Sabtu, 17 Desember 2022

A School Typically Sells 500 Yearbooks

A School Typically Sells 500 Yearbooks

Ubah menjadi passive voice the eels typically swim into a school of fish​

Daftar Isi

1. Ubah menjadi passive voice the eels typically swim into a school of fish​


Passive Voice:

A school of fish is typically swum into by eels.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive Voice dari Simple Present Tense karena menjelaskan fakta dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Ekspresi "A school of fish" itu termasuk kata benda tunggal sehingga menggunakan Tobe "is"

Simple Present Tense:

Passive: (+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-3 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

2. someone who sells some foods and drink at school canteen​


Seseorang yang menjual makanan dan minuman di kantin sekolah


Semoga membantu


seseorang yang menjual makanan dan minuman di kantin sekolah

3. A person who sells meat.​

seseorang yang menjual daging

he is a meat trader / butcher

4. A person who sells meat at a markret is a___

butcher? ............A butcher. That's the most right answer

5. a. The shop sells book, magazine, and novel is ... b. The shop sells vegetables is .. Answer:... . 3 3 3​


a. Book store

b. Grocery store

6. a person who sells fish id called a​

fish seller/fisherman




semoga membantu

7. a person who sells meat is called

A person who sells meat is called : butcher

8. Bagian A.1. department store.2. grocery.3. florist.4. greengrocery.5. baker.6. stationery.7. drug store.8. fishmonger.9. butcher.10. dealer.Bagian B.1. sells flowers2. sells meat,chiken,and egg3. sells medicines and toilet articles4. sells fish 5. sells clothes and other things6. sells cars or motorcycles7. sells sugar,flour,conned food,etc8. sells bread,cakes,pies9. sells things for writing10. sells fruits and vegetablestolong dijawab dgn cara memasangkan kalimat dibagian A dgn kalimat dibagian B .contoh no 3 florisr. dikolom A itu sama dengan kalimat dikolom B.sellt flower.dan tolong di artikan dlm bhs indonesia perkalimat. tolong dibantu. mksh​


1.department store =5.sells clothes and other things sells sugar,flour,conned food,etc sells flowers

4. greengrocery.=10. sells fruits and vegetables

5. baker.=8. sells bread,cakes,pies

6. stationery.=9. sells things for writing

7. drug store.=3. sells medicines and toilet articles

8. fishmonger=4. sells fish

9. butcher.=2. sells meat,chiken,and egg

10. dealer.=6. sells cars or motorcycles


kalo salah ,sorry

jadiin jwbn terbaik

yg hapus jawaban saya berarti jahat

9. Sells different models..??

menjual model yang berbeda(yang) menjual model/sampel (yang) berbeda.

Co :
Saki sells (several) different models of backpacks.
Saki menjual (beberapa) model tas ransel yang berbeda.

Kalau ini jawaban terbaik, jangan lupa ditandai yaa
Semoga membantu.

10. 6. Butcher is a person who sells .... ​


Meat (Daging)


Butcher artinya tukang daging/jagal.


small merchant

maaf kalau slh

11. butcher is a person who sells...

jawaban adalaaahh: butcherbutcher = membunuh,jagal
maaf kalo salah

12. the drugstore sells....

atinya:toko obat terlarangthe drug store sells medicines

13. Mrs.tina is a butcher.she sells




buthcer mean tukang potong daging hewan




maaf kalo salah ya...

14. butcher is a person who sells​


Butcher = tukang daging
is = adalah
person = orang
who = yang
sells = menjual
meat = daging

Foto (c)



General Knowledge:

butcher is a person who sells​ meat.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Butcher adalah seseorang tukang jagal yang bekerja di pasar tradisional yang bertugas untuk membersihkan, memotong, mencincang, menimbang dan menjual daging.

Semoga membantu ya.

15. She sells flower. She is a.......

she sells flower. she is a florist
artinya penjual bunga.

semoga terbantu :)

16. a person with who sells newpapers and magazine?​

A person who sells newspapers and magazines is called newsagent or newsdealer.

- Newsagent is the word according to British English.

- Newsdealer is the word according to American English.

- News is referred to as happenings or current affairs around us, and in the world.

- Newspaper and magazines aim to povide those news to us.

- Newspaper can be daily, fortnightly or weekly.

- Magazines are usually fortnightly or monthly.

- Some names of newspapers are - Hindustan Times, The Hindu.

- Some names of magazines are - Femina, Science reporter.

17. complete the following sentences using question tag. 1. you go to school every day,........? 2. you mother sells books,.......? 3. mr.bejo buys a new motorcycle,......?

1. don't you?
2. doesn't she?
3. doesn't he?1. You go to school everyday, don't you ?
2. Your mother sells books, doesn't she ?
3. Mr. Bejo buys a new motorcycle, doesn't he ?

18. my grandmother sells some vegetables. she is a..........

My grandmother sells some vegetables. she is a SELLER / GROCER.she is a greengrocer.

19. A person which sells things is a ??

A person which sells things is a sellerA person which sells things is a seller.

20. He/she sells flowers. He/she is a?​


He:dia (Untuk laki laki)

Sue:dia (untuk perempuan)


maaf kalau salah:)

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