (cross)______ the street in front of the dorm

how did you break your arm?
i slipped on the ice while i had crossed the street in front of the dorm

13. you cannot do this game alone, you must play in a g..... of four.

grub semoga membantu maaf klo salahyou must play in a group of four

14. The hot air balloon at the field _____ a lot of attention in yesterday's game.




maaf kalo salh ...............

15. what tools are used in the game of golf ?

of course the golf stick and the golf ball.1. Golf Club
2. Golf Ball

maaf kalo salah

16. There are five players in the game of sport. It is …..​



basketball : basket

karena di dalam permainan bola basket orang nya cuma lima

semoga membantu :)

17. 'Roll away a pickup line' What does that mean in bahasa?

gulung garis pikap
itu artinya yang  ku  tau 
semoga membantu yaaa

itu dari lagu chris young ya?
sepertinya itu act, "roll away", "pick up", line..
it's told about the glass of wine, it rolls away, and it's picked up, and the it's in a line.. kayaknya sih begitu..

18. we didn't win the game (although/in spite of) all of our hard work

We didn't win the game in spite of all of our hard work. Maaf kalo salah :)----Jawaban----
In spite of

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

19. person or a group of people who is on the other side in a controversy, game or competitie​




sorry if i wrong ≥﹏≤

20. How many kinds of game are there in the text?Artinya​


berapa banyak jenis permainan yang ada dalam teks?(artinya)


Berapa banyak jenis permainan yang ada dalam teks?


semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban yg terbaik

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