Minggu, 14 Mei 2023

Select The Pairing That Is Correctly Matched

Select The Pairing That Is Correctly Matched

What is a pairing code?

Daftar Isi

1. What is a pairing code?


Pairing codes are six-digit codes that are used to link students to observers in Canvas. Pairing codes are alphanumeric and case sensitive.

2. 1. Answer the following questions correctly. (Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan tepat.)Is this catapult?Answer:Is that slide?Is that rope skipping?Answer:21​


•apakah ketapel ini?


•Apakah slide itu?


•Apakah tali lompat itu?


#semoga bermanfaat ✨

3. 11. Yusuf answers the question correctly.The passive form of the sentence isA. The question is answered by Yusuf correctlyB. The question was answered by Yusuf correctly.C. The question were answered by Yusuf correctlyD.The question are answered by Yusuf correctly.​


a.the question is answered by yusuf correctly

4. your teacher is going to play the cd .pronounce the words correctly​


Gurumu sedang memainkan cd. Ucapkan kata-katanya dengan benar

semoga bermanfaat

maaf kalau salah

5. In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly​



In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?


Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense

1.He loves to play basketball.

2.He goes to work everyday.

3.Does he go to school?

4.She Writes a book for her best friend.

5.He thinks he is very stupid.

6.It usually rains every day here.

7.It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

8.He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.


Simple Present Tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai tindakan atau peristiwa yang berulang kali atau permanen, pernyataan atau suatu hal yang selalu benar.

#smoga membantu dan bermanfaat.

✧༺Selamat belajar༻✧

6. _________ part of the town is that in? select one: a. where b. which c. when d. what


B (which)


7. Write a complete sentence that uses the term energy correctly.

Option 1: An energy is something that we need in order to perform work or doing something.

Option 2: Energy is a source of life in our body, without energy, we wouldn’t do as much work as we normally do in our normal lives. It is very important to work on your energy and keep your body healthy enough to produce energy.

8. what Indonesian is the president to lead the country correctly​


apa bahasa Indonesia adalah presiden untuk memimpin negara dengan benar


what Indonesian is the president to lead the country correctly​


apa bahasa Indonesia adalah presiden untuk memimpin negara dengan benar


I hope this will help with your answer =]

9. The tourist asked me __________Select one:a. where the nearest bank isb. how is the near bank?c. where is the nearest bankd. the nearest banke. that is the nearest bank​

c. where is the near bank


karena dia bertanya = ask itu bertanya

10. kak siapapun tolongin saya pliss Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. A network of small arteries, mostly sandwichedA between the skin and theunderlyingB muscles, supplyC bloodD to the face and scalp. Select one: Select A Select D Select B Select C Part of the electricity usedA in the United States todayB comeC from hydroelectric sourcesD. Select one: Select C Select D Select A Select B At the endA of the Revolution, most of the army units of the young nation wasB almost entirely disbandedC, leavingD a total national military force of eighty men in 1784. Select one: Select C Select D Select B Select A Some of the agricultural practicesA usedB today isC responsible for fosteringD desertification. Select one: Select A Select C Select D Select B All of the east-west interstate highways in the United States hasA evennumbers,B while north-south interstate highways areC odd-numberedD Select one: Select D Select B Select C Select A Every open space in the targetedA area that hasB grass and a few bushes areC occupiedD by the white-crowned sparrow. Select one: Select C Select D Select A Select B


Jawaban untuk soal pertama adalah pilihan C (Select C).

Jawaban untuk soal kedua adalah pilihan C (Select C).

Jawaban untuk soal ketiga adalah pilihan B (Select B).

Jawaban untuk soal keempat adalah pilihan A (Select A).

Jawaban untuk soal kelima adalah pilihan D (Select D).

Jawaban untuk soal keenam adalah pilihan C (Select C).

11. she (correct/correctly)explained the topic her answer is(correct/correctly)

she (correctly) explained the topic. her answer is (correct).yang pertama correctly
yang kedua coreect

12. Dona didn't follow the recipe correctly......... the taste is not good??​


Dona didnt follow the recipe correctlydid the taste is not good?


dona tidak mengikuti resep dengan benar apakah rasanya tidak enak?

13. That is the woman ....... I saw yesterday. Select one: a. Who b. Which c. Whom d. Whose


a. who...................

14. the following dialogs with "there is/there are/is there/are there" correctly​


1.There are

2.Are there

3.There is

4.Is there


There are dan Are there digunakan untuk kalimat majemuk/lebih dari satu biasanya ditandai dengan adanya -s dibelakang subjek

Sementara There is and Is there digunakan untuk kalimat yang menuju ke satu subjek spesifik/tidak lebih dari 1 subjek.

Smoga membantu dan bisa menjadi jawaban terpintar ^-^

15. the following dialogs with "there is/there are/is there/are there" correctly ​


jawabannya adalah is there


are there

karena diujung speaker terdapat s yang berarti speakernya lebih dari satu. jika benda nya lebih dari satu, maka menggunakan "are there"

16. i can answer all questions correctly. the test is .............? ​

the test is easy

saya bisa menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan benar karena ulangannya mudah

Jawaban: i can answer all my question correctly. the rest is "difficult"

Penjelasan: Maaf kalau salah

17. “One of the students answer the question correctly” The Passive form of the sentence is …

Bentuk pasif dari kalimat tersebut adalah…

which one do you want to answer?

18. She correct,correctly explained the topic. He answer is correct,correctly

he answer is correctly

19. Joysticks typically have a button on......that is used to select the option pointed by the cursor


4. The computer system consists of 3 components, namely hardware (hardware), software (software), and brainware (computer users). In the choice of questions, memory, processor, mouse, and motherboard are examples of hardware. The following hardware functions in the wrong answer choices.

Memory commonly called RAM (Random Access Memory) serves to store data temporarily.

The processor is the main brain that controls the entire course of a computer system.

The mouse is a pointer tool to access through the monitor screen.

5. The keyboard is a keyboard consisting of various keys to enter data into the computer. Here is the function of the button on the wrong answer choice.

The 'Pause' button is the share end key or pause key that is used to pause computer processes while the user is away or on a break.

'Enter' key to execute selection and end paragraph or move line.

The 'Escape' key commonly abbreviated as Esc is used to quickly stop, cancel, close or exit the application.

6. Monitors, printers, scanners, and projectors are hardware. The following hardware functions in the wrong answer choices.

The monitor functions to display the results of processing graphic data (images) on the screen.

Printer functions to print the results of data processing in the form of text or images on paper.

Scanner functions to convert hard copies into soft copies that can be processed on a computer.

7. Joystick is an input device used when playing games to control the cursor or pointer on the computer screen.

The following hardware functions on the wrong answer choices.

Soundcard functions to process audio data so that the sound produced by the speakers is of higher quality.

An explanation of the scanner and printer can be seen in number 6.

8. Memory size from smallest to option.

1 Kilobyte (kB)

1 Megabyte (MB)

1 Gigabyte (GB)

1 Terabyte (TB)

9. Explanations about the computer hardware of the scanner, mouse, and keyboard can be seen in numbers 4, 5, and 6.

The control lever hardware is a computer input device that can move in any direction that is used as a complement to video games that are equipped with more than one button.

10. Explanations about the processor, memory, and motherboard can be seen in explanation number 4.

Hard disk is a computer hardware that functions as a data storage medium on a computer.


hope it's useful :) : v

20. Read the senteces correctly, then choose the correct format ok adjective. 1. She (correct/correctly) explained the topic. her answer is (corrrct/correctly).

She correctly explained the topic. Her answer is correct.

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